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it s me again x

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    it s me again x

    just thought id give u an update, its 11,30, pm, im auctually sober, well i had 7 beers this afternoon, pretty good 4 me, that counts as sober, im sober an actuallly smiling, i ve had an ok day, i have sprung cleaned the conservatory,sorted my carpet, cleaned the windows inside an out, an feel like i ve done something i set out to do, i got an admission tho, went shop 4 milk, came bk with brandy, BUT it s still unopened hidden away, bf stuk to his word bought no beer home, theres still 4 iin fridge, the brandy im not gonna guzzle i hope, its jst 2 take the edge of the shakes, it s GONNA LAST!! i hope, i spent most of morning on here an jas took my mind of drinking as she was having ruff time, i m gonna try real hard just to continue really reducing, i keep all u guys in my head all day, can hear u tellin me to slow down, or mayb thats the voices in my head!! no it s got to b u guys , the voices in my head tell me to hurry up an pour another!!!! its roast day again at my cafe, always tell when i got the shakes when im carrying the gravy jug, the pensioners all laugh as thy say i shake more than them, hope u r all good, good morning /evening or afternoon, lots a love 2 all , oh yes i got txt from the stalker guy, he was wondering when he will hear from me again, i ignored it tho, no response aftr that,think he may a got the hint, may b i should tell him im running away to oz wiv jas , or bikini bottom wiv the spounge!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

    it s me again x

    i should nt say this an not sure if spunk means the same anywhere else as it does in england , but its other peoples spunk thats got me in trouble!!!! oh luc willl make me explain that 1 im sure!!! thanks , im glad u smiled, makes a change people smiling at what i ve said instead of looking bemused an laughing at me behind my back, so again thanks love, i shud b in bed its 2 o clock, !! HELP I GOT A NEW ADDICTION, perhaps R J shud b setting up a new website to wean people of this 1!!!!
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

