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AWOL -again

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    AWOL -again

    Just made a promise to Betty Boop - so I am posting in order to keep that promise. I have been (am being?) a bad Satori!

    Iam not entirely (or even slightly!) sober as I type this - yep - been AWOl again doing drinking type things (lots) so I am feeling bad tonite! I am typing this - badly - at 1am rather excessively under the influence. I will be back tomorrow with a sore head and my tail between my legs for some more long distance cyber slaps.

    I need to get with the porgram as our USA friends say.

    Look out for me tomorrow - but please dont use capital letters in yr posts as my head is not going to be good!


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

    AWOL -again

    Alright then.

    Now get yourself to bed, young man, and report in tomorrow morning. Bring a note from your mother. :H:H


      AWOL -again

      Its okay satori. A lot of us go AWOL. I think it may be the embarrassment. It is for me anyway. The embarrassment of failing. I too was coming on here drunk as a skunk, typing crazy stuff while I was miserable, and it made me ashamed of myself. Well, after making a complete ass of myself this past weekend, I'm going sober again. It's sad, but I truly have to disgust myself sometimes. That is how I found this place the first time, and I was very successful. Even when I failed, it was only a night or two here and there. Sadly, in time, I was back to my 4 day benders, and using vacation days at work cause I was too sick to go in. That is some shame right there. Come back when you are sober, and we can do this together. Take care.
      where does this go?


        AWOL -again

        you can always come back

        Luckily MWO doesn't judge you. so log in when you are hungover and take care of yourself.



          AWOL -again

          The only weakness one has is in not trying.

          "Get with the program" (re-read the book, do the supps, get the med etc) ~tweak what you had been doing & try again. You CAN do it!

          p.s. I'm just teasing but do mean it with sincerity
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            AWOL -again

            Welcome home, Satori. No scolding from me, I would have no right to say one word!

            Lots of hugs,:l :l

            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              AWOL -again

              Welcome Satori, I certainly won't be judging you. If at first you don't succeed, keep
              trying, it's not easy but you can do it.
              Hope the hangovers not too bad.
              Love Paula.xx


                AWOL -again

                Hey Satori. Welcome back.:l
                Been there... Done that.
                Glad to see ya again. No need for shame. Just get back on that horse.
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  AWOL -again

                  We would rather have you here typing stumbling drunk than wondering where you are. Drink a lot of water, Get some rest. Come back tomorrow and let everyone encourage you and tell you what you need to hear. No caps.
                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                    AWOL -again

                    No judgment here or from anyone else. We are all glad you are with us again. Unfortunately, we have to suck up the embarassment and ego and resolve to do better.

                    Love you guys. Tomorrow is a new day.:h :h
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      AWOL -again

                      OK, now, young man. Sit down!

                      Take an aspirin, loads of water, and sleep it off ;-))

                      No worries. We'll be here to listen. It's a constant up and down with our problem.
                      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                        AWOL -again

                        Good Morning Satori .....

                        Better see you later .....

                        Love & Hugs, BB xx


                          AWOL -again

                          Hi Satori,
                          So you went on a little detour from your way out - forget it, you`re back to try again, and really that is all that matters........

                          Much love,

                          Starlight Impress


                            AWOL -again

                            good morning Satori. I hope you are okay and you are not bashing yourself up over this slip? Hows your head. I'm not using capitals letters, like you said!!! Its good to see you back. Look froward to reading your posts. All the best, Bella xxx


                              AWOL -again

                              Being as tippy-toey quiet as I can.

                              You ok?

