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AWOL -again

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    AWOL -again

    Morning folks - well thankfully the hangover isn't too bad!

    I don't deserve you lot!
    Yep - AWOL mainly because of embarrasment of failure / weakness / whatever!
    Thanks for all the encouragement :thanks: - but whatever I WAS doing does not seem to be working so well at the moment.
    I need to tweak things to see if I can get a handle on this!

    I was moderating very nicely for several months - but I have had a lot of social engagements to go to recently and I guess that my definition of moderation started to become a little flexible.
    Trouble is it was only flexible in an upward direction!!!

    OK - here I am again - nice to be back!
    Let's see if I can stick around a bit longer this time!

    Talk to you later.

    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      AWOL -again

      Hi Satori,

      How come you're up so early after being on bender last night? Hope your'e feeling OK?
      It's the morning after I hated, yet I would still do it again and again, why?
      I could never figure it out. Never mind at least your back.

      Why can't they make alcohol good but not give hangover? Come on all you scientists out there?
      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

      Marilyn Monroe


        AWOL -again

        diamond;156031 wrote: Hi Satori,

        How come you're up so early after being on bender last night?
        Hiya D.

        No Choice - I am at work at the moment - I always was a functional alcoholic - luckily I didn't have to drive today as I was car sharing with mate.
        Got very good over the years at not showing the real state I'm in!


        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          AWOL -again

          satori;156035 wrote: Hiya D.

          No Choice - I am at work at the moment - I always was a functional alcoholic - luckily I didn't have to drive today as I was car sharing with mate.
          Got very good over the years at not showing the real state I'm in!


          Same as me Satori. I can go to bed drunk and always make work looking as sharp as a
          tack. Like today for example, looking good,feeling lousy, head is pounding. And I think I have liver problems as I am completely YELLOW. Well if you don't believe me lust look at my Avatar!!SEEE!!!


            AWOL -again

            Hey Robert - blimey - that liver of yours must have taken a beating over the years for you to to end up looking like that!!

            I am feeling OK now - just a tiny bit under par.

            Thankfully I have to go out tonight to a function where there will be no alcohol - so that will help get me back on the path again.

            Ho Hum - not easy this lark - is it?

            Catch you later

            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              AWOL -again

              Hey Satori

              Nice to hear from you. I'm not one to say much as I'm pretty much drinking every night myself. The usual excuses of crap day at work and maritual problems. Despite the fact that I had to leave work early yesterday to due my IBS and stabbing pains in my stomach.....I go home and open a bottle of wine. Conked out at God know's what time (the last thing I know was that I watching Gillian Mckeith's programme).

              take care. Mandy x


                AWOL -again

                satori;156067 wrote: Hey Robert - blimey - that liver of yours must have taken a beating over the years for you to to end up looking like that!!

                I am feeling OK now - just a tiny bit under par.

                Thankfully I have to go out tonight to a function where there will be no alcohol - so that will help get me back on the path again.

                Ho Hum - not easy this lark - is it?

                Catch you later

                Maybe I should go with you, I have too much of that stuff at my home. And to add to that my wife just asked me to pick up two dozen Corona for a shower she's throwing tonight!
                I wish I had her control though, she can have one,two or none at all. I unfortunately only seem to do the ALL part.

                Guess I should be happy I don't EVER crave the stuff day time. My habit is between 10 - 11:30 only. Then I retreat to my pinapple on Bikini Bottomm LOL .


                  AWOL -again

                  Lotus;156076 wrote: (the last thing I know was that I watching Gillian Mckeith's programme).

                  take care. Mandy x
                  Hi Mandy, nice to be back!

                  Sorry to hear you are struggling with this stuff too right now - but I have to admire your class - conking out during a programme by the chief of the health police about healthy eating / healthy lifestyle - awesome!

                  Take care of yourself - we WILL get this sorted!

                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    AWOL -again

                    Robert Smith;156081 wrote: Guess I should be happy I don't EVER crave the stuff day time. My habit is between 10 - 11:30 only. Then I retreat to my pinapple on Bikini Bottomm LOL .
                    I'm the same - during the day isn't a problem - shows much of it must be psychological / habit.

                    My time is any time after about 8pm - but I have been known to start earlier at weekends / days off!

                    I guess you have such a short "window of opportunity" for drinking because you (being a sponge an' all) can just soak it up!!

                    Take care

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      AWOL -again

                      Welcome back Satori:l
                      :h :h :h :h


                        AWOL -again

                        Quiescent;156117 wrote: Welcome back Satori:l
                        Thanx Q - I need to be here!

                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          AWOL -again

                          satori;156112 wrote: I'm the same - during the day isn't a problem - shows much of it must be psychological / habit.

                          My time is any time after about 8pm - but I have been known to start earlier at weekends / days off!

                          I guess you have such a short "window of opportunity" for drinking because you (being a sponge an' all) can just soak it up!!

                          Take care

                          Agreed, bad habit. My habit revolves around hiding from my children . Now they are older and stay up later than I. Unfortunately, I haven't given up the habit,I've only gotten worst.
                          I am here trying to find a way out of this habit.
                          Problem is that I've had some tragic stuff happen and the booze has become my crutch
                          to sleep and forget.

                          The sponge can indeed soak it up. I think he would look good in a Kilt, don't you think?:H


                            AWOL -again

                            Hey Robert,

                            I don't even have tragedy in my life to help explain my addiction!
                            I just practiced drinking real hard all my adult life!

                            I am not sure where to go from here - I was being pretty successful at moderating for several months - but just lately the old cravings are coming back stronger than for a while.

                            I know in my head I want to quit drinking - but these cravings don't seem to want to quit!
                            I think lately I just got tired of the constant strain of fighting them. It was easier to just drink!

                            Well - as usual Betty B. was my guardian angel and made me come back here.
                            Perhaps a period AF might be the way to go.

                            Well - I am going to start with AF today / tonight as a first step!

                            See ya


                            PS we have enough kilt wearing alcohol sponges here in Bonnie Scotland as it is - best let Bob keep his square pants!
                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              AWOL -again

                              Robert Smith, that made me laugh. I never realized it before, but sponge Bob looks like a bad liver. I really hope you aren't yellow, and you were just having fun. I remember people were telling me I looked yellow at one time. I was eating Loratabs, and drinking like a fish. How dumb is that?!! Anyway, the yellow went away when I laid off. Nothing ruins the liver like pills mixed with booze. Hope you are truly well.

                              Satori. I know what you mean about the frustration of starting up again. I was certain I was done for good. No, I was POSITIVE I was done for good. That is why it is frustrating to start up. I relate to the "social situations" as well. Summer time in my neighborhood is one big party. There is always a get together at one of the houses for barbeque's and some volleyball. Everybody starts cracking beers extra early on Saturday and Sunday morning. I just can't resist. I hate being the only sober one. I know I need new friends, but its tough to find "normal" people out here in Vegas. Yes, there I go making excuses again. Lets face it, we don't have reasons to drink, just excuses. Lets quit that shit right now, okay. I'm ready. Lets do this. :thumbs:
                              where does this go?


                                AWOL -again

                                morrison;156149 wrote: I remember people were telling me I looked yellow at one time............ Lets quit that shit right now, okay. I'm ready. Lets do this. :thumbs:
                                Er .....Morrison I hate to tell you mate - but you still do look a little yellow to me ......if your avatar is anything to go by!

                                Only joking... Yep you are right - lets get this done!!!!

                                (my liver area is a little delicate today! I am just sitting here imagining a sponge bob in there - enough to put anyone off alcohol I would say!):H

                                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

