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i said i might!

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    i said i might!

    I have spent countless hours sobbing in vain,
    Thinking about how im washing my life down the drain,
    why have i felt like i dont belong
    why do i always end up in the wrong
    why do the thoughts that go round in my head
    end up never being said
    how can i make this ache go away
    so that the good in me can come out an play,
    so many times i ve stood on the brink,
    And its all because of the bloody drink,
    So many times my hearts been ripped in two,
    Gettin drunk is all ive known how to do,
    T o ease the pain that i keep locked up inside,
    The bottle bein the only 1 in whom i confide,
    When Drunk the tears never seem to sting so bad,
    Others just assume you are completly mad,
    Cos the problem every 1 else can see,
    Every one that is except for me,
    Ive always coped with things in my own special way,
    Drowning in a bottle day by day,
    I ve choosen to ignore my body screaming the warning,
    Cos for my lost ruined life i ve been in mourning,
    Bloody hell im only 28, time to try an sort it out,
    my body is tierd of having to shout,
    I WANT a life complete an good ,
    The life i ve never dreamed i would ,
    I feel like im on the way to getting somewhere,
    So thanks to you all for showing you care,
    With the help from all you guys,
    I think ive stoped telling myself so many lies,
    I can see a new road up ahead,
    I just need to stop dwelling on the past life ive lead,
    An look ahead to a life thats new an right,
    I know its gonna b a different kind of fight,
    So thank u all for helping me,
    U have all made things much clearer to see,
    So thank u to each an all,
    I hope soon i can walk head high straight an tall,
    I ve got a glint in my eye,
    An everday seems less of a sigh,
    when i think of the way i got to go ,
    I know soon my true colours will begin to show,

    dont know if it makes sense, but u get the gist, a big thanks, xxxxx:h
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

    i said i might!

    Yes rachel, it makes wonderful sense. Thank you.
    where does this go?


      i said i might!

      thanks, glad u r bk,
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


        i said i might!

        Rachel, that was wonderful. It was the most ... how do I say it... clear expression of your struggle that I've read from you thus far. And that tells me that you have made huge headway toward healing, even if you are still drinking. You are on your way girl. Keep on going. Keep on, and keep on keeping on.


          i said i might!

          wa hey im getting some where!!! hope u r ok, xxxx
          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


            i said i might!

            Fantastic Rachel! You'll get there and with your sense of hunour intact too.
            love rr


              i said i might!

              i think sleep deprevatiion helps me write sense, i am going bed now to, it s 3 am, shit, i got to b up in 3 1/2 hrs, another day of scrubbin, 4 me, scrubber by name scrubber by nature!!!!!!!
              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                i said i might!

                Well done Rachel, don't put yourself down you are a warm hearted caring person.
                At least you have a job.
                Love Paula xx
                I'm having trouble sleeping tonight!


                  i said i might!

                  Hi Morrison, glad your back. are you ok.?


                    i said i might!

                    Good morning Rachael - you have made amazing progress in the self esteem department, and you are cutting down on the booze intake - well done.

                    Yours words just tell us how it is with you - I loved it.

                    Gonnabee not Wannabee


                      i said i might!

                      you beat me up again, im shattered now, 3 hrs sleep, u ok today, did u like my new signiture luc xx
                      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                        i said i might!

                        oh i meant u got up b4 me, again ,not u beat meup, lol,
                        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                          i said i might!

                          Knowing where you want to be is half the battle. You know where you want to be, and you`ll get there. Ain`t gonna be easy, but sure as Hell is gonna be worth it.
                          Your poem was very insightful - well done!!
                          Starlight Impress


                            i said i might!

                            thanks, made a change from the usual waffle, sorry u still not sleeping, xx
                            :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                              i said i might!

                              Did you make that poem up Rachel? It is really good and once again re-enforces to me that I've done the right thing by stopping drinking. It totally took over my life and without it I'm back on the right track. Lets just hope I stay there. thanks. I hope your not too knackered today. It sounds like you have a good sense of humour always and that is great, hang onto it because it will get you through. Love, Bella xxx

