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Where do i go from here!!

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    Where do i go from here!!

    I posted a few weeks ago and have been deep in a bottle of wine since, i am not sure where I am or what to do next but I know I cant go on like this. I do well until 4 or 5 PM and then its like I forget where I am and just want to drink until I pass out or get bored with the whole thing.

    I am inspired by most of what I read but in the end just revert back to my old ways. I have had long periods of AF years but right now seem to be totally out of that mind set. Any help or insight would be appreciated and I thank all of you who post every day for your words and thoughts on life as it is for those of us who are addicted.

    Thanks for listening to my rambling.

    Where do i go from here!!

    Jump in and follow the program -- read the book, get some supps, take a walk, listen to tapes. What I love about MWO is that it's a full frontal attack on the bottle. Some things may work better than others for you, but every little bit helps. Don't forget to come here -- in the short while I've been doing MWO, I've seen so much change in so many people. For me the silver bullet was kudzu -- even better than topa. Doesn't work as well for everyone, but man it is still the one for me!
    Best of luck in getting out of the rut.
    Mama T.
    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


      Where do i go from here!!

      Rick, I am sort of wondering what happens to that mindset, because once I quit for 4 years and just did not drink, would not drink. So what happened then that I cannot get back now? Maybe because my son was young and I did not want him to have memories of drunken mom, I grew up in an atmosphere like that. This is about you, though, you have to keep trying to educate yourself by reading the posts here and know we are not judging you because we are/been where you are. The supplements and meds and research, try it all, that's what I am doing, except the meds don't fit into my life right now, I have to be on top of things in my job. Good luck and keep posting! :h Suz
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        Where do i go from here!!

        Hi Rick,
        Like yourself, wine is my poison, I never drank until the evening, and was AF for about 10 yrs. until I started to drink again about 5 yrs. ago, and very soon I was getting wasted every night again.

        So, I came here, and since a couple of wks. ago, I`ve cut my drinking to 1 night a wk.
        You`ll find everything you need here. Download the book, visit the Health Store here, read lots of posts, then decide on the strategy that would suit you to tackle the booze.

        Best Wishes and Good Luck,

        Starlight Impress


          Where do i go from here!!

          Hi rick,

          even if you only find one posting on here that helps it is a start. Don't give up giving up.
          You did it once and if you are ready you can do it again. As the others have said we have all been there or are still there, we can only try, I hope you keep tuning in, getting inspiration until you decide what you want.
          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

          Marilyn Monroe


            Where do i go from here!!

            Ditto what Mama wrote.

            Do the program-tweak it to your needs. Do the 30 days AF & decide from there if moderation is for you. What you put in is what you get out. Good luck
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Where do i go from here!!

              Rick, wine is my weakness too.... I know exactly what you mean too, you know what to do, know you need to, have done it, been inspired, and the KAPLUNK...oppsie big time...I have no idea what our brain is doing....nothing good where wine is concerned! I ditto everyone else...get the supps, CD's (I have all 4, and cannot make myself get them listened to, have no idea why I can't sit down and do it, I know it'll help, and its my goal tomorow!)...and keep coming here, its GREAT...just post at 5 and read, and go to the chat...busy your hands, like right now, it'd be too hard to balance my laptop, and type and daintly hold a wine glass....don't think I haven't tried tho!!!! You'll be ok, just gotta keep on keeping many have don't loose til you quit trying....its an up and down struggle, that everyone here completely understands....we're with ya!
              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                Where do i go from here!!

                Hi again Rick,
                I've thought alot about your post and the responses. Everyone is so right on. I have spent so much time trying to modify my behavior and it's always an adventure and sometimes it seems so easy and other times so damn hard.
                Years ago, before drinking was my pertinent issue, I was a weight watcher and a leader. It's taken me years to get to the obvious realization that one day or one week doesn't make or break me. And some days I am so right on. I've had to attack all my issues (food, drink, anger/ambition) the same way -- from every conceivable angle. I was so happy to find MWO since it fits that profile -- every part of me that wants to drink is attended to - body, mind, spirit, subconscious, behavior, personality (OK, I think I'm getting repetitive).
                Anyway, I wanted to reiterate the idea that you are only beat if you quit trying. Giving up is the only true defeat.
                Thanks for the thought provoking thread.
                Mama T.
                Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                  Where do i go from here!!


                  Just wanted to add my support, and wine is my beer of choice too.

                  Love jas xxx
                  :thanks: :h


                    Where do i go from here!!

                    Hello Rick. :welcome: Good to get to know you. I know how you feel. Always falling down. But, I got some good advice on this board way back. I would beat myself up for falling down, but as long as I continued to try, I would have fulfilling days of sobriety. If you give up, you are going to be a mess 365 days a year. If you never quit trying, you may not be sober 365 a year, but you can be sober 100, 200, 300, maybe even 364. See what I'm saying? Now, I would like to never have alcohol touch my lips again. But, I have failed recently, and gave up for a bit. I thought, "Damn, I guess I'll never stop. Whats the point!!??" But, I'm back now, and grateful I'm going sober again. Also, as much as I don't want to, if I fall down, I'm going to get back up. Because I learned that each sober day is precious, and I would love for the rest of my life to be a sober one. Just try to keep that mind set. Also, there is some great advice above this thread. I believe if one truly wants to quit, there is a technique for all. I've read the success stories myself, and even went from a 300 day a year drunk, to much, much less, and ready to go sober for good again. Take care Rick. See you around.
                    where does this go?


                      Where do i go from here!!

                      oh morrison , u really do make sense, just read that an i feel so much better , it does not seem such a daunting thought, "giving up forver" my goal is going to b getting on whatever tablets the dr recomnds, as soon as i can get few clear days , no work, i have cancelled 1 job already, the others will b tricky, i get my results 2morr, an then go from there, even if im sober 2 days fxxk me that will be the longest i been sober in at least 730 days!!! so im not gonna kid myself, if i can just break the cycle of havin to drink in morning, it will b shit but after i shud b able to get my little brain round how im gonna at least moderate, few nights a week,if i cant do that then its gonna have to be abs, at least the physical dependancy will not be as bad, IF I STOP AN DETOX , i m gettin my head round it,after my hysteria yesterday , again morrison, thank u for your insight,
                      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                        Where do i go from here!!

                        It is hard, is it not? Hope to you. Hope to every addict.


                          Where do i go from here!!

                          Hi Gourmet

                          And welcome. :welcome:

                          Yes, hope! There is always hope. Hope is what brought us here.

                          Our addiction will destroy us if we let it. It certainly wants to.

                          Don't fight this fight in secrecy, form a battle plan and a support group.

                          Is there an agency in your community that could be of some help?

                          I'm glad you're here.

                          magic xx :schmokin:
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Where do i go from here!!

                            Believe it or not, you have made a good start. You have been reading and returning to this site. You have made the decision that you need to change. That is a very big first step - very big. Where do you go from here? Well, you buy the book ASAP, you buy at least the Kudzu and some L-glutamine, and begin everyday at 4:00 sitting down and turning on the computer to this website instead of driniking alcohol. If you feel you need to drink, then post here and ask someone to say something funny to cheer you up or something inspirational to keep you sober. We'll be here. If you need to, post on the ASAP forum which is for people who need immediate help. Go on chat if you can. Start filling your time with us instead of a bottle.
                            Your mind is in the right place. Now you just have to take the right actions to get your body there also.
                            See you on the boards.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                              Where do i go from here!!

                              Thank you!!

                              morrison;156576 wrote: Hello Rick. :welcome: Good to get to know you. I know how you feel. Always falling down. But, I got some good advice on this board way back. I would beat myself up for falling down, but as long as I continued to try, I would have fulfilling days of sobriety. If you give up, you are going to be a mess 365 days a year. If you never quit trying, you may not be sober 365 a year, but you can be sober 100, 200, 300, maybe even 364. See what I'm saying? Now, I would like to never have alcohol touch my lips again. But, I have failed recently, and gave up for a bit. I thought, "Damn, I guess I'll never stop. Whats the point!!??" But, I'm back now, and grateful I'm going sober again. Also, as much as I don't want to, if I fall down, I'm going to get back up. Because I learned that each sober day is precious, and I would love for the rest of my life to be a sober one. Just try to keep that mind set. Also, there is some great advice above this thread. I believe if one truly wants to quit, there is a technique for all. I've read the success stories myself, and even went from a 300 day a year drunk, to much, much less, and ready to go sober for good again. Take care Rick. See you around.
                              You have put into words just what I feel right now. I was in such dire straights I went through an out-patient re-hab at the begining of this year and was AF for 4 months. I have since tried moderation and wish I had stayed AF, but I too am gratefull for every sober day and won't give up on it either. Just because you fall off doesn't mean you have to stay off. That was my mind set before, and ended up drinking almost every day. Now I that I have changed my thinking about it I am sober so much more and hope to soon be able to be AF for good. I am not even really enjoying drinking now when I do it, so that may be a good sign for me.
                              AF again since 3/13/2014

