I think it was Judie who said her doctor thought that she drank mostly from boredom. That rang a bell, Jude. Of course, there are other factors, but I do know that at night when hub and I are watching TV, a lot of the time it's not compelling and a nice glass of wine smooths over the figidityness. That glass in my hand and the balm of white wine. Well, I discovered something else to calm the fidgets! Drumroll........
That's right. And, guys, if it's good enough for Rosey Greer the football player, it's good enough for us all, at least to try.
I find that I can have a glass or two of wine at dinner now and then when we settle in for the evening, I have my knitting that keeps my hands busy and relieves fidgets and cravings. It's satisfying to see the scarf grow long, I like the feel of the wool, and thinking about who I'm giving the scarf too. So far, it's only scarves since I am a beginner and all I can do is the basic knit stitch and don't want to complicate with counting and dropping and all that. Very simple. And I have stopped, so far, drinking wine in the evening.
The other trick, which is obvious, is I don't keep white wine in the house now, only red. White is what I crave and it goes down too easy. Red for me is sipping and a little is good for us.
I hope this lasts for me. I'll let you know.
Good luck all!