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Severe weather warning...

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    Severe weather warning...

    Prob means nothing, but here in Oz, we've had severe weather, winds, storms, and a 'blue moon' ,

    Dams are now so big that the horses are tippy toeing near the fences, and dams are now lakes and are busting into yards, empty gullys are rivers, roos are living in front yards,

    So the drought seems to be over, it's good but it's sending people a bit crazy, wet feet, aaahh, we're not used to it, and no diving, the waves are humungus!!! Never rains but it storms, lol

    Just wanted to let you all know what happening here, it's a bit crazy, global warming???

    Love Jas
    :thanks: :h

    Severe weather warning...

    I know what you mean, Jas. Don't know if it's global warming, but it could be. We had a drought several years ago in my state--it was horrible (not as bad as currently in the southeast US though). I thought that a tree in my front yard had died because it started losing its leaves in August (our summer). I felt so bad! When it did finally rain in the fall, it rained and rained and rained. I was never so happy to see so much rain. My tree recovered the next year.

    In the southeast, there are also wildlife like bears and coyotes and alligators coming into people's yards. Yikes! I think I'd prefer a roo, myself!
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Severe weather warning...


      Honestly didn't think back to you guys and about bears and alligators, we have it pretty good.

      You've had worse storms too hey,

      we have lot's of poisonous stuff, but mostly inland, roos are good, lol

      Thanks for the perspective,

      Love Jas xxx
      :thanks: :h


        Severe weather warning...

        Hey I see they are having floods and storms in the UK too. WHat have you all been doing to
        bring on the wrath of gawd ??


          Severe weather warning...

          Good question Robert!

          The serpents are coming into our yards! Yikes!

          Interesting times esp if you follow the Bible .

          We finally had over an inch of rain yesterday in 30 minutes!

          I just think "Somebody" is going to show us that we're not in charge after all!
          BTW....Satan goes to "church" every Sunday !

          :h Nancy
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Severe weather warning...

            southernbelle47;156493 wrote: Good question Robert!

            The serpents are coming into our yards! Yikes!

            Interesting times esp if you follow the Bible .

            We finally had over an inch of rain yesterday in 30 minutes!

            I just think "Somebody" is going to show us that we're not in chage after all!

            :h Nancy
            I don't follow any bible, though I do know that there is a greater force out there than I
            can explain. I did go to church for 40 + years and was a very active paticipant .

            ALL of thes things we see happening are just natural events , where it is unfortunate
            that human lives are sometimes lost . If I were to ever believe that any GOD could orchestrate such horrific disasters I would be devastated .

            I truely believe things happening in the world are absolutely random, however, I am
            a firm believer that we can control our own destiny by mere postive thinking . A book by
            Wayne Dwyer "The Power of Intention " is a good example of what I am talking about.
            Anyway enough said:blah:

            Have a wonderfull day!

