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I'd like to hear some success stories

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    I'd like to hear some success stories

    I'm sure many of you are like me in that you've tried to quit drinking on numerous occasions only to find one excuse or another for starting again. I just got the book from this site delivered yesterday and I really, really want to stop this destructive, demoralizing behavior. We all have many (too many) stories of waking up sick and cringing about what we might have said or done the night before. I can't take it any more. Any input from you folks would be greatly appreciated.


    I'd like to hear some success stories

    There are lots of these on the longterm abstainer threads.


      I'd like to hear some success stories

      You have to put your all into it. Say to yourself " that's it-I want my life back" and mean it. You do the supps or the meds, you come here daily for support, you take all temptation away (avoiding places, taking booze out of the house, etc) do the cd's, exercise (works good for taking a walk when you feel like drinking-endorphines are better than hurting your liver) and keeping that "I can do it" attitude.

      This is a commitment. There are no miracle drugs. There are successes & works in progress. What you put in is what you get out. Good luck & keep posting.

      Oh-and I'm 6 months AF after 4 yrs of trying to think I can moderate (would do good but would fall back) & another 4 yrs of trying to quit but not having the right mindset. It can be done. You just have to want it bad enough. The rewards are plentiful.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        I'd like to hear some success stories

        i hope to b able to post some good news soon, way to go yet but im still trying, did think balls to it yesterday but 2day im looking brighter, xx
        well done breez u do give me hope it can b done , u always seem well breezy i guess x lot a love , stay happy, x
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          I'd like to hear some success stories

          I came here in March of 2007....had lost my fiance in April 2006 tragically...felt very sorry for myself for a long time...stayed drunk, wrecked 3 cars, got arrested, DUI's, a true MESS, wanted to die really...I am 2 and a half months AF now. I would have NEVER NEVER done it if it were not for MWO. I bought the supps, got on TOPA, and honey, I am I got tired of being sick all the damn time. I have lost 29 lbs., I feel great, and most of all I am back to the good Mama I was before I hit the bottle. My children are happy again!!!!! You can do this!!!! Pour yourself into this site, that is what I did. I am so much better for it too. I love everyone here! This is my salvation. I have hard days, this is on-going...a bumpy, hard as hell road, but MUCH easier than the road you are on now, trust me on that. Much love to you....


            I'd like to hear some success stories

            Audrey.......Everything they just said! Dito....It works but you have to have your "toolbox" ready for action!

            Keep reading and don't ever give up.
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              I'd like to hear some success stories

              Holy Guacamole Luv! You lost almost 30 pounds already? Have you been eating super healthy too? Wow, that's great! No wonder you feel so good. I know you said that you have never been a heavy person. I bet you feel like a big anchor has been lifted off of you.
              I am so happy for you!


                I'd like to hear some success stories

                Luv, that IS amazing you lost that much weight. I posted on here before, and I'll do it again. Some people actually gain weight, like me. Probably because on my benders, I wouldn't eat for days, and get my calories from booze. Then, when I wouldn't drink, I'd stuff my face like a pig. So, good for you to be able to control yourself from the sweets. I read some good advice on here yesterday (can't remember who it was from), stating that he/she lay off the sugar as well when quitting drinking. So hard to do for me. Chocolate. MMMMM. Just love it, always have. Anyway, the point made was this. If you chow done a bunch of sugar when you cease to drink, your body will continue to want sugar, and then eventually and continually want the REAL sugar. And, we know what the REAL sugar he/she was talking about. Makes a lot of sense. Also, I don't know about you all, but I ate a ton of sugar while growing up. More than most people I would guess. I remember reading somewhere that they found a correlation between kids that consumed a lot of sugar, and becoming alcoholics when older. Anybody relate to that?

                Sorry, didn't mean to derail the thread. I tend to do that inadvertantly. To answer the question, I feel like somewhat of a success. I'm only on day 4, but I went 2 months at one time. I gave up, because I couldn't beleive I started drinking again. I was shattered. I also get seriously depressed to the point I don't want to face the day. Well, I decided to stop drinking again, and do what I needed to do to get my life back.

                But, I think the simple answer is everybody that is on here is a success story. They come on here, bare their souls, and do what they can do be better for themselves and the ones they love. Sounds like success to me.
                where does this go?


                  I'd like to hear some success stories

                  Miss Audrey, I consider myself a success story. after years of alcohol abuse nearly, 20. I was to the point of 2-3 bottles of wine per night or the better part of a 5th of vodka. I first found this website last summer, trying to glean what little bit I could here and there, tried doing it without joining. Couldn't do it!That was when I joined jan.26 of this year, downloaded the book, took the supplements and came for my daily support. I am down to 1-2 glasses of wine per day streached out as 2 ounces of wine spritzers. So I haven't been drunk in nearly 5 months. If you want, please read my first post you'll see how far down I really was. I feel my life has been given back to me in so many ways. It is an amazing program. But you do have to have the mindset that this will work. As Morrison said we all are success stories just at various levels.
                  All Smiles


                    I'd like to hear some success stories

                    Hello mar, how have you been? I never read your first post myself, but I have to say, that is amazing you could cut down like that. I would reckon to say, you are definitely in the minority. Most of us can't mod, I'm pretty certain of that, and I believe if you look at the posts, you would most likely agree. So, it is all the more impressive you could do that. Wish I could, but never gonna happen. Kudos to you, and I'm glad you are doing well. :goodjob:
                    where does this go?


                      I'd like to hear some success stories

                      Mar-you did say in another post that once you set your mind on something there's no changing it.

                      I agree Morrison-Mar is in the minority here (based on the threads & posts).

                      Congrats Mar on 5 months of DF (drunk free).
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        I'd like to hear some success stories

                        I've only been on the MWO program for four weeks, but I feel like a success story. For years I wished that I could cut back on my drinking, but every attempt failed miserably. I did not want to declare myself an 'alcoholic' because I thought that would mean AA and never drinking again. From where I was at, that just seemed like a miserable existence. I learned to moderate my drinking to some extent before MWO. At home, I would try to limit myself to one bottle of wine per night or two double gin and tonics. I would drink this on an empty stomach always to try to get as much bang for my caloric buck (because I am also a perpetual dieter). Sometimes I would stay to my limit, but sometimes I'd drink a bottle and a half of wine or three doubles at home. I would just always be playing this game between trying to get as big of a buzz as I could without being too hungover the next day because w/two small kiddos (1 and 3), I need to get them out and be active every day (hungover or not).

                        I always knew my daily habit was bad (probably considered 'heavy drinking', but not necessarily alcoholic), but what became particularly troubling to me was when I would go out w/friends and binge. No limits! Most of the time I did not even remember half of what I drank probably. I would wake up w/the WORST hangovers and have to listen to people telling me about what I did the night before and laughing about it. And, most troubling of all, I started driving home drunk. Up until about a year ago, I NEVER drove while drinking over the limit. I would leave my car and take a cab home or have a friend drive me home. But, then my DH started complaining about that so like an idiot, I started just driving home drunk. Drove home blacked out drunk twice which scared the crap out of me and finally brought me to MWO and seeing my doctor to get help w/this alcohol problem I have.

                        Anyway, I am rambling as usual. But, let me tell you I have wanted to conquer this problem for so long, but always failed, and had just kind of come to conclusion that it was just my destiny in life to be this functioning alcoholic (funcitioning on the outside, miserable on the inside), to be on the treadmill forever, chasing the buzz, and then nursing the hangover, never really getting what I want out of life because so much energy wasted on alcohol. But, I came to this site and dove in head first. I downloaded the book and read it in one night. I ordered the hypno CDs. Made an appointment w/my doctor and got a Rx. Picked up the supps/vitamins and my Rx for Naltrexone on the way home from the doctor and started that night.

                        Even w/all of the tools, I was expecting this to be HARD and probably unpleasant, at best. But, all the tools REALLY help a lot and it is sooooo much easier to do it this way than when I was trying to cut back by my own willpower. Now, take a look at my DrinkTracker. I am moding the way that I have ALWAYS wanted to, but thought it would be impossible. I go anywhere from 3-7 days AF and then go out and drink moderately (about 3 drinks - singles!) once/week. I don't go out TO drink like I used to. I go out to have fun w/my friends and ENJOY drinking moderately. Used to be that if I had not had anything to drink for a week and then went out that I would be so crazed for alcohol that I would have to get blacked out drunk. I am truly amazed at how well this program works. I do everything as recommended w/only two differences. I take Naltrexone instead of Topamax. And, I don't take Kudzu. Everything else I do exactly as recommended (supps/vitamins, hypno CDs, exercise).

                        Good Luck to you! This program DOES work!!!

