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Hi, I have been reading all your posts and need to post so that it makes the fact that i have a drink problem real to me.I'm thirty,female and from the uk.Last night i drank so much that i can't remember how i got to bed, I haven't done that for a long time although i drink a least a couple of glasses of wine every day. My husband drinks with me socially as the pub is the hub of our rural community. I have always had panic attacks and I drink to get rid of the anxiety..which I know is really stupid.I've got an awful hangover and i know if i had wine I'd feel better and then worse tomorrow.Reading your posts has stopped me from drinking anything tonight.Any help and support would be gratefully recieved as i'm in full on panic mode and hubby has gone to pub:x
jo -
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Thanks it really helps that there is a place like this- so non-judgemental. I can't believe i told my husband about this and his reaction was to go to the pub, very supportive:evil
I think maybe i'm not so bad that i will have to abstain for- ever but i think it's the only way right now. Can't see me sleeping well tonight
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Hi Gersaki
You may have probably read my reply to mushypeas by now. I will not bore you with a repeat. Unfortunately even those who are close by and you would hope to be more interested in what you are doing may not want to be interested other than to know if you are going to stop drinking. You have to start somewhere and you have identified that you have a problem. It is only up to you what you do now. Read what I said to mushypeas. Try and leave that bottle in the fridge as long as you can. Without knowing much more about you, I would not say stop drinking right now, as this could have some adverse effect on you, but you can certainly cut down before stopping. Read the book, as many threads as you can and see if you get that inspiration that I did. I can tell you now honestly that I feel 100 times better having been off the booze for 21 days. The craving is almost gone, but there are supps that can help you oout if you need them. Good luck and keep postng
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Thanks again-- it helps so much! the bottle is still in the fridgeit is staying there too--i'm out for lunch with my mother tomorrow and don't know if i trust myself to have just one wine? I gave up drinking when i was pregnant and felt fabulous but it only lasted 3 mths as i miscarried..and started drinking again,unsurprisingly i guess! I can just have a couple and be done, but then i go over top like last night and i know i've got a problem, i really need to clean up my act.It's the panic that i'm most scared of it terrifies me especially when i'm alone- it doesn't help that i live in the middle of no-where and i feel isolated from everyone
thanks again.
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If you did it for three months you can do it again. Just think about how good it felt even though it ended in tragedy for you. I know, that even if I cannot stick to a couple of wines at weekends, I do not want to go through what I was going through a month ago. I was pathetic. and I never intend to be like that again
bye for now
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Hi Jo,
I just saw your post on the other thread. It is great that you are going to get the book and cds. You know, you can download the book so you don't have to wait for shipping. Perhaps it would help kill some more time for you tonight reading it. It's a pretty quick read, and good too!!
I am sorry your husband left and went to the pub, and I wish I had some advice on the panic attacks. I do know drinking made mine worse.
This is a great program and a wonderful site full of amazing support! Welcome MWO, and best of luck to you as you get started!!
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Hi Jo,
You will find alot of support here.
I also have a hubby that drinks and we make wine on our farm... I have stopped for now as my body was starting to protest!
Please read cv's post on this thread on the effects of alcohol of the brain. It's several down from your post. Follow the links and read and if you're like me, you may never drink again!
Just read and helps alot.
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Thanks Nancy and Donna - i will read it but not now because stuff like that makes the panic worse. if i can just get through the panic tonight without wine (which i am ) then i will feel better tomorrow and can make my new startjust wish i could sleep:x
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I have found that I can sleep without a problem after the alcohol has been out of my system a few days. The supp help very much. If you can, get the L glutamine and calms forte soon. I got mine at Walmart here in the USA. L-glutamine was under $10 and the Calms forte was about $5 or $6. And drink LOTS of water.
Deep breathing from your gut helps too.Make sure your tummy goes up as you breathe. I've had the panic attacks and sleeplessness for several years.
I've tried everything and these things work best for me.
I've been moderating for about two months and just haven't been able to cut down enough so now I'm abs for awhile.
I hope things calm down for you. You have come to a good place and it is the first step to addmit that you need help.
We're here...praying and thinking good and peaceful thought for you.
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Thanks again guys- dare i say it but i think i might be feeling a touch better and it's such a relief to be honest about my drinking
Hubby got home from the pub and was really proud of me for posting on here so he's now snoring next to me rather than going to bed and leaving me,which helps
I think it's going to be a long haul but i think i understand the problem is probably more the panic than an overwhelming desire to drink- i actually don't want wine at the mo- i just want the panic over and drinking has been what works....
Nearly 3am.. still cant sleep :evil
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Hey there
I understand completely what you are saying about panic. I have had panic for years. And so have a lot of my friends. I do find the supps work, and while drinking does take the panic away temporarily, I find that the anxiety/panic is far worst the next day....a constant cycle. I am already finding, like many others, many changes on this program - all for the better (including my anxiety). Just hang in there and maybe try jumping into the program fresh tomorrow.
Post whenever you are feeling lost or panicky - you will be amazed by how much support there is here - and such great people!
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Hi Jo,
Welcome to MWO, I too had alot of trouble sleeping when I first started, so much so I contemplated drinking again! I also had panic attacks but found that the alcohol was the root of the problem and found with the supps things got alot better including the sleeping and panic attacks.(had 1 on the freeway! Really scary!) I ended up ordering melatonin for sleeping and that has been great (thanks pansy for that!)
Live on the board and lean on all this wonderful community that is here to support you:d I found when I stopped drinking my hubby for a few weeks upped the ante and was drinking heavier but that settled down.
If you really can't sleep log on and see if anybody is on chat, thats what I do and it does help!
Sending good thoughts your way :d :h
Love Shas