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pullin my head out my ass!!

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    pullin my head out my ass!!

    I will say it again. No matter what meds the doctor prescribes for you or what he/she says or all your cheerleaders here you need to get yourself into a detox or rehab.

    I think I may say it one more time after you vist Dr then that will be it.



      pullin my head out my ass!!

      Rachel, I agree you need to go to rehab, or something more intensive than just this site. You are still so young and have so much life in front of you, but coming on here when you admit you are heavily drinking is not going to change your situation. You need to take care of yourself. You are lucky to be at this young of an age when you can turn things around.

      Wishing you the best!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        pullin my head out my ass!!

        thanks night guys , will post straight away 2m
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          pullin my head out my ass!!

          Rachel, I have read your posts with interest but I have never replied to them..

          I have to say that I agree with Chrysa and lushy.. You really need to detox under supervision and not alone at home because I don't think you will be able to do it, you will be surrounded by temptation, and with the amounts you are drinking you will not be safe.. The doctor will not wave a magic wand or give you a magic pill, this will take real hard work and dedication on your part... Becoming alcohol free is a life time commitment, and with your history of drinking I don't hold out much hope of you EVER being able to moderate, its got to be abstinence...

          Are you ready for that ??? I hope so..

          Take care and good luck,

          Louise xx :l
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            pullin my head out my ass!!

            Thank you Irish. I started a thread regarding the lack of postings from our usual old timers. It may have been flushed already. But I thank you. I don't enjoy people posting drunk who don't have the intent to start this MWO program, which is all that brought us here. Some posts have become sensational and base.

            You sound fantastic.:h
            Enlightened by MWO


              pullin my head out my ass!!


              I do not wish to really advise you which way to go. I will say that from your posts to date, you do come across as one very sick girl.

              My only advice to you now, is that you find some quiet time for yourself, and sit yourself down sober, and ask yourself truthfully if you think you can do this with your doc.`s help alone. Only you can know the answer to that, but as Irish says, to do it without rehab., there will be temptation whichever way you turn.

              I know there are a great many things to be considered before going into rehab., like your son, stepson and bf, but despite having to have a spell away from them, you would be far more available to them if you were on the road to recovery after detox. in rehab. Also, I know it must be a worry to think of loss of earnings and even maybe possible job loss, but it`s only money, and your recovery must come before all else.

              Please think very carefully as at this moment in time, you really do have to consider yourself first.

              I wish you strength and peace,

              Starlight Impress


                pullin my head out my ass!!


                No offence, but I really feel compelled to ask: "Some posts have become sensational and base.", seems like a very sweeping statement that could upset many who have given a lot of themselves personally across the boards. Perhaps you would care to elaborate?

                Kind regards,

                Starlight Impress


                  pullin my head out my ass!!

                  think obviously that will b me , appologies to any 1 i have offended , UNINTENTIONALLY
                  :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                    pullin my head out my ass!!

                    Hi Rachel , that's good advice from Starlight I think . What news from the doctor?

                    Memo to the "Old Timers" who have clearly never posted drunk and who have never used the site for anything 'sensational or base' - learn to use the delete button!!


                      pullin my head out my ass!!

                      This advice is to everyone myself included - maybe we should think before we print.

                      I feel that we should not point out others faults when we still have some of our own to conquer.

                      In a previous thread one of the newbies asked why no-one was reading their threads or replying and a senior member said we should try a catchy title and be lively in our writing etc. so now what do we do??

                      I was drunk when I found this site and that is why I found this site !

                      I hid for a while before joining - others don't, other people need support some need more support than others , some people need very little support.

                      I agree we should be free to say what we want if we are a 'family' but please..... actually I just remembered my signature at the bottom of my postings, I chose this a while ago and I must have known it would be needed ? psychic or what?

                      Why can't we be more generous to each other?

                      Am I the only one with a problem, I may take longer than you to reach my goal but should I be chastised for that?
                      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                      Marilyn Monroe


                        pullin my head out my ass!!

                        If the person or people are upsetting you or offending you block their posts - it can be done in your cp thingy.
                        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                        Marilyn Monroe


                          pullin my head out my ass!!

                          Hi, just putting in my two cents,

                          the support here is precious, and from my own experience I've been having good days, great days and crappy days, as I guess most here do...

                          And my aim in being here is to take advantage of the fantastic support, and offer mine to anyone who is needing it, we are all at various positions in the race to ultimate recovery, and most I think will agree in the early days we take two steps forward and the occasional one back. But we are here for support and understanding.

                          I never want to judge anyone the way I have been judged by people who don't understand.

                          Hope I'm not rambling and that you'll understand what I'm getting at.

                          Love Jas xxxxx
                          :thanks: :h


                            pullin my head out my ass!!

                            Rachel, I don't think you have offened anyone. I think (and please correct me if I am wrong) you know it's time to stop, but there is a part of you that is so conflicted about giving it up entirely, because it's became entertwined with who you are as a person.You may be afraid of what life is going to be without it. I have had those same feelings. Once released from it's grasp a life far greater than you currently have is waiting. I do not want to sound judgemental, because I haven't the right. I want the best for you listen to your doctors and follow their advice. Keep us posted and know I care, along with everyone else.
                            Warm Hugs


                              pullin my head out my ass!!

                              Rachel, I have certainly not been offended. I find you to be very sweet and very funny. I think others have given you some good advice to consider w/r to whether or not you can do this alone or need to change environments for a bit. You are worth it my dear.

                              There are so many wonderful people on this site and we are all very different. I am sure what some of us find funny or lighthearted might offend others. But I agree, if we find a particular thread or message offensive, we can simply stop reading. There is no use getting upset or trying to make others change their personality or way of communicating. I know some found it upsetting recently when people were sharing some of their bad stories from the past, yet others found some gallows humor in that sharing. I guess I am just saying that we do all seem to have the same goal in mind but we may approach it a bit differently.

                              Hope you get some good advice from the doc Rachel. Let us know...


                                pullin my head out my ass!!

                                Please dont read this if you are easily offended, move on to the next post...

                                That said, I think here we are getting much like what I have read about dysfunctual families, don't read further again if you don't want to hear, please...

                                But it's a proven fact that in dysfunctional families, members always fall into a role, ive identified mine, THE SCAPEGOAT, because I can't just shut up and cop the abuse, and say yes to the denial, I will shout out against abuse of any and all kinds, (or at least I try) I've been put into the basket of the trouble maker, and the easy target of the 'one' that everyone else can put upon as the one with the "PROBLEM'

                                I've spent a great deal of time trying to work out whats wrong with me, but have found out that as humans, we feel better if we can 'pigeon hole' and look down on someone as being 'the bad one'.

                                but I can see that within my biological family, i've taken on a role that makes everone feel better, If I wasn't such a "problem child, and just "SHUT UP" everyone could just stay in denial, and feel better about themselves.

                                My brother is the ' LOST CHILD" so traumatised was he that he withdrew into himself, lived alone in his room and tried to shut it out, he tried to help me once, and got into big shit over it. He has just got his first girlfriend at 36, he had a drinking problem too, but not as bad as me, he found religion, good for him, find what helps you cope I reckon.

                                The point I'm trying to make is, let's TRY to be healthy for one another, we all know why we're here, and I'm sure we don't want to make anyone feel worse than how we already do, and If we conscienciously try to do this, we can support and offer unconditional love, support. and help.

                                Really do hope I haven't offended,

                                And sending out love, peace, joy and happiness to all.

                                And I'm fully prepared to get fallout over this, that's the role I seem to have taken, lol

                                Love Jas xxxxxxxx
                                :thanks: :h

