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Alcoholic induced coma

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    Alcoholic induced coma

    A friend of mine was working with me yesterday. She knows about my AF life and is super supportive (she's a true friend indeed!). Incidently my friend works in mental illness so she is understanding and broad minded in her thinking. Anyway, she told me about another mother at the school where her son goes. She has been a chronic alcoholic for some time. She went to rehab some time last year and everyone thought she was much better. As of last week she is lying in a hospital in an alcohol induced coma. I've never heard of this before but what happens is that an AIC is not from drinking too much in any one sitting, but just a general build up overdose. It's like she just collapsed... her brain just gave in I guess. When she was first rushed into hospital her BA reading was somewhere in the .7 range! It sounds to me like she developed an absolute tolerance buildup from years of alcohol abuse. Her prognosis is not good at all.

    Totally sad for her kids! Ugh! And the stigma attached to alcoholism due to ignorance would not be helping those kids and husband, particularly as they are a prominent Sydney family.

    The family are really, very wealthy serving as another reminder that this disease/addiction can strike anyone.

    So I just thought I'd pass it on... I had never heard this term before. Maybe if Su reads this, she can shed some light on the subject.

    The more I read and learn about alcohol and it's effects, the more I want to do something productive in the community to stamp out the attitude amongst the young; how to pick warning signs, what can be about it and that alcoholics are not necessarily skid row types. It's really making me wonder about government funding towards education and why there is so little dollars going into prevention/education when alcohol is clearly costing the country so much. Hmmm...

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Alcoholic induced coma

    So Sad!
    I had a Great Uncle who was a alcoholic as far as I can remember, They found him dead under a abanded car. Little critters were having their way him, for he was thier for a few days. What a way to go ! It's so sad! IAD:sigh:
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Alcoholic induced coma

      thats really sd an really scary,
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


        Alcoholic induced coma

        Thanks for posting this Scooby.

        I am sure you would have a lot to contribute to the community on this subject. I think that the prevailing view is that alcoholism is a disease and clearly there are people out there who don't want to view themselves as diseased and go sit in a room and call themselves alcholics. There is a lot of room for a more progressive view about alcoholism, including acknowledgement that society pushes drinks on people and many in the "normal" category are in fact just binge drinkers who may not black out and function well. The social obstacles for people trying to address the problem are formidable as many feel like outcastss if they don't drink. That is a societal problem for sure because alcohol has such a huge place.

        It would be wonderful to see more treatment options emerge aside from AA. I think AA set out to destigmatize the problem but in doing so it introduced a new stigma.

        Go for it and keep us posted!

        oh by the way, i think the issues for mothers are especially of concern to society.


          Alcoholic induced coma

          Very sad story Scoobie but oh SOO important... You are so thoughtful to share it with us.

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


            Alcoholic induced coma

            I agree, thank you for sharing this story.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Alcoholic induced coma

              Am very sorry for the woman and her family.

              Your post sure did scare the Hell out of me............never knew such a thing could happen!!!!

              Starlight Impress


                Alcoholic induced coma

                It makes me glad I found everyone here and got inspired to try for af.
                I felt I was heading that way at one time - now I have found hope for the future.

                Don't get me off feeling down again

                Thanks anyway scooby we still need reminding, those poor kids
                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe

