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dr s results,

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    dr s results,

    My dear Rachel
    You are so committed and want to change so badly - I hope the docs can be caring and give you the help you need. I agree that you need to do some inpatient rehab because you are at a very toxic level and your body needs to be carefully monitored while you go off the stuff. This is a health issue, and I don't want you to get hurt any further. I care so much about what happens to you. You can do this - you've definitely got the determination - just demand whatever help they can give you. Please keep checking in with us - WE CARE!!

    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      dr s results,

      Rachel you need help now, you should have been admitted to rehab, and put on detox
      drugs immediately, how are you going to manage over the weekend. If you are feeling
      ill go to your A&E DEPT they have clynical psychiatric nurses on call who should be able
      to get help for you.Paula
      P.S Louise we don't need insurance
      we have the nhs.


        dr s results,

        Rachel, what a wakeup call.

        I am a bit concerned about your bf taking care of you as he sounds like he himself has a drinking problem (didn't he wet the bed recently)

        I think you are best off in residential care, just as the others do. What about your parents? any older relatives who can help?

        my thoughts are with you!!!

        you will get through this.


          dr s results,

          Hi Rachel,

          My vote goes for detox and inpatient rehab as well. The reason you are drinking much more than you want or plan to is because your body is calling out for the booze--you are physically addicted. This isn't about will power, it's about addiction. I fear for your health if you try to cut down at home with your boyfriend with the amount that you have been drinking.

          Take care of yourself!


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            dr s results,

            I also agree that her bf is the last person to be caring for her because he did wet the bed, he's an alcoholic as well.
            Rachel please get some help on the outside. Your thoughts are clouded by the booze and by being "enabled" by someone with the same problem.
            Please please please, go to the hospital NOW. :h
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              dr s results,

              Rachel, you need to be with people who want your recovery. I think your presentation at a hospital may be the best. Good Luck, there any many wishing you recovery.
              Enlightened by MWO


                dr s results,

                Hey Rachel--
                Please listen to all these good folks who are telling you to get professional help! This is a serious disease and it's foolish and dangerous to think you can cure yourself at home....

                You are a wonderful, talented, smart person and everyone here has your best interests at heart--please get the help you need now--this is your LIFE we're talking about--

                :l :l
                "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                  dr s results,

                  Rachel, Good luck, just remember given an chance the liver will regenerate. If the doc has given you 5 years it sounds as though you have not gone too far, but you need to stop now to give your liver that chance.

                  You sound like a remarkably strong young women who has had to deal with a lot of crap in life. Im sure you can deal with this. Do it for yourself and for your kid.

                  Were all routing for you.


                    dr s results,

                    rachel, we're now waiting to hear from you. Have you taken all these well wishes and advice seriously? The majority of us believe you need to get detoxed under medical supervision and rehab to follow. You have a whole long life ahead of you if you do... and who knows what if you don't. Please act swiftly for yourselves, for your kid, and for all of us here who have grown to love you and care so much about what happens to you.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      dr s results,

                      please rachel

                      Hi Rachel,

                      WARNING : THIS IS A SERIOUS POSTING.

                      Please listen to everyone, while I agree that your liver still has a chance please understand that most of us who have been drinking for 20 - 30 years, getting drunk, drinking whenever we want day/night etc BUT, and this is a BIG BUT for you, I have not seen or heard that any of us have been given 5 years until our liver packs in.

                      Most of us are also 40-50+ years old and our liver enzymes are not that high that we have been warned we could die, and with a time limit on it.

                      Rachel, you know in your heart what you have to do and that your boyfriend CANNOT
                      help you.

                      He buys 24 -36 cans in a pack every day, whilst we know you drink it too, but 36 cans, and if you have 20 - he is still having 16 !!

                      Please as someone that thinks you are brill and lovely and caring, please beg Gp, or Accident and emergency department for rehab in residential care.

                      You have still got a chance please take it while you can. The doctor is only estimating 5 years - what if it's less ???

                      God Bless you Rachel, I am praying for the right help for you.

                      Love and respect,

                      Diamond xx
                      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                      Marilyn Monroe


                        dr s results,


                        Everybody is so right about this. You really need help and NOW! To be honest I've no more to add to the advice given as you really do need as much outside support as you can.

                        We are all here for you and are willing you to to hang in there and get well again. Unfortuntely your alcoholic boyfriend won't help you through this at all, unless he's had a wake up call with your news and has the guts to do it with you.

                        We've all got a common goal and with each other's support we can make it!!

                        Thinking of you
                        Sweet:l :l


                          dr s results,

                          we have'nt heard from you, are you listening?
                          we are all so worried. Keep in touch.
                          Love Paula. xx


                            dr s results,

                            im listening an thinking, kids have gone home, just 2left, plus step lads gf, im gonna give myself a shot an hope i get appointment, soon, bf has been really supportive think mayb he has realised, as have i, xx
                            :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

