I don't think I have cut down but am keeping a drinking diary, including what I drink ,how much and where,(at home by myself is a constant) what mood I am in, with who and how much it's costing.. I am 2 weeks on here..
Week one was 48 standard drinks (post making an idiot of myself) and this week is 70 plus.. That's 9 bottles of wine a week! (I think a reasonable goal would be to cut it in half)
I had no idea what a piss head I am!
Yet, I go to work every day (run my own business) .. I run 4kms or am at the gym for an hour, doing weights almost every night and eat nothing but lean meat, veggies and wholegrain bread (I must be mad)
I need to sort it out but have other issues..Have suffered depression for the last 7 years..(not usually terrible...just once! But enough to stop me being me.... as well as making me a little unsure of myself, which I hate the most)
I haven't been on a date for over 3 years

Have stopped Prozac (under my own advice) So things have been a little up and down with withdrawal (I get teary if I see a cute puppy or a couple in love on the TV at the moment...and get angry for no reason....Yes, I know what what it's like for all you women who suffer PMT (I have years of feeling that way)
Anyway, I'm getting side tracked...
Just wondering how many of you have mental health issues (depression, anxiety, Bipolar, schitsophenia (sorry, I am a bad speller) as well as alcohol problems?
David xxx