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What have you replaced your alcohol with?

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    What have you replaced your alcohol with?

    simey, u ll do good, u r recognising the return, i ve also had troubles wiv eating, on an of for years, but recognition is good, u can put a stop to to it before it goe s 2 far, u know prob much better than me , it will not keep u feelin able to concentrate on gettin rid of the demon drink, b strong simey, xx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      What have you replaced your alcohol with?

      Hi Simey, me too come to think of it - specially as Dr warned of weight gain on new bipolar meds, have become a little obsessive about it - but still, I need to be a little bit obsessive or i'll turn into the goodyear blimp on this stuff. Joined a gym last week (more like a women's health centre - really great staff and support with nutrition and all that jazz). I am now eating brekky (arrggghhh!) and trying to keep my metabolism in good nick - I guess i'm just being sensible come to think of it - what a turn up for the books!!!


      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        What have you replaced your alcohol with?

        Excersise is very important ! You need a organized regement every day. It keeps your mind from doing things that are distructive. The supps, take away the chemical addication.... the rest is up to you......mental addication. Get your mind going in other direations. Volinteer ! don't let your mind be idle ! IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          What have you replaced your alcohol with?

          well, not having had great success staying af or moderating in the last week. so consequently weekend activities have been get drunk, get ahangover, laze about then eat junk, get drunk again
          But I love e-bay, exercising (gym and running when not too hungover to do it).
          Reading, films, playing cards, nice food
          Working out how much better off I will be smoke and drink free.

          Things I have planned but have not done yet
          evening class in pottery, painting, jewellery making, language,nlp, or a life coaching course
          learning to make and design my own clothes
          skating lessons or club
          learning to scuba dive
          decorating my house

          all sounds good!
          one day at a time


            What have you replaced your alcohol with?

            I'm w/u Bear. Not doing well either. But what I do like to do is to read, watch movies, walk my dog, ride in my convertible, and I volunteer 1 day a week at the Crisis Line. I sometimes play Taipai on my puter too. I guess I need more hobbies. But it won't be cooking, yuk! I do have an addiction to cheese. But not chocolate and never smoked. Tried drugs, not for me. I have lost weight lately would like to lose another 15 pounds but look pretty good they say....


              What have you replaced your alcohol with?

              I have replaced my addiction with:

              Way too much Coffee
              Chronically Bitching and Complaining (DOH! - need to work on this one next)

