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Where is Rachel?

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    Where is Rachel?

    holidays start 23rd, my boys b day, an the cats, both 10, i shud b looking forward 2 it, most of me is but there is still part of me dreading it, mainly as i ve had to sneak around before to get the drink in me, but this yr it s gonna b different, jus hope the sun comes out, i can b a good girl im sure, just never done it b4, i ve always been the bad 1, TROUBLE , i may change my middle name soon, !!! not sure what to tho, xxx glad u r well, xx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      Where is Rachel?

      Hi Rachel,

      Glad you're OK - you've had alot of people worried - you sounded so down last week.

      Hang in there - you CAN do it. Sounds as if you've got plenty going on to distract you. You should be so proud of yourself. Alcohol patches what a teriffic idea - maybe we should invent one and earn tons of money. I'll get the chemistry set out! Never smoked so don't have that problem; just the booze to contend with.

      Have a fab day
      Sweet:goodjob: :l


        Where is Rachel?

        hi sweet cheeks, is it bedfordshire, uk, u live? i was conceived there, born in newport pagnell, nearly drowned in the canal in bedford, when i was little, ! alcohol patches do sound good, shame i was no good at science, i only learnt how to abuse chemicals{drugs} wish id paid attention at school now, id b a millionaire!

        im definatly feelin better, and its mon, usually bad day, but i got new cleaning job last mon, didn t really want another job, but this week i just got bk, did ex 2 hrs, cleaning out cupboards an bleaching, an it feel s good, i got ex money in my pocket which i haven t gone pub or bought beer wiv, i can pay fine i forgot to pay (cos i was drunk) ,

        all on 1 beer, 4 me getting out the house on 1 can is v rare, so im well chuffed, im shakin like a leaf but i blamed that on 2 much bleach 2 the lady, did have my head in the cupboard whils scrubbin wiv neat bleach, so i dont think she twigged, im sure bleach does funny things 2 u,

        i guess cos i really reduced over the weekend im not feelin half as bad today, so i have proved i can bloody do it, i think the fall out from my drunk posts has give me a well needed kick in the arse, so thank u skendall, now i apprecite what u said, an thanks for the pm,x x

        obviously reducing myself the withdrawels r gonna get worse, prob wed (roast day, gravy day in cafe) usually gets bad then, always day 3, as long as i dont buy brandy, just stick 2 under 4 cans is my aim, at least i aim 4 that, untill i see my alchol team,

        i know rehab wud b the best option but it s very hard to get in , and half my battle is in my head, an the good girl side a me seems to b kicking trouble s ass at mo, im not gonna get to over confident but im gettin there, i just got bk from work an im gonna , go do some more at home in a min, take my mind of sitting drinking beer, i may go bleach my cupboards,

        im gonna have to check if there s a web site anywhere 4 bleach addictions , i use so much of the stuff people joke i get bleach withdrawels!!!
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          Where is Rachel?

          Rachel,I glad your making progress, You can do this. But please be extremly careful with bleach it is a lung irritant and you can become overwhelmed by the fumes. I have done this and it leaves your lungs very succeptable, Do you smoke? Protect your lungs girl! Also the liver as well, we love ya


            Where is Rachel?

            You sound like you are doing better rachel. I am glad to see things are looking up for you
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              Where is Rachel?

              i think i ve been over whelmed more times y bleach fumes than i have by beer! oh i did not realise that it was dangerous, often i get palpitations, head rushes an more recently i have had some really strange problems wiv my vision which has quite worried me, i put it down to alcohol, mainly y i decided i had to go dr,(although i forgot to mention any of these things) my vision all of a sudden not nessacarily when im using bleach tho, will get hazy black fog, all round the edges of my eyes, so its like looking thru a misted up window if that makes any sense, an i feel quite unsteady, feels like im walking on shoes made from cotton wool, could this b more to do wiv bleach an cleaning products,

              i do smoke an 4 hrs an hrs after i use bleach every fag i smoke tastes like chlorine, like u have been in swimming pool , i ve had this 4 yrs, oh i got to go bk dr, i worried my self now, an i was only joking about the bleach website but may check it out now,

              how would i go about protecting my lungs from bleach, my poor hands have had it, i seen 70yr olds wiv better hands than mine, i really am an old scrubber !!!!
              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                Where is Rachel?

                Oh My sweet girl, you need a check up from top to bottom (no pun intended) Please get your eyes checked. Use bleach only in a room with plenty of ventilation and use the little masks over your nose and lips, you can pick them up in a gardening store, and use rubber gloves to protect thoes hands. Take care sweetie


                  Where is Rachel?

                  oh i know, they might send me to the nackers yard tho, i think i may get a mask i could nik 1 of me bf, ! yes eyes have worried me, will get it checked, i ve started the ball rolling at dr s ,, they will wish i never come in very soon, lol bf calls me dot cotton, im always moaning bout something, but always something hurts,

                  cant wear gloves, i always end up with swimming pool a bleach in m, im gonna make my fortune inventing a cleaner friendly pair a rubber gloves ., xxx
                  :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                    Where is Rachel?

                    Glad to hear you are doing a little better rachel. When are you going to hear from the alcohol team?. Can't you call them or your doctor again & gegt them to call you?


                      Where is Rachel?

                      After seeing the alcohol team and when u got a spare minute please send me your new invention of 'cleaner friendly rubber gloves' ?? LOL :H

                      Diamond x
                      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                      Marilyn Monroe


                        Where is Rachel?

                        Better yet get someone else to do the cleaning if you can and just RELAX :h
                        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                          Where is Rachel?

                          1 day im gonna have a cleaner!!! id prob end up cleaning 1st tho, , habits !
                          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                            Where is Rachel?

                            I am kinda worried about the bleach Rachel! Enough with the bleach! No more!
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              Where is Rachel?

                              Hey Rachel. You do sound like you are getting better. Also, your post are looking better too. What I mean is, a few times we were worried, cause it looked like you may be posting while loaded. How I know that feeling. I am so blown away by the way my post look when I'm drinking, or hungover. Then, when I get my head straight, my grammer and language is so superior. I can tell you got a great head on your shoulders, so you will get the life you want once you put down that bottle. You obviously have made a ton of friends here very quickly. Take care Rachel. You are loved.

                              PS - I love everybody on this board. :h
                              where does this go?


                                Where is Rachel?

                                morrison you are just the cutest. i mean like a snuggly bug or something. and wow your other thread is so thought provoking my brain is still in a squeeze from it. i simply can't respond to it.
                                mayor morrison i think you are awesome. glad you are doing so well.

