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Still Alive and kicking

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    Still Alive and kicking

    Hi Everyone -

    Bet you thought I'd dropped off the face of the Earth. Well, I did, kind of. The last three and a half months have been absolute hell to live through, and I am far from done grieving for my losses. However, I found a bulletin board that has really helped me with the process of learning how to be a widow. It has been a very difficult road to travel and sad to say, I reverted to what has always comforted me the most; liquid anesthesia. :sigh:

    I have finally reached a place where I am finally ready to take control over my drinking (again). I am also in the process of getting ready to make a road trip!! I will be driving from Alaska to Vermont and back again. I have a grandson that I've yet to meet who will be six months old by the time I get there. I am sorry that I haven't been posting, but it's very difficult for me to post when all I have to really talk about is how impossible it is to stay sober when every fiber of my being hurts beyond belief, so I just stayed away until I could get to a better place in my head. I know that a lot of you were thinking of me, I could feel it, and I thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. If you're not tired of doing so, please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers; I am by no means done grieving, but I am ready to try to be done with the binge-drinking. I am hoping that this trip will allow my 'widda brain' to recoup and start being the useful thing that it always has been. Now that I am no longer a caregiver for family members dying of cancer, perhaps I can begin to have a life. I don't really know what that life will be, which is part of the reason for this journey. I will be keeping a blog of my trip and have included a link to it on my signature. Join me if you'd like to

    Still Alive and kicking

    Hi gypsi,
    Am afraid I don`t know you as you joined way before me.

    Am sorry for your sad loss and understand how we all can turn to the btl. to take the edge off of our sadnesses. I hope you may find some comfort in coming back here and in the joy of meeting your new grandson for the first time. I hope you have a beautiful trip and look forward to reading of your travels.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress


      Still Alive and kicking

      Glad you are better, you know you will feel even better when you get the drinking under control. I bet you are excited to see the grandson. Be safe on the roadtrip and keep in touch
      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


        Still Alive and kicking

        Hi Gypsi - Good luck on your trip and getting your drinking under control. Thanks for the link to the forum that you've found helpful. I passed the link on to my sister who was widowed a few months ago.



          Still Alive and kicking

          Hi Gypsi,

          I have thought of you often. So glad you checked in today. Have a wonderful trip. Traveling will be a breath of fresh air for you and definately help you on your road to healing I think.

          All the best.


            Still Alive and kicking

            So glad you posted Gypsi.

            Sorry you have been feeling so low but perhaps it was necessary to go down before you could start going up again. It feels like the trip will be really good for you and believe me there is nothing like seeing your grand-child for the first time or even at any time.

            love as always
            Enough is enough


              Still Alive and kicking

              Gypsi, so good to see you back. You have been on my mind a lot as well. Enjoy that trip and seeing your grandson. Sounds like the perfect plan to clear your head for a while. Please keep us posted on how you are doing....
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Still Alive and kicking

                Hi Gypsi, I've been thinking about you also. I think a trip to Vermont and experiencing new life with your grandson is a great idea.

                Enlightened by MWO


                  Still Alive and kicking

                  We missed you Gypsi and thanks for sharing your blog link. I will be following you in your travels and have fun! I think that's a great idea, babies can heal souls
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Still Alive and kicking

                    Hi Gypsi, Lovely to see you back .....

                    Thanks for the link, I will be following your travels too ....

                    Love & Hugs, BB xx


                      Still Alive and kicking

                      Wow!! Thank you all for the show of support. Thought I'd be forgotten as I haven't checked in in so long.

                      :thanks: :h


                        Still Alive and kicking

                        Hi Gypsi, great to hear from you. Hope you wee grandson is all you need to get you feeling al-right again. Thinking of you.

                        Lorna xx
                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          Still Alive and kicking

                          Great to have you back Gypsi.
                          Best wishes Paula.


                            Still Alive and kicking

                            Gypsi, hello and glad you checked in and are back. Who could forget someone who lives at the North Pole. You sound like you are feeling a little better.



                              Still Alive and kicking

                              Hi gypsi~glad you're back.
                              You've got an open road before-in more ways than one! I wish you the very best. Have a safe trip.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

