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Does Kudzu...
Does Kudzu...
make you get drunk quicker or increase the effcts of alcohol if you do drink? someone in another post mentioned this happened to him or her. i don't really know if it is a good thing or not for me to feel the effects sooner. i plan on having some wine with a friend tonight and I wanted to take some kudzu to help me moderate...what have your experiences been? thanksTags: None
Does Kudzu...
I just ordered my first bottle of Kudzu Recovery... and am interested in hearing people's experiences in this regard as well. It's kinda scary, but I've only read good things about it so far. (I can't imagine "not wanting" a drink. Looking really forward to trying it.) ... I did read something that mentioned feeling the effects faster, but I have a feeling that maybe it's more of a "had enough" thing than a quick drunk thing .. that's what I'm hoping anyway! I certainly don't need to be getting drunk more quickly, that's for sure.
Good luck to you with everything!
~CatAF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.
Does Kudzu...
I tried to do some research on how Kudzu works in order to decide whether or not to take it. Well, as far as I could figure out, the researchers don't know HOW it works to reduce drinking. One of theories is that Kudzu may speed the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream making you feel the effects faster and feel like you've had enough sooner. I know this is just a theory, but this is what made me decide NOT to take Kudzu. There are different types of alcoholics and, in my case, I am someone who is always chasing the big buzz. I had gotten to the point where I was planning my drinking so that I would always drink very strong drinks on an empty stomach because I'd get a better buzz that way. Ultimately, I think this is what made alcohol more reinforcing for me and made me become out of control w/it. So, I decided not to take the Kudzu because I wouldn't want to take anything that might increase or speed the buzz. I am taking a Rx med (Naltrexone) that actually works in the reverse. It makes it so that I don't get buzzed/high when I drink. I can drink, but it only makes me relaxed/tired. And, since I know its impossible to get a good buzz on this stuff, I don't even try. It also helps me tremendously w/cravings so that I don't even really miss getting buzzed/high anymore.
I am curious to hear responses from people who've actually taken Kudzu, though, because if/when I go off the Naltrexone, I wonder if Kudzu might be something that could help me maintain the moderated drinking habits I'm developing now.
Does Kudzu...
It may work better for some people than for others. For me, I think it is fabulous. The MWO Health Store had trouble filling orders (not their fault) and I had to go without it for almost a month. That was a very tough month for me, as I remember. I didn't realize how much the Kudzu helped me until I started taking it again a few weeks ago. I feel so much better and life AF is so much easier. I am an abstainer, not a modder, so I don't know much about drinking on Kudzu. But I had two "slips" while taking it and never had more than 1/2 drink. I think it probably helped me in those situations.
Good luck. Let us know what you do.Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.
Does Kudzu...
out;160270 wrote: make you get drunk quicker or increase the effcts of alcohol if you do drink? someone in another post mentioned this happened to him or her. i don't really know if it is a good thing or not for me to feel the effects sooner. i plan on having some wine with a friend tonight and I wanted to take some kudzu to help me moderate...what have your experiences been? thanks
most people I know take it to avoid hangovers.You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber
Does Kudzu...
I just started the programme today and where I would normally have drunk at least a bottle of wine this evening, one glass lasted me 4 hours! And I have no desire for any more. I read in the study published on the research page that people taking the kudzu sipped their drinks - this was certainly my experience tonight. I am thrilled!!!
Does Kudzu...
I take 600 mg in the morning and 600mg at night - total of 1200 mg per day. Sometimes I up that to 1500 or even 1800 per day, but 1200 seems to work very well for me. I think I have much less urge to drink when I take it every day.
Let us know how it goes for you.Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.
Does Kudzu...
hey guys. well i only took the kudzu for two days. went drinking that night at a friends, and it totally made me not care to keep drinking, to stop without the strong fighting urge to continue to drink, however i wasnt sure if it was my mood or it seemed that the kudzu made the alcohol effect not an enjoyable one. ifelt as if the good "buzz' you get from drinking, which makes u kinda cheerful, wasnt there. it could have been my mood, but did you guys think that? if so, that really sucks in my mind because if u dont feel happy thres no reasont to drink at all right? did u guys notice this? i should try it again because im not sure if it was my mood that night.
Does Kudzu...
I am pretty sure the point is to make it not fun right??? If you want the buzz bad enough that you were mad the kudzu worked I think you shoudl re-analyze your intentions. You are taking it to cut down on alcohol consumption correct?? Therefor it should be a good thing that it takes away the good feeling...because in turn you will drink less because you find it less enjoyable. I am not sure how the kidzu works, but I am pretty sure that if it works that way that is the intent.It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.
Does Kudzu...
I'm not noticing any effects from the Kudzu. I've been taking 3000mg a day for about a week now. Go figure? I know as adagirl said there are different types of alcoholics and I may be atypical. I really think it's strange that I developed a drinking problem at age 40. Why did I do just fine when I was young? Someone said something on another post about losing an enzyme when we age, what is that about? Is there a treatment for the missing enzyme? I do know I only want one kind of drink, that's my favorite Italian white wine, anything else....I can just push it away very easily. If the party (or restaurant or whatever) doesn't have my Pinot Grigio I'm going home sober, LOL! I guess I am clearly a wino. If anybody has any insight or advice I would love to hear it. I am not proud to say that I can drink up to two bottles a night of Pinot Grigio.Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
- George Jackson
Does Kudzu...
My Heart - morning... (well. here it is!!)
Enzyme was me and there's no treatment I've heard of but some say things improve after menopause. Whether it returns a bit I don't know but it would seem that women just don't want as much booze after that....I've heard so many women over the age of saying, "I can't take as much as I used to.".... which got me thinking....could this be why you (we!) were up to 2 bottles of the Pinot Grigio? But don't want anything else? Is two bottles, rather than two glasses, an effort to 'enjoy' it as much as you used to? So you keep drinking it 'looking' for that old feeling? Just a thought, (just letting the words flow here) is there any way you could find yourself in a place where you can accept that you can no longer find that feeling in a bottle of wine? Your body can no longer give you that old reaction to wine coz it's changed - I guess why menopause used to be called 'The Change' All the chemicals are different now and that is that. A sort of end. Which leaves us immediately looking for another way - could that be 'Just be happy on your own volition'?.... Do we really need a chemical - any chemical - to be just happy? Daft when we think about it?! I mean kids are happy coz I guess we didn't choose to get that from outside of ourselves then...we just were or weren't. Who taught us that that wasn't good enough or 'made' us be happy to order? Sort of society's expectation here I wonder? Three months I could no more have believed that I could enjoy things more on water/Coke than fly to the moon but I do and I love it! I, me, 'the bod that I am' has fun now, not some 'left-my-head', 'out-of-it', 'falsley over-the-top' person who can't remember the fun I had the night before....well, that's a bum steer for a start!!! I'd rather have genuine fun that's grounded and remember it forever than a few hours of adrenalin filled hype and hazy recollection!
I hope my ramble has heped a bit - thank you for getting me to think about it; it's helped me to see something more clearly anyway! I know it's easier at 90-ish days, dunno I could have thought this at 15!!!! I never thought I'd be grateful for AF (anyone who said it around me was seriously dodgy!) but I think I am - yes, I really am!
I've just been remembering the evenings I spent with my cousin working in his boat earlier this year....3 bottles of PG a night, every night between the two of us....the chats and the laughter (which we had all day anyway without it) were fun, but I am quite sure we could have spent fun evenings just as well without wine.... looking back I can't see a single thing the wine gave either of us over a soft drink except a thick head in the morning and judging by my cousin's routine needs - bed with a pint of water and a whole carton of orange juice, wake-up to huge cup of stand-your-spoon-up-in-it black coffee with 6 fags and a foul mood. (He had 2 of the 3 bottles and I wonder.............!) Is that really fun?!?!?!? (We wont go into my routine needs - history now and I'm looking forwards - wine for breakfast no more....hmmm!)
So, much as I love(d) the good ol' Pinot Grigio I think I can do without it now I know I can have fun for real! (Don't quote me if I ever get to holiday in Italy will you?!?!)
F x:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Does Kudzu...
Sorry guys! In my (typical) ramble I forgot to mention the Kudzu!!! Um, I haven't used the MWO one being in the UK... got a liquid version form the local Health store....20 drops in water. I can't say it's helped coz I haven't had too many cravings (yet!) but am taking it with me to my daughter's wedding this weekend....all points covered just in case; I drank on emotion!!!Thanks for the info that 'if' it could make it even worse or something other than just tke away the desire. It's the L-glut that has helped me at times. a 300mg capsule as soon as I 've felt wobbly about drink (when my partner and I split a month ago for one!!) seemed to take away the feeling within 20 minutes.....Doggy says to break one open and pit it under the tongue buthaven't tried that. Keep for 'real' emergency!
Sorry can't help more on the actual Kudzu - just rambled around the feeling stuff again.... Hope I haven't wrecked this thread.... I'm sure you'll get more experienced comment on Kudzu.
What's the 'rest of the world' type? What strength and is it a tablet?
Good Luck
F x:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Does Kudzu...
Thanks FMF, "The Change", LOL....I certainly have! Here's the strange thing I very very rarely get a hangover. I can drink up to 1 1/2 bottles of wine and wake up fine and dandy in the about 2 bottles I'll get a headache but that's about it. This is pre Kudzu so it's not the Kudzu preventing it. I don't get what is happening to me. The brand of Kudzu I bought is not the MWO and maybe that's what you all are taking because MWO states theirs is clinically superior or something to that effect. I bought mine before I found this site. I also just bought some Kudzu tea, tastes fine..I put a little honey in it.Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
- George Jackson