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y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
I am very interested in this since I had to quit the topa. Now that you've been taking it a while, do you notice a difference? Is it still working? Please let us know, good or bad how it is. Thanks!Life itself is the proper binge. Julia ChildTags: None
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
Hi there,
I'dl ike to hear about experiences too. Particularly if anyone has found somewhere in the UK to buy it.
KittyOur greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
I have no bad experiences with it. I believe it is helping (daily does in pill form) and the nose spray is definitely helpful for "emergency" situations (very quick, calming effect). As far as I know there are no down sides, so why not try it?Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
Hi folks:
Well, I took this for a couple of weeks a few months ago, and thought I noticed a difference.
Then I quit taking it for a couple of months, and got it out of my system.
Then I started taking 2 tablets a day again, once in morning, and once before bed about two weeks ago.
There is a definite, but subtle difference for me. It keeps my temper and emotional response to stressors in check to a noticable degree. It also seems to shave the peaks and valleys off my moods as well. Nothing radical, but subtle. I suspect for a person who has a far more pronounced cycling of emotional state, it would have even more effect, if indeed they needed this element.
One thing, is that I became far more aware of the moodiness of others, especially the drinkers where I work. It was like in the the back of my mind, while they were having a tantrum or something was, "They need lithium orotate!" But of course, it is my secret.
I will probably stop taking it again for a while to see if I go back to higher sensitivity. The effect is so subtle, I'm not sure if it is placebo related or not.
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
Hey guys...
Um, can anyone let me know about the speed of calming of the Lithium Orotate spray please? And is it at all addictive? (Or just the feeling!?!) I get a bit scared of it's antipsychotic stuff and it being too much....
I used to self-medicate with a large one plus Valium (er, no more!!) when there was the slightest mention of 'a bug going round' (tummy flu) and as for, 'Mum, I feel sick...' well, watch me go!!! And then I'm sick....
I have 'emetophobia' - fear of vomiting. I mean no-one likes it but I really do literally fall down; I nearly black out, my legs go to jelly and I shake, can't sleep, am hyper-vigilant and jumpy. Had years and years of counselling and therapy but never found out where it came from.... just have to deal with it and I'm much better but..... (and AF hasn't done anything with this - the only thing it hasn't...real phobia I think!)
I know that this will be the biggest trigger back to drinking for me... But if the spray would just take the edge off until I can get my mind back in order...which I can do after the initial far to rapid a reacton to 'inhibit'....I would be soooooh happy!
What does anyonw who's tried it think? I'd be really grateful to know...the winter bug months are upon us here and as the light goes with the dark evenings too, I know it'll catch me out somewhen.... too old and familiar a 'friend' to think different!
We can only order it off the web living in the UK... Google brings up (sic!) (!!) a few sites.
Anyone know of the best though?
Thanks for listening to my weird ramble!!
FMF xx:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
Thanks for all the imput y'all. I am considering it to help me transition that weird *itchy* antsy anxious feeling that I sometimes get in the evening -the one that the 1st glass (or 2) of wine makes go away. Obviously if I could stop there, I wouldn't have met all y'all nice folks:H So if this could help me over that bump without the wine, I would be that much farther ahead on my journey. Sounds like that might be the case for you Neil (although I know you are well beyond that transition point -congratulations on your continued af!) Would it work just on an as needed basis, or does it need to be dosed up to a certain point to be effective? I read lots of info in the internet, both for and against, but couldn't find that piece of information. Thanks again!Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
Amethyst and Kitty - sort of think I might order some spray...what are you going to do? Hopefully there'll be a few more posts (although I'm not knocking those who have posted here honest guys!!)
Hey, Beatle - you're about to go Senior! Impressive! Congratulations!!
Love FMF x:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
Hey all!! I asked beatle a few questions and felt comfortable enough to order it. So, we should update this thread when we all start to see how it goes...
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
I am going for the spray by Symmetry. Lithium orotate treating bi polar disorder depression mood swings alcoholism anxiety For me, I like the "quick" action.. that seems to be when I can get in trouble... I think it is worth a try!
I am intrigued, too...
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
just saw this on an ebay auction by an outfit selling it:
Lithium Orotate: The Unique Safe Mineral with Multiple Uses
by Ward Dean, M.D. and Jim English
Reprinted by permission from Pat Whittington of Vitamin Research News
Lithium is a mineral with a cloudy reputation. It is an alkali metal in the same family as sodium, potassium and other elements. Although lithium is highly effective for supporting those who experience depression or foul moods, its pharmaceutical (prescription) versions, lithium carbonate and lithium citrate, must be used with caution. The reason for the caution with prescription lithium is because lithium in these forms is poorly absorbed by the cells of the body — and it is within the cells that lithiums' therapeutic effects take place. Lithium ions are believed to act only at particular sites on the membranes of intracellular structures like mitochondria and lysosomes.
Consequently, because of this poor intracellular transport, high dosages of pharmaceutical forms of lithium must be taken in order to obtain a satisfactory therapeutic effect. Unfortunately, these therapeutic dosages cause blood levels to be so high that they border on toxic levels. Consequently, patients taking prescription lithium must be closely monitored for toxic blood levels. Serum lithium and serum creatinine levels of prescription lithium-treated patients should be monitored every 3-6 months.
Toxicity effects of lithium may include hand tremors, frequent urination, thirst, nausea, and vomiting. Even higher doses may cause drowsiness, muscular weakness, poor coordination, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, and other symptoms.
There has been concern that long-term lithium treatment may damage kidney function, but data in this regard are equivocal. Renal insufficiency without a known cause has occurred in the general population, and the incidence of renal failure among manic-depressive patients not treated with lithium remains unknown.
Most patients treated with lithium are also taking other medications and it is just as likely that the few known cases of renal failure in patients taking lithium were due to other medications that they were simultaneously taking.2-5
Nevertheless, with potential side effects like this, why in the world would anyone want to take lithium? It is because lithium has been found to be one of the most effective support medications for those who experience "the blues."
Mood Disorders
Mood disorders are characterized by mood swings that usually cycle back and forth between up cycles and down cycles. The down phase is characterized by sluggishness (inertia), loss of self-esteem, helplessness, withdrawal and sadness, with suicide being a risk. The up (or manic) phase is characterized by elation, hyperactivity, over-involvement in activities, inflated self-esteem, a tendency to be easily distracted, and little need for sleep. In either phase there is frequently a dependence on alcohol or other substances of abuse. The disorder first appears between the ages of 15 and 25 and affects men and women equally. The cause is unknown, but hereditary and psychological factors may play a role. The incidence is higher in relatives of people with the disorders. A psychiatric history of mood swings, and an observation of current behavior and mood are important in the diagnosis of this disorder.7
Orthodox Treatment
Hospitalization may be required during an acute phase to control the symptoms. Antidepressant drugs may be given; anticonvulsants (Carbamazepine, Valproic acid, Depakote) may also be used. (These substances deplete body stores of L-carnitine and Taurine. Supplementation with several grams daily of these supplements greatly ameliorates adverse side effects of these drugs).
Lithium, however, is the treatment of choice for "the blues," serving as a consistent mood enhancer in 70-80 percent of people.
Mortality-lowering, Anti-Suicidal Effect of Lithium
The mortality of people with "ups and downs" is markedly higher than that of the general population. The increased mortality is mainly, but not exclusively, caused by suicide. Studies have shown that the mortality of these patients given long-term lithium treatment is markedly lower than that of patients not receiving lithium. The frequency of suicidal acts among treated patients is significantly lower than patients given other antidepressants or carbamazepine. The results of mortality studies are consistent with the assumption that lithium-treatment protects against suicidal behavior. 8-13
Recurrent Major Affective Disorder
In addition to its well-recognized benefits in the management of "mental ups and downs," trials have conclusively demonstrated that lithium is also an effective treatment for recurrent major affective disorder.14-16 Although physicians in Europe have successfully used lithium for this indication for many years, American psychiatrists do not share their appreciation of lithium's safety and effectiveness for conditions. Perhaps it is due to a difference in the lithium preparations they have at their disposal.
Superiority of Lithium Orotate
The lithium salt of orotic acid (lithium orotate) improves the specific effects of lithium many-fold by increasing lithium bio-utilization. The orotates transport the lithium to the membranes of mitochondria, lysosomes and the glia cells. Lithium orotate stabilizes the lysosomal membranes and prevents the enzyme reactions that are responsible for the sodium depletion and dehydration effects of other lithium salts. Because of the superior bioavailability of lithium orotate, the therapeutic dosage is much less than prescription forms of lithium. For example, in cases of severe mental maladjustment, the therapeutic dosage of lithium orotate is 150 mg/day. This is compared to 900-1800 mg of the prescription forms (carbonate). In this dosage range of lithium orotate, there are no adverse lithium side effects and no need for monitoring blood serum measurements.17
Other Uses for Lithium Orotate
Lithium orotate has also been used with success in supporting those with migraine and cluster headaches, low white blood cell counts, juvenile convulsive disease, alcoholism and liver disorders.18 Nieper also reports that patients with myopia (nearsightedness) and glaucoma often benefit from the slight dehydrating effect of lithium on the eye, resulting in improvement in vision and reduction of intraocular pressure.17
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Lithium Orotate (providing 4.8 mg elemental lithium) 130 mg *
*Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose and Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (Vcap). Contains no added starch, salt, wheat, gluten, corn, coloring, or dairy products.
Restrictions for Lithium Orotate: Canada - No import. Japan - 1 bottle per order
Dosage and Use:
For general mood enhancement and mental acuity, suggested dose is 1 capsule of lithium orotate twice per day with meals as a part of your overall/everyday life enhancement protocol.
Most effectively utilized when taken with meals.
In cases of more severe mental maladjustment and/or for those who want to reduce their amount of alcohol consumption, the therapeutic dosage of lithium orotate is 150 (elemental) mg/day (30 caps/day). Once a level of control has been established, lowering the dose gradually over time is suggested.
References (this article only):
1. Aronson JK, Reynolds DJM. ABC of monitoring drag therapy: lithium. BMJ. 1992;305: 1273-1276.
2. Schou M, Effects of long-term lithium treatment on kidney function: an overview. J Psychiat Res, 1988;22.,287-296.
3. Waller DG, Edwards TG. Lithium and the kidney: an update. Psycliol Mod. 1989; 19:825-83 1.
4. Gitlin MJ. Lithium-induced renal insufficiency., J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1993) 13:276-279.
5, Kallner G,.Petterson IJ. Renal, thyroid and parathyroid function during lithium treatment: laboratory test in 207 people treated for 1-30 years. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 1995;91:48-5 1.
6. Baastrup PC, Schou M. Lithium as a prophylactic agent: its effects. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1967; 16:162-172.
7. Goodwin FK, Jamison KR. Manic-Depressive Illness. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press; 1990.
8. Mueller-Oerlinghausen D, Ahrens B, Volk J, Grof P, Grof E, Schou M, Vestergaard P, Lenz G, Sinihandl C, Tlau K, Wolf R. Reduced mortality of patients in long-term lithium treatment, an international collaborative study by IGSLI. Psychiatry Res. 1991;36:329-331.
9. Ahrens B, Mueller-Oerlinghausen 3, Schou M, Wolf T, Alda M, Grof. E. Grof P, Lejiz G, Simhandl C, Thau K, Vestergaard P, Wolf R, Moeller H. Cardiovascular and suicide mortality of affective disorders may be reduced by lithium prophylaxis. J Affect DI-Y, 1995;33:67-75.
10. Mueller-Oerlinghausen B, Mueser-Causemam B, Volk J. Suicides and parasuicides in a high-risk patient group on and off lithium long-term medication, J Affect Dis. 1992;25: 261-270.
11. Felber- NV, Kyber A. Suizide und Parasuizide wachrend und aubetadserhalb einer Lithiumprophylaxe. In-, Muclicr-Oerlinghausen B, Berghoefer A, eds. Ziele und Ergebnisse der medikagivitoeseyi I-i-opiiylaice affektiver Psychoseii. Stuttgart, Germany, Thieme; 1994:53-59.
12. Thies-Flechtner K, Seibert W, Walther A, Greil W, Mueller-Oerlinghausen B, Suizide bei rezldlvprophylaktisch behandelten Patienten mit affektiven Psychosen. In: Mueller-Oerlinghausen B, Berghoefer A, eds. Ziele und Ergebnisse der medikamentoesen Prophylaxe offekliver Psychosen. Stuttgart, Germany. Thieme; 1994,61-64.
13. Schou M.. Mortality-lowering effect of prophylactic lithium treatment, a look at the evidence, Pharmacopsychiatry. 1995;28: 1.
14. Souza FGM, Goodwin GM. Lithium treatment and prophylaxis in unipolar: a meta-analysis, Br J Psychiatry. 1991; 158:666-675.
15. Johnstone EC, Owens DGC, Lambert MT, Crow TJ, Frith CD, Done DJ. Combination tricyclic and lithium maintenance medication in unipolar and bipolar. J Affect Dis, 1990;20:225-233.
16. Prien RF, Kupfer DJ, Mansky PA, Small JG, Iuason VB, Voss CB, Johnson WE. Drug therapy in the prevention of recurrences in unipolar and bipolar. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 1984;41.1096-1104.
17. Nieper HA The clinical application of lithium orotate. Agressologie 14(6). 407-411, 1973.
18. Sartori HE, Lithium orotate in the treatment of alcoholism and related conditions, Alcohol 1986 Mar; 3 (2): 97-100.
19. Nieper HA The effect of a combination of Calcium-orotate and Lithium orotate on primary and secondary chronic hepatitis and primary and secondary liver cirrhosis. From lecture Intl Acad of Prevent Med, Washington, DC March 9, 1974.
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Keep lithium orotate out of reach of children
Do not exceed recommended dose
If you have a bad reaction or experience negative side-effects, discontinue use immediately
When using lithium orotate, please inform your physician.
Lithium should not be used by individuals with significant renal or cardiovascular diseases, severe debilitation or dehydration, or sodium depletion, and by individuals who are taking diuretics or ACE inhibitors.
Consult your doctor before use if you are taking anti-hypertensive drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesic drugs or insulin.
Lithium should not be used by pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers.nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
y'all that are taking lithium orotate, please give an update!
Wow Deter...that says it all...............but a good little bit about L Orotate. And I guess the spray might have even less than 150mgs in it by the sounds of it....
Thanks for posting that...
Love FMF x:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."