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has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

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    has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

    Day 4- Morning

    I am now on the morning of Day 4- headache much better, also started my period this morning so that could have contributed to the headache yesterday.

    I am not doing the salt water today as I think everything together would be too much- and the book does say it is OK to miss a day or two.

    I seem to be pretty clean anyway- I never eat meat or fish, and only very occasionally eat dairy, so I would not expect to be too clogged up.

    I weighed this morning and have lost 4 kilos- (nearly 9 lbs!) They say when you stop the cleanse half the weight will go back on, so if I lose another 9, then put half back on that will be ideal.

    I am not hungry but keep thinking how nice the orange juice on day 11 will be!

    It is great to only crave something healthy


      has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

      Geez, Marbella well we would all have stressful headaches if we weren't paid - that sounds awful, I couldn't survive if I didn't get paid! Congrats on struggling on through even with all your ailments and also congrats on the weight loss - 4 kgs - wow - but you really want to lose another 9 kgs? That's really a lot! (I've lost nearly 3 so far).

      I'm marching on with this (everybody I talk to thinks I am mad - probably makes me even more determined!!!!), Anyway I'm a wee bit concerned as I drank my lax tea last night (not a very strong one I must say - still looking for the smooth move tea) and drank my SF this am and nothing has passed yet, anybody else had this? I thought we all passed something after the SF. Anyway, never mind, I'm drinking my Lemon Juice as normal and feel OK, I just wouldn?t mind having a "Spring-clean" today. Anyway, the great thing for me is that I haven't had an alcoholic drink since starting because we are not allowed to and that's just fantastic.

      Have a great day all and speak tomorrow.

      BS X
      It is easier to stay out than get out.

      Mark Twain


        has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?


        Thanks for your commiserations, yes it is no wonder I got a headche, but it has completely gone now and I feel quite good today! I am going to have a very hot bath with epsom salts now as I have heard it is helpful in pulling the toxins out.

        Are you craving alcohol at all?

        I have had the odd twinge but really only a twinge, cannot be called a craving.

        From what I have read on the forums is if nothing happens after the Salt Water it is likely to be you need a litle more salt- maybe try adding half a teaspoon tomorrow?

        I am quite looking forward to doing it tomorrow after missing today!

        I do not wish to loose another 9 kg, just another 9lbs would be fine, then if I put 9 back on after the cleanse I should have a weight loss of 9lbs in total which would be perfect bring me just to a lb or 2 above my ideal weight. I can live with that

        I have not told anyone I am doing this- only BF.

        They would all try to talk me out of it, and tell me I am mad. I wouldn't mind, but the ones who do that tend to be very overweight and unhealthy.


          has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

          Glad that you are feeling a lot better today Marbella.

          Am I craving alcohol - No - But that's only because I have switched off the "Button" (which never switches off once I start?..) to do this Cleanse, that really helps me when I have something to stay focussed on, something that I really can't cheat on (I'll have to think of something else after the cleanse!!!!) - but anyway no cravings for me (but then I have also been avoiding it anyhow and am being totally anti-social). Glad that you are not getting any cravings - ding dong, ding dong, the light has just switched on - I forgot that we are not meant to get cravings during the cleanse - whoopee maybe it's working then - wouldn't it be great if it took away the cravings forever - hallelujah!

          Will try a little more salt tomorrow then - glad to see that its 9 lbs more that you want to lose and not 9 kgs?.. Yes it would be great to get just a couple of of kgs nearer our "ideal weight" once we have lost our load then put the half back on wouldn't it?

          Yes, typical that it would be all the unhealthy ones telling you that you are mad - I wonder why?

          Got to run, will check in tomorrow - have a nice evening - hope it's sunny in Spain, greyish here in France (but not cold) - Autumn is setting in.

          BS X
          It is easier to stay out than get out.

          Mark Twain


            has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

            Apart from the added bonuses of cleaning the body out and the weight loss my main hope around this cleanse is it that it will kill the desire for alcohol for good.

            That would be amazing. :thumbs:


              has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

              Hello Marbella and Bluesky you guys are still hanging in there, good for you.:goodjob:
              I ate an apple today. It was so good to chew. I am not craving anything unhealthy, so it's easy to just eat fruit and vegetables. I had a cup of green tea today and could feel the caffeine going into my system.
              By the way this cleanse did help me with seriously reducing cravings for coffee (haven't had a cup since before I started the cleanse)and alcohol. In regards to the salt wash. the first 2 times I did it, nothing happened, then I added 2 1/2 tsp instead of 2 tsp and that did the trick.
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                Fifth Day

                Gosh- I can't believe I am at day 5 already!! :goodjob:

                I took my salt water this morning and it did not seem to be working although the salt was plenty- then I remembered reading somewhere you should make sure you are well hydrated before taking it, or your body will try to hang onto it, that is gross I want that stuff out of my system as fast as it went in, so I quickly drank another large glass of water and that seems to be doing the trick...So, if the salt water does not seem to be always 'working right', it is probably a good idea to have a glass of water or two ten minutes before taking the salt.

                I can't believe the complete lack of hunger and very minimal cravings for anything, although I have a certain amount of stress at the moment.

                I have heard Day 6 can be dodgy for some people as it is when your body really starts to work on the old crap it has stored which can cause feelings of discomfort and cravings, so must be aware for tomorrow, but today I feel great.

                Up till now, I have lost 5 kilos, (11 lbs) and am at my ideal weight for the first time in 3.5 years.

                The fat is falling off all over- not just belly fat but also inner thighs and upper arms- places I thought I would be stuck with it unless I did some vigorous exercising. Although my main reason for this wasn't to lose weight, it is a very pleasant side effect.


                  has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                  Oh my goodness. 11 pounds in 5 days? How crazy is that??

                  I am looking forward to my raw diet on Tuesday. I have been eating raw foods over the last couple of days and will continue to until Thanksgiving. Then I will be back on it. After 3 days of eating purely raw vegetation, nuts, and little fruit I am feeling pretty darn good already. This is definitely a lifestyle change I could handle. Not just for the sake of a cleanse, but for life.......... I am personally not looking forward to a turkey dinner, so I might just eat what is on my immediate diet and feed the rest of the fam the other stuff.


                    has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                    But I still haven't given up my morning coffee..... I just can't do it quite yet!


                      has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                      Marbella congrats you are doing so well. when I was fasting I drank tea and water all day and night to keep hydrated, being hydrated is the part that makes you panic a bit about being hungry etc. day six was hard for me I got a little shaky and was having trouble concentrating, but it would go away when I drank the lemonade.
                      today I am eating regular, except I am not touching processed foods or refined sugars and flour. My skin still looks great. going to the gym seems easier.
                      I quit coffee, makes me less moody.
                      having a smoothie for breakfast has become a habit.
                      hang in there ladies
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                        Accountable- I did the Raw food Diet for 6 months on and off with a few cheats in between.

                        The longest I went was 20 days completely raw (no drink either) but over the six months my diet was probably 85% raw. I was still drinking alcohol but I did manage to cut down a lot that year.

                        I looked and felt better than I ever remembered-in fact I looked 10 years younger while on that diet.

                        I broke it in the Autumn, started having the odd pizza, and well, we all know where the odd one leaves us don't we:-)
                        After that I have not been able to stick to it for longer than a few days at a time.

                        I am hoping after this Master Cleanse I will be able to follow it again without temptation to come off it at all. I mean after this lemonade thing it has to be damn easy!


                        Thanks for your support- have found the last few hours hard. Hope it passes- reading the Curezone forum, tons of info there and tips on how to keep at it.
                        Have you had any yearning for alcohol since coming off it?


                          has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                          hi Marbella to answer your question I have thought about drinking, I am a little scared that it's going to hurt my tummy. My BF was drinking beer and wine the last couple days, I smelled it but didn't drink it.
                          I think it's very possible to stay AF if you want to after the cleanse. you just don't want poisons in your system, it's interesting. I don't plan on being 100% but I won't drink if I don't feel like it, and that is how I feel right now. I plan on doing this again in 4 months.
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                            Thanks- thats what I hoped, that I just wouldn't fancy it.

                            Am having a few cravings tonight- I think it is because it is Friday night here, so difficult to get that weekend binging out of the system!

                            Nothing too serious though. I won't spoil it now. and would be far too scared to drink beer on this empty stomach.


                              has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                              Ooooooooohhhh - you all have me more inspired than I've been in a long time!!
                              I need to go on a diet to get rid of systemic candida - anyone know if this cleanse is good for candida?

                              I've done juice fasts a few years ago and loved them. Also was a raw-fooder for awhile, and loved the way I felt and looked. Now... I'm 75 pounds overweight, and though I'm feeling better overall from drinking considerably less than I had been, still am way too slugglish, got brain fog, bloated, icky. I miss that feeling of being clean from fasting and colon cleansing (I've had several colonics.)

                              I'm going to see a naturopath Monday to talk about the candida and I'll ask her if she thinks this cleanse will help.

                              I think even if it's not ideal for candida, it sounds like a great way to prepare for a candida diet, if it can help me go AF 100% (which I must be for a candida diet) and get me a jumpstart on weight loss and energy gain.

                              Thanks for sharing your experiences!
                              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                                has anyone tried the master cleanse also known as the lemon diet?

                                Marby has slipped.

                                She has had a horrific week with her 'bosses' and she finds it very difficult to cope with arse holes at the best of times. She is owed her last month's wages and every day she works she is owed more, and she has a slim chance of getting what is due.

                                She really should not have started the cleanse knowing this situation was likely to kick off- but she started it anyway as she had rather been looking forward to it.

                                Due to awful insults and rows Marby has decided to succumb to 3 tomatoes and 5 beers tonight.

                                She realizes this was not ideal, and is sorry.

                                However Marby stands by her original idealism- "The Cleanse should be done when you are under no other predictable stress!"

                                "Do not let idiots around you while undertaking the Cleanse!"

                                Marby will resume the cleanse shortly, although obviously starting from Day 1 again.

                                Marby wishes that everybody knows she is proud of what she achieved rather than ashamed of what she didn't.

                                Marb's Friend xxx

                                PS. marb is cool

