A big thanks to Lushy for the great quinoa recipe! I had leftover quinoa which I layered with sauteed spinach, onions and garlic, then topped with shredded Swiss cheese before baking. The red pepper flakes added just the right kick! Yummy and addictive! :thanks:
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Miracle food!
Miracle food!
A big thanks to Lushy for the great quinoa recipe! I had leftover quinoa which I layered with sauteed spinach, onions and garlic, then topped with shredded Swiss cheese before baking. The red pepper flakes added just the right kick! Yummy and addictive! :thanks:With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Miracle food!
Hey all -
I'm reviving this thread because I must shout about the power of quinoa yet again.
I just tried a couple weeks of no/low carb dieting. I usually eat quinoa about 5x/week, mostly for breakfast with spinach. But no quinoa for 2 weeks. And guess what - I have had the most monstrous alcohol cravings I've had in ages, and my old friend depression has come back for a visit.
EAT YOUR QUINOA!!!FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!
Miracle food!
MOW. Gerolsteiner is my fav too.... except, if you ever come across a bottled water from Poland or Czech (somewhere in middle europe) with a big red heart on the label...grab it!!
Did you know that you don't even have to cook quinoa? You can sprout it for the max benefit. Check out the raw food sites. :h g.
Miracle food!
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
Miracle food!
I throw it in my miso soup with extra seaweed and shitake mushrooms. Quinoa does rock. I swear, it is like a drug to me. Makes me calm and happy. I love the fact that it is such an easy way for me to get protein without getting protein from something with eyes and a face.
Miracle food!
My quinoa has eyes, and it smiles back at me from the bowl.
Gelgit, thanks for the reminder! I found my sprouting book recently and checked out quinoa - looks like it sprouts very quickly. Couple problems the author points out is it can mold quickly, and more and more quinoa you buy is 'pre-rinsed' and that kind won't sprout.
Think I'm gonna try it tho - haven't had sprouts since my raw food days...FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!
Miracle food!
...spent all yesterday shopping and running around. I did come home with 3# of quinoa from the health food co-op so it should be sproutable.
I'm counting on it to put more hair on my hair, make my boobs grow, and my hubbie go away. Now, THAT would be the top wonder food of the century. Meanwhile, I'll settle for all the other benefits and send along some recipes as I try them. Thanks for the topic.:h g.
Miracle food!
MOW, what a brilliant thread. I've been reading it all morning. You guys should be sales reps for QUINOA.
After I dropped my kids of at school I went staight to the health food shop and bought some 'organic fairtrade quinoa'. I'm gonna try it tonight mixed with a bit of hummus, rainbow trout and steamed asparagus.
Interesting what you said about alcohol cravings and depression MOW. I have bipolar, I'm stable at the moment and feel very well thanks to meds and no AL. You've all got me quite excited about quinoa cause I've been looking for a substitute for rice and pasta, if it's as good as you all say I'm sticking with it. :thanks:.
I'll let you know what I think later on tonight after I've had dinner
take care
xxxAF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:
Snake....... come crawling,
There's fire in your eyes,
Bite me, excite me,
I'll learn to realize.
The poison transmuted,
Brings eternal flame.
Open me to heaven,
To heal me again.
Miracle food!
I am anxiously waiting for my quinoa to arrive from amazon.com!!_______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
Miracle food!
gelgit;322314 wrote: ...spent all yesterday shopping and running around. I did come home with 3# of quinoa from the health food co-op so it should be sproutable.
I'm counting on it to put more hair on my hair, make my boobs grow, and my hubbie go away. Now, THAT would be the top wonder food of the century. Meanwhile, I'll settle for all the other benefits and send along some recipes as I try them. Thanks for the topic.:h g.
Miracle food!
Tried it, loved it, sticking with it.............
I'm gonna make it my new staple food. It's so versatile, I'll be trying out all the different ways to eat it, breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.
I need to find a cheaper source though. Does anybody in England know if any of our supermarkets stock it?
Thanks again Quinoa QueensAF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:
Snake....... come crawling,
There's fire in your eyes,
Bite me, excite me,
I'll learn to realize.
The poison transmuted,
Brings eternal flame.
Open me to heaven,
To heal me again.