Thank you Satori. That was exactly what I needed at this moment.
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Managing inner voices
Managing inner voices
Last Of The Summer Wine;252632 wrote: Satori
However, I must take you up on your point about a "good sensible healthy meal" - after all I am a Scottish lassie J
You speak for yourself - deep fried mars bar and deep fried pizza may be on your menu - but I have my salad in the fridge for lunch!:H
Yep the Broons were rather un PC!
My sons were reading old Oor Wullie annuals recently and I am ashamed to say, I had to translate some of it for them!Jings, Crivvens - Help ma Boab - whit's the world comin tae?
Take care
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Managing inner voices
Nancy - this is a lovely thread...thank you...those 'voices' and that 'guilt'....I too, grew up with massive guilt....'guilt is good' was the message...I have just realised from your post! And no wonder my life has been filled with things that I felt guilty about - not necessarily guilty things, just my take on it! But certainly not a life of self-nurturing and peace! And even now, the reason I don't get on with my aged parents is because they still focus on my every daily and past failing....because guilt is their is the only way they will get through the gates of heaven to them....and I wont be sucked in to their game any more! Wow - that hasreally opened up something new to me - thanks Nancy!
I wrote the following yesteday on the Inn after my few days nightmare with my phobia about the winter vomiting virus....(sorry!) Thanks Satori - you so often put my mind back in it's place from being absent! All sorts of foul things happen 'out of the now' and without love don't they.......eeek! Sorry, it's a bit long but it's my 'take' on the voices and being in the now and gentle with I just copied it....hope you all don't mind..(ha! there's that guilt!) and the same, if any of it's helpful...well..,
I am feeling more peaceful.....and I use that word purposefully! It's been a living Hell! Of my minds making of course! I know it...I knew it...but catching up with it to grab it by the hand and give it a cuddle has been nigh on impossible! Hence the phobic fears!
I have been 'playing' (don't like 'working' but it is really) with what's been going on....the phobia is no doubt to do with abandonment....and I have been actuely aware over the years that the fear shoots up 'top right out of my head'..... somewhere I can't really see it and don't want to look! So, some Toltec stuff about staying in the self...with the self....and Buddhist teaching basics (the answer's always in the basics of everything isn't it!!) of there being no fear in the present....especially if the present is filled with love.... OK. Got myself back in the now. Had been to scared to be 'here' in case I found myself feeling sick...and too scared to use any imagination of the future or memory of the past with all that was being imagined by had completely 'vacated my mind' by then! So, I wasn't anywhere and I certainly wasn't with myself...I had abandoned myself so quite understandably was feeling utterly terrified! If phobia is a fear of anhililation, then, by deserting myself I had indeed 'been anhiliated'!!
So, I found myself again (funny how I picked my name! Must have 'known' something!!) and reconnected with the Now....and felt calm and strong again....
But it really was (is - I am sure I will need years of practice still!) the abandoning of myself...running out on my inner child and adult.... poor wee things! And when I left them, I was on my own, too!!! Eeek!
I know this sounds odd but it is all Inner Child work, Chakra stuff, Buddhist and Toltec's OK. I'm probably being the most 'sane' I've ever been!
I mention all this coz (a) it's all tied up with the why I drank..and why it had crossed my mind to get some of the strong stuff in over the last few days (I didn't)....out of this terror/phobia. And (b) because, for me, it has very similar messages to drinking and craving etc.... I used to run out on one self as above and then numb the terrified abandoned one with booze. But if I stick around in the now and with myself, the desire completely goes away again. (I guess, come to think of it, it might be where the old saying, "Pull yourself together" comes from?!?! Except I prefer something less hard and bossy!) (I guess the last sentence is the idea in your post, Nancy!!!!)
Love it when you're in 'ramble' mood, Satori! 'Ramble' away!
Nancy - hope you're doing good? Not too many neggy voices hammering away! That is where the church falls down badly to me...all that, "Miserable sinner" stuff....
Love Finding My Self xx (Perhaps I need to stop saying FMS to remind My Self I am 'here and now'!!!):heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Managing inner voices
PS - that is amazing, Nancy.....Janka! You said it! "I am used to feeling guilt".....
So darned used to it. I somehow (not hard to see why if you met my parents!!!!) have taken on board a simple but self-defeating belief..... "If you do bad and feel guilty = you are a good person." Heck.....that realisation's going to change a few things! (Haven't been like that for years - EDIT! Liar!!) but it set up habitual thinking that has affected a great deal which IS affecting 'now'....
Off to 'do' and not 'do'....and 'Be'!....with guilt out of the picture!
Thanks!:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Managing inner voices
Welcome to you Phoebedai. I hope you find want you want and need with this programme.
I'm a bit puzzled about your statement concerning Buddhism. It does not mesh with what I have learned so far.
Maybe Satori can elaborate on this?Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Managing inner voices
Buddhist teachings can mesh very nicely with any religion.
There is nothing to stop anyone using the practical tools and techniques that Buddhism provides to live a happier more contented more caring life.
Much of the "essence" of Buddhist teaching is concerned with practices to help calm and quiet inappropriate mental chatter that makes us unhappy and discontented, and to make us more compassionate and caring as individuals.
Buddha was simply a very insightful, wise man who lived about 2500 years ago.
Much of the stuff he figured out about why many of us go through life "suffering" - feeling as if there is "something missing", and the practices we can use to help overcome these feelings is just as relevent today as it was then.
You certainly dont have to stop believing in your own personal God to make use of his teachings - he was just a teacher.
It would be like having to stop believing in God in order to learn from a Psychology lecturer.
There was nothing supernatural about him - in fact he himself refused to comment about the existence or otherwise of God - or the origin of the universe because he was not qualified in any way to do so.
Hope that helps
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Managing inner voices
I have been thinking about this thread for a few days.
I like the idea of mindfulness, experiencing all the colors of the rainbow of life.
In regards to urges - I use this analogy often when younger folks ask me and Det about our marriage.
The reality is that you don't wake up in love everyday.
Sometimes you wake up and you are upset angry disappointed whatever.
Your heart is not always 100% in it.
But you don't end the marriage.
Your mind tells you what is right and wrong.
What is right and wrong today is usually still right and wrong tomorrow.
You honor your vows, you fulfil your obligation and you do the right thing.
And tomorrow may be a better day.
The heart is fickle, fluttering about changing it's feelings from moment to moment.
The mind, while still grows, has the sensibility to balance the right and wrong
(which could be healthy or unhealthy, compassionate or not, etc.).
Hope I actually kept within the subject.
Sorry, no buddhism here, but I felt I connected on different level and wanted to participate.
Dx* * I love Determinator * *
Managing inner voices
Very interesting thread!
Nancy, Have you read Eat, Pray, Love ? I think you would enjoy it : )
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Take Care,
MyheartPatience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
- George Jackson
Managing inner voices
Hi All,
I have been reading your thread and find it most interesting...especially the discussion on Buddhism. Indeed, the premises upon which it resides can be most useful in our day to day lives. I especially like it's philosophy regarding our thoughts and ability to define our futures.
A tool I use, which has also been very helpful, is journaling. Just writing down my thoughts with no limitations and then seeing where they take me over time and on that individual day. It's awesome to go back and see trends - both good and not so good - recognize them for what they are and who I am and then step into tomorow with a stronger inner knowledge. I highly recommend it and when you think about it, is another deviation on what we are doing here on the boards but directed only at our individual selves.
Just a thought.....Cheers
Managing inner voices
well from what i read, buddha is not one figure but a number of philosophical figures.
and teachings are very compatible with christianiaty.
I guess the reason i started the thread was, to ask who are you? Alcoholic? well, in some faiths, any thought you have is you. But in Buddhist teachings, the "you" is more flexible in all manners.
A thought or thought process is not the self.