I have been on one, two, three prescription anti-depressants since at least the age of 20. (I'm now sliding into 46.) I would love nothing more than to get off the damned things. None of them has ever worked for me. (I've been a drinker only in the last five or so years, so we can't blame it all on alcohol.) Trouble is, when I go off anti-depressants I become--not exactly suicidal, but not far from it. I simply lie in bed and wish someone would off me. But when I am on them, I just do NOT feel like myself. I feel like a robotic rendition of myself. I'm not the creative, vivacious person underneath the fog. I've discussed this with doc after doc. None of them has suggested anything other than--at most--switching to a different and equally ineffective antidepressant.
Does anyone have recommendations in this area?