I have been AF for 69 days. I have not taken any medications for quitting and have only been taking a multi-vitamin and Omega 3 fish oil. I ordered kudzu in early Jan., but by the time it arrived I felt I no longer needed it.
Since quitting, I sleep better (not great), feel like I no longer suffer from depression (thanks to fish oil) and I do not have any alcohol cravings. I do suffer from stress and anxiety and fatigue. I believe what I plan on ordering will help address these issues, but this is where I'm unsure and need your help.
In addition to the multi and fish oil, I plan on ordering the following:
B 50 Complex
Milk Thistle
Magnesium Citrate
Vitamin C
Is there any reason this may be a wrong combination? I am open to any and all suggestions.
Also, if you take anything listed above, how much do you take? And are you feeling any benefits with what you take?
I appreciate any advise you can give me. Thanks!
Love, Me