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Cider Vinegar

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    Cider Vinegar

    here the linkage for health!

    Bragg Live Foods Apple Cider Vinegar

    Certified Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized and 5% acidity. Contains the amazing Mother of Vinegar which occurs naturally as strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules.


      Cider Vinegar

      I love this topic!!

      :new:If I get too preachy or windy you can tell me to shut up, but there are topics here I can say a lot about.

      Vinegar, organic apple cider vinegar is the best stuff. BUT, you can have a really bad reaction if antabuse is in your system. To avoid this, just heat it to boiling, cool refill the bottle and keep it in the fridge. Most milk thistle tinctures need the same treatment. It also is not so good for people with any kind of yeast problem and most drinkers do.

      The foot detox pads. Do they work? Probably, but they are way too expensive. You can do it yourself with castor oil. Soak rags, pads whatever in the oil and loosely attach to soles of feet with binding strips. Then, encase each foot in a plastic bag with secure wrappings around each ankle. Wear all night and God help you if you have to go potty!! You can also do this over your liver or anywhere. I'd heard of people who have zipped themselves up in an entire sleeping bag of castor oil.

      Ionic foot baths. A really great mystery. I have one and I try to do it every other day. It's said that it takes 3 years for the water to be clear. The people that manufacture it adamantly say that it DOES NOT draw toxins from your body. It does strengthen your cells little by little. The water will discolor with NO body part in the bath.... just the machine. It's the water itself that is coloring. The stronger your cells get, the more of the energy your body is able to take in, then, the less energy is released into the water and the clearer it remains. I have about 2 1/2 years of clean living to go before I can verify this!:h:h


        Cider Vinegar

        I read the foot patches really only react to the sweat in your feet. What do you know about Epson Salts and baking soda in bath water?


          Cider Vinegar

          I know this too.......

          :thumbs::thumbs: Epsom salts are cheap and excellent at drawing toxins. Baking soda O.K. Benonite clay is great but very hard on the drain pipes. 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide adds O to your system and is very energizing. Oil of magnesium is superb at adding Mg to all body parts and easing anxiety besides aches and pains. A little lavender oil is very calming. After the bath, cold pressed organic sesame seed oil further detoxes the skin while moisturizing. There's so much harmful crap in stuff that we rub on ourselves that the best rule to follow is simply.... if you wouldn't eat it, don't rub it on your skin. Look how many brands of toothpaste warn you not to swallow the stuff. They really mean it:l


            Cider Vinegar

            I take Braggs raw cider vinegar every morning in warm water with lemon juice and raw honey,I hate the taste but take it anyway with a straw coz the acidic lemon and vinegar is very bad for tooth enamel so always use a straw well back in your mouth.
            I really don't know if it's any good but it can't hurt.
            Cheers phoenix


              Cider Vinegar

              Cider vinegar is revolting! This isn't a new idea for weight loss, my sisters and I all used to knock it back when we were teenagers, I didn't loose any weight :upset:
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Cider Vinegar

                I've always found some unfiltered apple vinegar(braggs) and water is a great energy drink, and there is no doubt it's good for you!


                  Cider Vinegar

                  My dad (72 and fit as a butcher's dog) takes a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a small glass of water every morning and swears by it.
                  It's an old folk remedy/tonic and has been used for years by 'those in the know'.
                  The sour truth about apple cider vinegar - evaluation of therapeutic use | Nutrition Forum | Find Articles at BNET


                    Cider Vinegar

                    Kirova, that sounds like a good 'cocktail' substitute for we here!
                    From the Sanskrit prayer;

                    "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                    But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                    determined to be AF

