The cleanse is doing much more than I had thought it would. I did get two more bottles of Oxy and will keep using it until I am sure the insides are squeaky clean. Bad Ju Ju is still being removed. I read theories about milk of magnesia, and the H2O2 as substitutes but I don't think the results would be the same. I just don't know. I have spent $150 on the Oxy which is about 2 colonics and I dunno if they would have done the same thing. *I* think the Oxy was worth the $$. I tried some other products in the past but did not get the results I am getting now. When I finished the first two bottles of Oxy I was using Psyllium & Bentonite. It was not as effective as the Oxy. I did the P&B and salt water flushes. They were pretty clear. I used the Oxy again last night and it removed much more bad Ju Ju. Did a SWF this morning and more bad stuff gone. l will use the P &B for maintenance on a regular basis and the Oxy perhaps once a year. I do have coffee in the morning. Hey, I am not giving everything up. Basically, I have been eating food that is easy to digest and that means very little meat. Meat does take a long time to be assimilated. I will go back to some meat after this cleanse is over. I know it may be difficult but do try to eat lighter foods when using the Oxy. When do you know when you are done? From what I have read you are done when the eliminations do not smell foul. I do feel a lot better so something good is happening.