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    Back to L-Tryptophan...Thank You..this amnio acid does not make me groggy the next day! Actually it helps me to feel more refreshed in the AM...i had a slight tummy ache when I first started on L-T and now i am fine..i will be popping an L -T and 2 Melotonin's shortly as i have an important interview in the morning and must look my best! For extra security some Valerian Tincture and Calms Forte, lets hope i wake up in time...:H



      GOOD NITE..:h:h



        Calling RJ

        Hey, this is an awesome thread!

        I've been wondering why I've been feeling so crap.. and now I know!! I was taking the MWO amino complete and had to stop as I ran out of the complex and cash. I bought a local amino acid complex from my health food store but have not been much good since.

        Thanks to MM & the rest above.. I now realise that it is missing the vital ingredient. When I tried to buy some LT I found out it is not available in this country without a prescription. A few quick phonecalls to health practitioners who are supposed to be able to prescribe it and got a 'we don't deal with that sort of thing' response.

        I went back and looked at the old MWO container and noticed that it tells me what is in there, but not how many mg's.

        I will go back up the thread now to find out where I can buy it online. Can I please ask RJ to stock it on MWO? I think there are many of us who could learn about this.

        I'm so inspired I'm considering beginning to study Naturopathy so that I can introduce these ideas into this country. Damn it's a strange thing that nobody knows anything about amino acids here!!

        Thanks guys :l



          Um.. here is a pm I tried to send to Beatle Dear... whose message box is full! It's tough being so popular B!

          Thanks Beatle,
          Good work being 3 days AF and getting started again.. Congrats!!
 won't shop to Australia as customs sends everything back! So I've ordered some supps from MWO and hope they get through. I've been in a bad way and very stressed so not going so well with the abs. I think I'll try again once some supps arrive. The Doctors here are pretty dumb.. I've got a script for valium. But after reading some info about thyroid & insulin resistance etc.. on the boards I've decided to go see an Endocrinologist. I've had PolyCysticOvarian Syncrome (PCOS) for years so it's strange nobody suggested it before. I'll keep in touch & let you know how I go. Meantime I've subscribed to that thread started by DG in wholistic healing.. we are covering some similar ground to what we discussed in this thread.. but with a different slant of course. I've learned how to subscribe to a thread (at last!) so will keep posting there. It's called 'Bio-identical hormones'.
          Seeya round the boards mate



            Sorry fickle and thanks for posting it here. I am not at home and I rarely can get an internet connection. When I do, I quick check my e-mails and then go straight to MWO. Ooops, looks like I'm getting booted off again. I will be back!

            p.s. Xanax is a benzo and highly addictive. It does make some people feel great, and does little for others (like myself) except make them sleepy. Taken occasionally and in small doses, it is not dangerous.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



              Okay - I finally sprang for some L-Tryptophan. And I changed my usual St Johns Wort for New Chapter SJW SC27, which is supposed to be 'purer.'
              Yesterday, I really did have brain shivers. Which was surprising since it is from herbs. I haven't had an AD since last spring.
              So I am modding, one or two beers a night, for now, until I feel stronger. So it is one SJW midday, and 1,ooo mg of L-tryp at night.
              I feel kinda good.




                I tried to use glutamine. I started to gain weight. Checked on budybuilding sites, what they recommend for gaining: right: glutamine. Left it out and started to feel better. Found first here about tryptophan and tyrosine,, and started those, very good, feel calmer and not so bloated. read also about taurine and how beneficial that is and started also that. Those three plus my usual vitamins and Campral are the ones that help me, so that I sleep well and feel great also today, day 6 AF.



                  Ativan/Alprazolam was/is what I use for sleep.
                  I have just placed an order for LT; a friend is going to give me some tomorrow to get me started.
                  I am 'making love to AA' (I'm in & out), in now, in a foreign land (i.e. away from my stressors) and coming off Prozac, successfully it seems!
                  I agree that Mr. Wilson was terrible at understanding/explaining the dynamics of his own Fellowship (IMPO). The group I attend is rather 'alternative', where-in I translate: God=Nature
                  Spiritual Awakening=Social Awakening
                  Program=Fellowship (& Mentor)
                  same as any Fellowship, except for the round-table versus speaker-audience construct. The funny thing about AA is that the craving to drink usually abates in the Fellowship, but then many get tired of the free-floating-language (spirits and Gods, etc.), and leave.

                  On Wikepedia they even bring Fructose Malabsorption (a gastroenterologist told me, 25 years ago, that I had a malabsorption problem; unidentified) into the LT discussion.
                  Can't wait to try it.
                  Love this forum!
                  PS-Sorry if that was choppy, it always is.:new:



                    hi William

                    welcome to the forum. Maybe introduce yourself in the general section? That gets the most traffic. Anyways, wanted to say hi, and see you around!




                      Thanks, Lila.
                      Did 500mg for the first time last night (my first L-Tryp). Felt the relaxation in my body. Insomnia was from 4 to 6 a.m. (it's usually earlier). Felt good today.
                      I'm going to try 1000mg tonight per recommendation of 2 local friends who use it.



                        Hi William,
                        Welcome! I am wondering where to buy L-Tryp.. I have got some melatonin from the MWO shop but can't find it anywhere here in Australia.. although someone earlier recommended I should be able to buy it from Queensland. Any suggestions? I'll even buy offshore if I need.. just want to try it out.
                        I'm on day 5 AF and feeling pretty good mostly but sleeping is tough without help.



                          Doctor's Best Best L-Tryptophan Enhanced/TryptoPure w/Vitamin B6 & Niacinamide. - 90 Vegetarian Capsules -
                          One of my aforementioned friends uses so I did, too.
                          I've just woken up from my 3rd night of trying it. So far I am enthused!



                            Thanks William!
                            I'll try and order some today.. I know there is a little bit in the MWO Amino Complete, but probably need to go to the doses you guys discuss further up to get results.
                            I will be so happy to get some natural sleep again!



                              5HTP & Melatonin

                              By the way, it says that L-tryp is converted by the body into melatonin & 5HTP, which are both available here at the MWO shop (Melatonin 3mp caps & 5-HTP 50mg caps).

                              Can anyone tell me the difference between taking 500mg or 1000 mg of L-Tryp at night instead of these other supps? Has anyone tried it?

                              I have tried to take 1 of each the MWO supps before bed but it says to take without food, so not certain how effective it's been. Will continue to give them a try while I wait for my L-tryp to arrive.



                                Does anyone get headaches with L-Tryptophan? I take one 500mg in the am and one in the pm. I get dizzy spells sometimes too. It calms me down though, helps with my nerves. I was just wondering if these were side effects or what.

