Deter, thank you for posting the info about the connection between cancer and Candida. Gives me new avenues for reading. FWIW, my new doctor absolutely agrees that Candida is a HUGE problem for a very high percentage of the population. She advocates ALWAYS taking a probiotic of good quality. I actually take the ones she recommends now. I started with a 3 month detox version - you can only get it through doctors - has a very very high strain count. Now I'm on a type that she likes in the summer, and she actually has a different one she likes in the winter. If anyone wants the brand and info of the "summer" version I'm on now, I'll get it for you. (not sure if I can recall and get the "detox" version as I threw the bottle away - but I could look at my receipts..)
Here is a web site I found useful - there is a forum with people posting who have battled very serious Candida problems and they seem quite knowledgeable for anyone seeking more detailed help. - Natural Candida Treatment – Systemic Yeast Infection and Candida Diet Recipes, Forums and Products
MOW - there is a lot of suggestion on that site similar to what you describe - feeling like you did some treatment but maybe didn't get to the bottom of it. I was surprised at how LOOOONNNNNGGGGGG it really takes to get rid of a yeast overgrowth problem of moderate proportions - much less a serious one.
Lots and lots of us are walking around with this problem.
Another cancer fighting supplement that my new doc likes is COQ10...but the Ubiquinol version. Apparently most of the COQ10 on the shelves at drug stores, health stores, etc. is NOT that version. She seems to think that is a very big deal. If I die of cancer next week I will know she was lying.

Anyway, very interesting all this stuff - thanks for sharing.
ETA: This web link that explains some of the Ubiquitol business and what that means. This is the brand of COQ10 I take pictured in the upper right corner. Coenzyme Q10: Maintain Optimal Coq10 Blood Levels With Coenzyme Q10 Supplements - Life Extension