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Meditation tracks

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    Meditation tracks

    Hi everyone,

    Altohugh i think this subject has been bought up before, but at the risk of being repetitive, could someone please give me suggestions of meditation tracks i could buy or preferable download.




    Meditation tracks

    Just to add to that ........ meditation tracks or techniques that have helped people to stay of the sauce :thanks:


      Meditation tracks

      Two things, Ashanka, that will help if you will use them. First, there are a couple of very good books for alcoholics, focusing on meditation as a central method (among others) to help with regulating the impulses to drink, the moodiness and irritability and overall reactivity, and also with providing a spiritual base in recovery. One is [ame=]The Tao of Sobriety[/ame] (by David Gregson and Jay Efran), and the other is [ame=]Mindful Recovery[/ame] (Thomas Bien and Beverly Bien). Another book that is specifically about recovery from depression, but also would be useful in the alcoholism context, is [ame=]The Mindful Way Through Depression[/ame]; it has a CD with excellent guided meditations included along with the book.

      And, second, you can find wonderful (downloadable for free) guided meditation recordings, instructions, and talks about meditation at Gil Fronsdal's website, click here. The methods Fronsdal teaches are the same methods taught in mindfulness meditation-based recovery programs for alcoholism.

      Let us know how those resources work out for you, OK?



        Meditation tracks

        Thanks Wip ...... will look those up asap.



          Meditation tracks

          On the suggestion of Work In Progress, I got Mindful Way Through Depression, which has a meditation CD. It's really useful, very good.

          I also have cds: The Art of Meditation, by Daniel Goldman (Four Classic Meditative Techniques Adapted for Modern Life.

          Another good intro to meditation CD is Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfeld.

          I seem to remember Roberta Jewell posting that you can get them as tracks from itunes. But I could not find the thread.

          I also really advise you to try go take a short class in your area because some things are best learned in person.


            Meditation tracks

            Nancy makes a very good point. It is easy to learn the concepts on your own, from books and recordings, but very difficult to build and sustain a consistent and helpful meditation, totally on your own. I hope you do find a way to do this.


