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Nutritional approach, anyone ?

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    Nutritional approach, anyone ?

    I've been thinking for a long time that addiction to alcohol must be due to some fundamental imbalance in nutrition. Now that first here I found out about the amino acids
    (and did some more selfstudies) and quite a few other sources, I'm beginning to think that it must be so. I've thought that there must be some deficiencies that then cause the craving.

    Just didn't know which ones. Now I'm beginning to get the hang of it...

    Got a book by Jack Challem, The Food Mood Solution, and yesterday found this article:

    A Better Way to Treat Alcoholism - A better way to treat alcoholism -

    And the article is A Better Way To Treat Alcoholism

    (not sure if links are allowed here, hope this works).

    For me it has always felt almost insane, that you have a physical ailment and the "cure" eg in AA is to go and tell your warstories in some group meetings ! How about some talk therapy when you have an infection in your appendix ?

    Ii think it must be that the craving comes because of the imbalance which we try to relieve by drinking, which only makes the imbalance worse...

    my 2 cents

    Nutritional approach, anyone ?

    No doubt! After drinking for an extended time, your body "needs" it, alcohol is converted to sugar in the bloodstream, so, you are like a diabetic, needing insulin, to feel normal...your body is used to getting that sugar "high" so to speak, at certain times of the day, because we usually have a "witching" hour, in which we start to, at that time of the day, our body is looking for the "hit" of sugar for energy...its like hypoglycemia....thus, the CRAVINGS...they are a real physical need, for the habit of the intake of alcohol at that time of day, daily! Plus, after years of abuse, you have a true, full blown, full systemic CANDIDA (yeast) infection....sugar causes yeast, alcohol has tons of yeast, so you all just chalked full of doesn't show up as the type of yeast infection us girls are used to having, sometimes it does tho, if you have a chronic problem with that, the alcohol exacerbates it, but, it is just all in your gut, and elsewhere....If you are trying to cutback, or quit, and can get your Dr. to give you an Rx for the old timey drug, (hubby is a Rph, and we own a pharmacy, and I was a pharm. sales rep, so I can give this advice from actually, its cheap and a generic....take 1 a day for 30 dys, it will help get rid of the systemic yeast... its not normally Rx'd for such a long period, cuz it's usually thought to be taken for just one specific infection, ie: the girly kind....but if you go to a functional medicine Dr., or an alternative Dr., and tell him why you want it, that's how they dispense it. If you can't, or don't want to tell a Dr., then get the best grade/brand of Caprylic Acid 1000mg, and take 3 am/3pm, for about 60'll do the samething, just takes more of it, and long amount of time. You'll be surprised when, after you get the overload of sugar/yeast out of your system, how much your cravings lessen, and a real plus, how much more energy and how much better you feel. Its like walking around with a low grade infection/fever are so used to it, you don't realize how bad you felt, until you feel so much better! lol Also, the more you can reduce your sugar intake, just like RJ suggests, and limit your "white's", as in white bread, rice, potatoes, etc, for awhile at the very least, to help stop the cravings, and to not add anymore fuel to the fire systemically so to speak, the better! There's another book that is really good too...its an effort to do, but good....Seven Weeks to Sobriety, the proven program to fight alcoholism thru addresses all the things that we are both talking about...the revised version, even has a detox formula..... Interesting stuff, and, it takes your mind off just obssesing about drinking, cuz you have to put forth some brain power to do the nutritonal stuff!
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


      Nutritional approach, anyone ?

      Thank you toughintexas !

      You know, I went to amazon to read the reviews on 7 Weeks To Sobriety, and also placed an order straight after reading !

      So I will be even better armed to fight...

      It's funny how one forgets...and how some things are in fashion and then not again... I'm talking candida here. I had lots of books on it in the 90's when it was at its' "hottest"...

      Now there isn't so much talk about it, so one forgets... and reading your post I was almost like "oh, that old doesn't exist.. But meanwhile the candida just gets stronger...

      I think one can accomplish a lot also with probiotics and amino acids etc.

      Can't wait to read the book, you made my day ! :thanks:


        Nutritional approach, anyone ?

        So true Brighter. I agree with you. And also agree that the nutritional approach is where AA misses the mark by not addressing the nutritional component of alcoholism. Instead, you get coffee, doughtnuts, and cigs!

        Enjoy your reading! You will be well-armed to win this battle.


          Nutritional approach, anyone ?

          No problem! We need all the help and tools we can get for this battle! We'll lick it tho!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            Nutritional approach, anyone ?

            Hi Lucky ! I see you have been AF for almost 4 months, wow !

            Toughintexas, as for Nystatin, I found out that it's hard on your liver, so at this stage I wouldn't have the courage to try it.

            yesterday I ordered something else, a product called Tanalbit, which is supposed to be very effective, too (not alone of course).

            I've stopped smoking in the eighties, when I went AF I also stopped drinking coffee (now it's green tea to enhance GABA production etc.) and sugar.

            I was so happy that I could drink AF wine and beer, but now comes the tough part, if I follow the regime that the 7 Weeks To Sobriety suggests, I must give up also those ! Soda water and lemon juice, here I come. ...where's the enthusiasm ? (:


              Nutritional approach, anyone ?

              Brighter, I am sure you are looking at a brighter future if you keep following the path you are on.

              The woman who developed 7 weeks to Sobriety had a depressed son who died AFTER he had kicked his habit and everything was looking well for him. She figured out that there was a strong chemical/nutritional link and went back to university to try and make sense of it all.

              And she did.

              She even writes in her book about how much empathy she has for alcoholics who go to AA-- and are fed the story about giving up to a higher power, etc., she is so empathetic, thinking about how these people are not armed with the true tools that will help them-- getting their chemicals balanced. Nutrition is a major part of this.

              Please read the book. It is an amazing tool.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Nutritional approach, anyone ?

                ...and BTW, the MWO programme also builds on nutrition. I think it is best for mild alcoholics without major mental problems. It also stresses nutrition and exercise.

                And of course, there is this great web site.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Nutritional approach, anyone ?

                  Hi Beatle ! (great name

                  Right you say, and I hope to kill the beast/yeast with whatever I can and reach the goal I have set for me...

                  All the best to you,too... come to think of it, if you have the time, it would be interesting to hear your progress/milestones in this..?


                    Nutritional approach, anyone ?

                    Well, the main thing, Brighter, is that paying attention to nutrition and supplements have helped me very much. I have slipped up many times, but getting "back on track" has been a much easier process thanks to eating well and following the supplementation recommended in "7 Weeks". Also, I do feel that these supplements reduce the feeling of "needing" alcohol. I am not very good about exercising, however, and I regret that. I know many people are helped by good exercise regimes.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Nutritional approach, anyone ?

                      I know it takes time and work (diet, supplements, mental excercise etc.).

                      I had quite a few ciders yesterday, had fun and I don't regret. I'm lucky in not having hangovers. Today is my day 1 AF again, and I don't want to drink today.

                      When I stopped smoking (two packs of cigs aday) I didn't succeed at once either.

                      I tried cold turkey twice, but soon went back to smoking. But I managed to smoke less and less and then one day quit completely. I think the process is going to be the same with alcohol.

                      I'm waiting for the book to arrive, and then order the supplements for 7 weeks to sobriety, once I've read the book.

                      it helped when I quit smoking, that I anchored smoking to one person that influenced me.

                      Now I have anchored drinking ( or alcohol) to a person who pretended to be a friend but turned out to be a backstabber. On my AF days I keep repeating certain things in my mind and that helps too. But I'm sure a personal nutritional program will most helpful.

                      Everyone have a great day !


                        Nutritional approach, anyone ?

                        Bumping this up.
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          Nutritional approach, anyone ?

                          nutrition is essential. funny thing is it takes a while to see a change and most people end up giving up.

                          my new motto to control the urges to be self destructive. (drinking,smoking, getting wasted) is

                          nurture and nutrition. be good to yourself.
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            Nutritional approach, anyone ?

                            I'm sorry to have to report I am not totally sober. But at least the nutrition and supplements help me to keep within a "normal" (whatever that is!) range. It means I have had no major slips in about 2 months.

                            Trixie is right on target here-- if you are good to yourself (more than just nutrition, but that is very important!) you will at least progress toward your goal.

                            I am not there yet, but getting there (I think).

                            You need to take care of yourself in every way!
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

