Your feet have over 2,000 nerve endings in. Each nerve ending relates to a part of the body. By pressing this pressure point a tiny signal is sent up the network. This is a very ancient therapy practised by the Eygyptians and Chinese all those years ago. Reflexology was introduced to the Western World by a nurse who discovered the correlation between feet and body. Now TOES are the head part of the body and at the tip of each toe is the nerve endings to the brain. Now I have given this some thought!!!! As this Topamax works on cravings and I do believe is an anti-convulsant drug (am I right??) that means it works on the brain part of perhaps addiction and other areas. SO TINGLING TOES. is maybe where the medication is working and numbing that area of the brain. As for brain fog maybe the medication is clouding out that part of the brain which deals with addictive behaviour and you just may have to go with it until it settles into your system.
so if your toes tingle, give them a very gentle massage. This has also confirmed to me that perhaps this drug really can make a difference to me, that is if I cannot do it without medication, other than natural supplements.