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Crystal Healing Techniques

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    Crystal Healing Techniques

    Since I have had so many requests from people about how to use crystals in healing I decided to post some easy ways of using stones to balance energy. Here's one of them:
    Healing Techniques
    Most dis-ease that occurs in the physical body is a reflection of disharmony of the energies in the (etharic body) or aura. Healing happens when this dis-harmony is brought back in to order. Crystals are both transformers and harmonizers of energy and act to focus healing energy. It?s important when working with crystals and gems to be in a relaxed and receptive state of mind (alpha brain waves). Just holding a crystal will automatically help increase alpha brain waves. Energy blocks can easily be removed by simply stroking the area with an appropriate Gem or Crystal. A simple method to relieve pain is to hold the crystal in the hand that is on the same side of the body as the pain and hold the other hand over the painful area and direct the pain to leave the body thru the crystal. The body can then heal itself. To relieve fever, hold crystal in both hands pointed away from your body. Visualize excess heat leaving your body. Most pain needs extra energy to be relieved but headaches are somewhat different. Headaches are caused by to much energy so use the same technique as for fevers to direct the energy away. Moving the crystal in a counter clockwise direction helps pull energy out and in a clockwise direction to put energy in.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Crystal Healing Techniques

    Wht type of crystals or gems do you use? Where to you purchase them? I am very open to natural methods of healing & have seen the positive effects it can have. I have a lot of pain in hips and legs and wonder if this is something that could help. I've had one back surgery and know that a lot of my physical dis harmoney is due to drinking too much. I don't want another surgery and want to heal my body from alcohol and other life forces that contribute to it's unhealthy condition. I'm sure alcohol can wreck havoc on any body system.
    Again, thank you for your support. Appreciated the info on Reiki also.


      Crystal Healing Techniques

      I have heard different colors for different things. Evielou, what do you know about this?
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Crystal Healing Techniques

        I have been using Colors in healing since WAY back before it was so much in the POP culture.
        If you understand that everything is vibrating (quantum physics proves that} then it is easy to see how color can be used to heal.
        Each color vibrates at a different frequency.I won't get technical here but RED is on the slowest end and Violet (ultra violet) is on the highest.
        Disease happens when something is out of balance and not vibrating at it's healthiest frequency.
        This can be emotional, spiritual or Phyisical.
        Take a inflamed red sore...TOO RED...we would look at the color wheel for the exact opposite color GREEN and add green light to help speed up the vibration to bring the Red back to a more healthy balance.
        Hope this makes sense to you. I have class work sheets on color healing that I have taught over the years, if you are interested??
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Crystal Healing Techniques

          Very interested :h
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Crystal Healing Techniques

            I would be interested in the worksheets also and where can crystals be obtained?


              Crystal Healing Techniques

              I find it fascinating..
              A Dutch Dr. won the Noble Peace prize for proving that he could use color lights to stop scares for being left on people with small pocks .
              He went into a hospital where there was a plague on used the lights on 1/2 of the patients.They healed so much faster and without scares.
              There are many Veterans hospitals,prisons and mental institutes that are using color as a tool to help heal.
              It is becoming common place in parts of Europe and in San in the states..Leave it to Californians to open doors of alternative healing.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Crystal Healing Techniques

                I will see if I can get something together to post.
                Goldie, PM me and I will try to help you get what you need.
                I will post a list of gems and their uses so you will have a guide.
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Crystal Healing Techniques

                  Yes, I first heard about it when I lived in CA (just north of San Francisco)...LOL!! I was working in a fabric store and a man came in looking for certian colors of velvet to make pouches for his crystals.
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    Crystal Healing Techniques

                    I guide would be wonderful! :h
                    LTG AF January 13, 2011


                      Crystal Healing Techniques

                      I will get a guide on Gems posted today and go thru my color class work sheets and post something on that, as well.
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Crystal Healing Techniques

                        LTG AF January 13, 2011

