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Healing with reiki Energy

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    Healing with reiki Energy

    I have had some questions asked about Reiki Healing energy. I found this great Web Site that gives all the symbols and explains it in an easy to understand way. REIKI SYMBOLS GIFS
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Healing with reiki Energy

    I meet the Woman that brought Reiki to Ireland, when I was there, a few years ago.I will look for her business card.Hopefully I still have it???I think her name was Katey???
    She works in the gift shop at Blarney Castle.She had her flyer's on the bulletin boards, advertising her classes.Everyone at the castle knew her.She had turned them onto Reiki.
    I sure if you phone Blarney, they would put you in touch with her.
    i also have friends that own a metaphysical shop in Dublin.they stayed here at the Inn, several years ago.They may offer classes at their place, as well.I will see if i can find their number.
    I am revived that Alfie is better.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Healing with reiki Energy

      I am a second degree reiki, I was attuned in 1992. Happy to answer any questions if anyone has any about reiki.
      vegan zombies want your grains


        Healing with reiki Energy

        I was attuned in 2003, haven't used it in a while.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Healing with reiki Energy

          I got my Massage Therapy license in 1998 so I could "legally" use Reiki, got sidetracked on another career path right after but do keep my massage license current. I never would do a hands on or long distance while under the influence so I haven't used the Reiki in some time either.

          Before I got distracted by the booze, in the mid 90's there was a lot of dissention in the Reiki community about lineage at which time I got pretty turned off. I was going to go for my masters, the teacher I wanted to attune me to the masters attunement recommended that I study with a different teacher that I was a but put off by and I never followed up. This is something I would like to begin to explore again now that my mind is beginning to clear.
          vegan zombies want your grains


            Healing with reiki Energy

            I became a Reiki master in 1991.From the Usui school in Hawaii.I am only 7 generations from Dr.Usui.Then went to the American Reiki society and got another master in 1993.Now in many states you must be either an Ordinated minister or a massage therapist to legally put your hands on people.Thank GOD that something was was getting completely out of control.
            With proper attainment, it is an amazing energy.Unfortunately there are so many people doing attainments that don't even know how to enter a person's chakras system, so no attainment happens..That has been Rieki's down Usui predicted.
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Healing with reiki Energy

              My attunements came from Mrs. Takata's lineage. I had a very good teacher. I have seen some very bad teachers and I have seen some people just throw Reiki around like it was something not to be respected.
              vegan zombies want your grains


                Healing with reiki Energy

                I do reiki and was trained, not that it matters, cos if I was that good I would not be a drunk. Well, just a thought. Mind you when I was attuned, my hands started to drip water which was weird and I was not drinking at the time and had stopped reading papers, watching the news, eating animal products but I have reiki on occasion and it always has this amazingly bad effect on me. Why is that? Indeed, if I am honest and look at my life. I was doing fine until I had reiki. I began to abuse drink shortly afterwards and then they wanted to exorcise me. Utter bull. I do not need an exorcism. I think it is a very profound treatment if done properly, but what I would say is choose who performs it on you very carefully, cos I was never comfortable with the lady who attuned me and in that statement may lie the truth.............


                  Healing with reiki Energy

                  I find this Reiki very interesting and am reading about it and thinking about trying to incorporate it into my everyday life. Any other info or web-sites would be appreciated.


                    Healing with reiki Energy

                    I am a BIG FAN of the book The Essential REIKI by Diane Stein.i have read many different books over the years but keep going back to that one.i met Diane when she first released the book and was out selling it on the Metaphysical circuit.i really like and respect her.she is Wiccan, i am not.I know nothing of Wiccan but I do know I love her books.They are down to earth and easy to understand.
                    This book has the great understanding on how the energy works.ABEBOOKS.COM should have it used because it has been out for many years.
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Healing with reiki Energy

                      ok, I will first admit I know little about reiki and I am pretty sceptical as well (I am a born sceptic). However, I know people who have used this technique very effectively, and I try always to be open-minded.

                      As I understand it, Reiki is really a stress-reduction technique, and stress reduction often leads to healing. I lived in Japan for several years (which is where Reiki originated) and I knew many people who used it as a sort of meditative relaxation technique. I also was acquainted with people who swore it "cured" them of certain maladies. This does not surprise me, as any relaxation technique has the ability to heal.

                      My take on Reiki is that it is one way towards spiritual balance, something I think we are all looking for. I don`t think it is any kind of scam or cult or anything of the like. I believe it is a tool we can all take or leave... but there is definitely something there.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Healing with reiki Energy

                        I agree with what beatle said...It is a tool and like any tool, it can be used in different ways.
                        Take a knife, for can use it to cut vegetables to prepare a healthy dinner or you can use it to stab someone...If either case, is it the tool that is BAD or GOOD or is it the intent in the way the tool has been used???
                        I have seen amazing Emotional, Spiritual and Phyisical illness that REIKI assisted in helping to heal. Unfortunately the name REIKI has been used by people who are looking to help themselves to other peoples money and energies and that is the YIN/YANG of the universe.
                        With out darkness there can be no light.Without sinners, no saints Etc...Etc..
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Healing with reiki Energy

                          Hi Evie Lou,

                          I jsut did my Reiki I here in Singapore this weekend, my resiki master is also form Usui lineage. I really enjoyed it and wanted to do it mainly for self healing, I need to repctice before i commit myself to it before I join up for Reiki II, which I am really keen to do, but it is really exp here. Will go out and get that book. But one question for you, I found that Reiki I seemed really like a "testing the water" will I be missing out on not signing up quickly ofr level II, as I say, I want to practice this mostly for my own benefits,

                          N x
                          Live your life in such a way that
                          when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
                          Satan shudders & says...

                          'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


                            Healing with reiki Energy


                            I bet you're right, Maddiva. I wonder if the drinking is somehow shirking a healing power you may have that you are afraid of or not been made comfortable about through interaction with the proper people.

                            I'm sure it is very important that the person who did this, you were not "in tune" with-- hence, she/he put you out of tune, and you're still out of tune.

                            But you still have the ability, it's just latent.

                            Maybe see what opens up about a trustworthy person you respect getting you comfortable with this healing of yours, again.

