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Hypnotherapy to overcome addiction
Hypnotherapy to overcome addiction
regarding the power of hypnosis in overcoming addiction. (Video file.)[/COLOR]
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Hypnotherapy to overcome addiction
HELP!! I can't stay awake!
I really like the idea of the hypnotherapy and couldn't wait to start the CD's but by the time I've gone down all those escalators and elevators I'm sound asleep!!uch: :sigh:
Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:
Hypnotherapy to overcome addiction
Broken link
Yup, sorry, it seems they've removed the CBS story and it's no longer online anywhere as far as I can tell.
In lieu of that one, you may find of interest. Turn up your speakers, as it will launch immediately. It's not nearly as comprehensive as the other but the principles remain the same. [/COLOR]
Also, the hypnotherapist's Frequently Asked Questions contain an excellent primer on hypnosis.
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Hypnotherapy to overcome addiction
I feel a bit eerie about hypno therapy, as I do not want to lose control ... Anyway, I did get myself to order the CDs, just as a back up to my Campral treatment (Yes, I chickened out of the Topa ... as I'm too scared of the side effects ...).
Thanks again for your support on this site ....Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Hypnotherapy to overcome addiction
cbs file
i have just uploaded this video file and it is available at
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