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    Anyone have any experience using aloe vera juice to help with GERD? I am tired of taking zegrid or prilosec.... I understand no greasy, spicy, acidic, or late eating. No caffeine, chocolate or al. My bed is elevated. What more???

    Any help or insight would be appreciated, nat
    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


    There's a chiropractic adjustment that can be done on the spot where your strernum that can help. You'll have to call around and ask if the chiro knows it. I'll let you know if I find out if it has a name.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      Thanks greenie, i have a family member that is a chiro regular, i will have them ask.
      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!



        Aloe is supposed to be excellent for helping with GERD. You should try it. I take it for general health because it is supposed to be good for other things as well. Good luck!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me




          Just wanted to say that when my hubby went on a high protein low carb diet, his GERD went away within a week.

          There is some connection between carbs and fat causing GERD, I think.

          Not a doctor, though, but I have stayed in Holiday Inn Expesses before.

          AF April 9, 2016



            Cinders;507906 wrote:
            Not a doctor, though, but I have stayed in Holiday Inn Expesses before.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



              Aloe is the miracle plant. I grew up having to take a table spoon full every morning! I am thinking about starting it again.

              Aloe is great for GERD. Give it a shot! Also, what about yoghurt? I have a cup a day; and all of my digestive problems went away. Drinking did a number on my 'guts' and yoghurt definitely has helped repair them.



                I have GERD pretty bad. There is only one med that helps me ... It's Protonix and is hideously expensive ($130 per month). I have read that chewing peppermint leaves is supposed to help. I haven't tried it yet. I haven't heard about aloe, but it's definitely worth a try.

                AF since 1/2009



                  Good info all.

                  greenie and amf, what type of aloe??? I have inner fillet type, pretty thick stuff. Do you use the extract? nat
                  Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!



                    Reflux Disease? do you smoke? hubby has trouble with this. i make him stomach salad, seems to calm it down. Any greens with fresh garlic crushed in, grape seed oil and rice vinegar .. toss, add some goat cheese .. vinegar balances the good acids in the tum. hope this helps you.. its good for you. :l



                      The aloe my mother use to give us was thick. I will ask her because I would like to know for myself as well. We were NEVER sick as kids taking this - I swear! It is so good for you. I also have heard great things about it soothing the digestive system.

                      Once I find out, I will let you know.



                        AFM, the aloe I have been taking is the thick stuff, been interesting gagging it down, but it seems to be helping. I have also cut my beloved coffee to 1 cup a day. I am still afraid to try eating anything spicy late in the day.

                        Ripp, i will try the salad...i love goat cheese and all greens, do have any proportions to give?? I don't smoke...although my kids say they've seen smoke coming from my ears when I am mad or thinking.
                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!



                          OMW, I know what you are talking about in regards to choking it down. I remember dry heaving as a kid taking the stuff. My sister would cry because instead of swallowing it she would have it sitting in her mouth. LOL!

                          I hope it helps.

                          I need to cut down on my coffee as well. For me when I quit drinking, my coffee intake goes up. I drink about 3 large cups a day now. I would like to get it down to 2 smaller mugs a day.

                          Good luck. Oh, and that is too cute about your kids saying they can see smoke come out of your ears. LOL.

