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Completely confused but very interested

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    Completely confused but very interested

    I really want to try to get help with my drinking problem by holistic healing but i'm totally confused and i don't even know where to start. I really believe in this kind of stuff and i've wanted to sort the energy in my house as well but i have no idea where to start, what to buy, what to even do. Any advice would be great!


    Completely confused but very interested

    Hi Michelle

    Michelle, because 'holistic healing' is so general, you'll want to find some elements that really speak to you. The range is huge; from yoga to crystals and sound, to ways of being in the world, such as Zen or Tao or Wicca, audio CDs (I find those by the Monroe Institute to be very powerful, though I intend to try the CD's available here, as well); and many, many other types of healing to be discovered; right now, just go let your intuition guide you.

    I would suggest you do what was helpful to me: go to a bookstore and grab a book that appeals to you, thumb through it, or read it, just start looking like that, quickly gathering bites of info that you can digest; then grab the next book that appeals to you. You'll find it all starts to come together in a bit (often in your sleep); you may find that you are starving for the information and want to read as much as possible.

    I was low on money, so I read everything for free at the bookstore until I couldn't get any more; at this point I went to the internet and researched everything I could find in the areas of holistic healing that were interesting to me.

    I was able to begin healing exercises even though I had no money. At that time I spontaneously quit alcohol for 9 months, cold turkey.

    I have just come to this site and am looking forward to this more social process with the help of remedies and supplements. After the 9 months some things happened personally, a lot of things, and I said, "I think I'll disappear for a few years."

    So I disappeared in drink, now I'm re-finding how exciting it is to again be talking to people and sharing in these life-changing and consciousness-evolving opportunities.

    Let us know what you find/and or/like


      Completely confused but very interested

      Hi Beloved,

      thats so intersting, your journey. And good advice for lil M. I have been thinking about holistic healing, my spirituality one and off and not very seriously for ages, and have always admired friend who have chosen that either as a serious way of life or as a major interest. A good friend of mine who has practised yoga for about 10 years went to India for a few months last year, to a couple of ashrams. I then didnt see much of her for a bit, we kept missing each other through travelling as we both live overseas. But she got in touch with me about her newest beginners yoga class which started in November. Im not flexible in any way but am one of her most committed yoga newbies and am totally loving it. THis was where I started, and shortly after had a terrible drinking session, the result of is the fact that Im here. I have shared some personal stuff with her, and she said that she could see a bit of a change for the good coming, even before the fall. Another very good friend is trying to convince me to see a life coach/guru...type of character and in e-mailing him last week ended up very spontaneously on a Reiki I course. Had no expectations although know people who had done this but didnt know too much about it. I enjoyed it, and am now just trying to live the principles and practice on myself. Lil M, can be great for self healing. But read around, I am just amazed by the timing in which these two things have landed on my doorstep. SO am eager to hear loads, beloved feel free to pass any thoughts suggestions etc along
      Live your life in such a way that
      when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
      Satan shudders & says...

      'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


        Completely confused but very interested


        O, too was intrigued by your post. I am interested in the holistic approach, and ways that one can start without feeling like it is too "hard" or too time-consuming. I realize that you have to put something in to get something out, but I often quit things because they are too tough and I don't see immediate results. I would appreciate any more insight you can give on ways to improve really improve your life using these principles. Thanks.

