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the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

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    the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

    But Det, wheres the garlic? :H
    Toughen up!


      the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

      I think this IS the right way to eat...our bodies do not know what to do with white flour and sugar. There is so much in food! They will try to make it look like less by listing the sugars separately, so when you look at the ingredients it is further down the list.
      I almost never buy bread. Better and more fun to eat cheese and meat, fruit, all that. Butter is good for you too, full of Vitamin A, I believe...


        the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

        Interesting stuff. A lot of this flies in the face with "macrobiotics" which subscribes to foods that keep your body in alkaline state. When the body is kept in an alkaline state, cancer cells cannot grow. So eating meat other than fish is proven (they say scientifically), especially red meat, increases the free radicals in your body, which is what cancer feeds on.

        As a Bible believer, I do believe that God has an outline of the foods we are to eat. I do not ever see meat as prohibited, only certain types. The story of Daniel and the fast that he went on always amazes me, but has been scientifically backed. And bread was such a crucial part of their diet as well... "Give us this day our daily bread" and the story of the loaves and the fishes, and many more references to bread -- however I believe it was fresh whole grain bread, not Wonder Bread!

        I am curious about diets that heal our bodies, and this has my curiosity peaked, especially the part about the grains being bad. I have never felt better in my life than when I ascribed to macrobiotics, which is largely whole grain, root veggies, nuts, occasional fish, no dairy.

        Lots of good food for thought! (no pun intended). Thanks Det for sharing the link!
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

          Delta Moon;524918 wrote: But Det, wheres the garlic? :H
          you are an astute observer! garlic is definitely in my version of all diets
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

            Allie, interesting points you raise. I seem to feel fine so long as I avoid simple carbs, and alcohol and I exercise. I'm thinking that if meat if natural and not packed with steroids and chemicals then it would at least be a ton better than it is in our typical diets here far, far from the farm.
            we need to return to nature somehow. easier said than done in our current lifestyles of course.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

              How does one scientifically determine if their body is alkaline? What study has shone this a) measured alkalinity and b) shown to make cancer unable to grow?
              I am just curious....I am not a big fan of Kevin Trudeau.
              Also, Prest, have you ever eaten Ezekial bread? It is made from sprouted grains. They sell it at health food stores, the recipe is from a Bible verse, try the Raisin bread with butter!


                the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

                Det, very interesting reading, it all figures in my opinion. I have a kiddo with celiac disease and another who is autistic. Both react badly to grains…except brown rice. We have as family tended to eat what they can. I noticed after we started this a few years ago, everyone felt a little better and teenage faces cleared up a lot.
                Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                  the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

                  Determinator;525365 wrote: Allie, interesting points you raise. I seem to feel fine so long as I avoid simple carbs, and alcohol and I exercise. I'm thinking that if meat if natural and not packed with steroids and chemicals then it would at least be a ton better than it is in our typical diets here far, far from the farm.we need to return to nature somehow. easier said than done in our current lifestyles of course.
                  I like chicken but have noticed a metallic taste. Tried the no hormone/added BS chicken and it tastes like chicken. No metallic taste. You can even find it in Walmart.


                    the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)


                    I have heard that if you stick to a certain food group, it is a given that your body has no choice but to stay in an alkaline condition. I attend a cancer support group, as my Mom has beat cancer five times now and the last time was told she has 6 to 8 months to live. She started doing macrobiotics, and a LOT of PRAYER... but somewhere in there... she is totally cancer-free and that was two years ago! She is not the only one... there is a room filled with people once a month who ascribe to the macrobiotic diet religiously and have completely rid their bodies from cancer after being given a death sentence from doctors.

                    Det -- I dont think I could do macrobiotics forever, every day. I am not against meat, but I think the meat that is offered to us in the USA is tainted and agree with you whole heartedlly!

                    and Garlic is a proven antibiotic... so the next time you need one, swallow a whole garlic clove three times a day instead!
                    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                      the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

                      Hmmm thanks Det, very interesting.

                      I often wonder about dairy products - there are so many ancient cultures in the world that did not use them, however there were also many that used them as a staple.. not necessarily from cows though. For example yak or goats butter & cheese etc.. and those diets were very healthy also. Take the mediterranean diet for example.

                      I gave up grains once on a low-carb diet that was very much like the paleolithic diet, however had plenty of dairy.. and legumes now I think of it. Never felt better in my life. Have presently given up wheat due to severe arthritis but am now considering giving up all grains again. After reading that article. Except... I note he does not mention rice in his list of prohibited grains. I think a wee bit of brown rice now & then has got to be a good thing. By coincidence, in an article by a vegan suffering from arthritis I read the other day, she gave up first wheat and then legumes to successfully reduce joint pain.

                      Whilst on a low carb diet, a glowingly healthy friend of mine once explained to me that our brains need some certain substance to function that can only be made from carbohydrates. I retorted that I got tonnes of carbs from the veg & nuts I was consuming.

                      I also spent some time on macrobiotic diet some years ago and Prest, you have renewed my interest in that also.

                      Thanks guys


                        the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

                        That is amazing, Prest, and Fickle.
                        I gave up sugar and white flour once and NEVER had so much energy. I stopped, because of no good reason...and I slept well every night...


                          the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

                          Ya Det. I'm on the Pathetic Diet....Ha! IAD
                          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                          Dr. Seuss


                            the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

                            mmmm the calamari looks good.... I am eating salt n pepper squid.. forgot to ask if there is wheat in the batter :H


                              the Paleolithic Diet (very detailed)

                              On my first post, I sounded kinda dumb and challenging -ish, I thought I deleted it, so thank you all for kind of ignoring the tone of it.
                              And, I think calamari tastes like rubber bands! If those were onion rings I would have a few!

