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Eggs for Liver health

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    Eggs for Liver health

    In the Fat Flush book I've read that eggs are very good for liver health, with nutrients that help to cleanse etc. So this makes me wonder... when I drank I often craved eggs the morning after a bender, but if I ate them I would feel like shit - the hangover would come on in full force.

    So I wonder - maybe I was craving the eggs because my liver was calling out for them, and then they immediately worked to do some cleansing hence the hangover (instant detox action). Or am I oversimplifying??

    Whatever the case, I'll be eating a couple eggs every morning to aid in healing my liver. Other suggestions by Fat Flush author -- several glasses of cranberry juice (unsweetened!!) with water each day, warm water with fresh lemon juice every morning, plenty of clean protein, flax seed oil, cruciferous veggies, garlic, onion and gingerroot. Herbs dandelion root, tumeric, milk thistle.

    Though the book is about losing stubborn fat, a major assertion is that the fatty liver must be dealt with to do so (as we talked about in the other thread). Therefore she gives lots of instruction on cleansing the liver.
    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

    Eggs for Liver health

    I will up my egg intake...for sure THANKS for the heplful post.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Eggs for Liver health

      Oh good - I'm glad this is helpful! The author also debunks the bad rap that eggs have gotten re: cholesterol etc. She recommends up to 2 eggs per day.

      So I got myself some Poach Pods - great way to cook eggs without a bunch or oil or butter!
      Check em out...
      poachpod? A modern silicone poaching tool. [] - $10.00 : Fusion Brands

      The other advice from the book I've been doing that I love is cranberry juice - I mix it with sparkling water (talking rain) over ice. Very refreshing, not too sweet, and I swear my insides feel cleaner as I drink it!
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        Eggs for Liver health

        For breakfast I had whole grain toast topped with wilted spinach, olive oil, halved cherry tomatoes and poached eggs. yummo!!!
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


          Eggs for Liver health

          Sorry One2 - I cannot converse with anyone who is trying to put weight ON!!

          First, make sure the bread is truly 100% whole grain. I love wilted spinach - my most common breakfast is quinoa with wilted spinach, and then I just add the baby spinach leaves to the hot quinoa and it wilts. This morning I put a little olive oil in a saucepan and when it was hot I added the spinach and stirred it around for a couple minutes. If I had wilted in hot water it would have made the toast soggy. When I was ready to put the spinach on the toast I added more olive oil ( you use Extra Virgin, right?!?!?).

          I took a pic of my breakfast to send to Lushy (who is forever envious of my good eating ways) - I'd insert it here if I wasn't such a techno-dork.
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            Eggs for Liver health

            I can attest that, indeed, your eggs were very, ahem, tits-looking. I love poached eggs!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Eggs for Liver health

              Ditto on the poached eggs! Love them. Not to mention I love spinach - and I always use extra virgin olive oil! I am going to try that tomorrow morning.


                Eggs for Liver health

                Ahem -- I'm the one who started the quinoa craze around here. LuCKy never ate it til I - the true Quinoa Queen - recommended it. (see Miracle Food thread). Though yes, others have posted recipes.

                That breakfast I had this morning I usually do atop quinoa rather than the toast - I like that better than the toast I think.

                Stop thinking of health food as "health food" - so many negative connotations for so many! Think of it as REAL food for heaven's sake - as in, the sort of stuff your body was made to be fueled by!!
                Better yet, pay for me to visit you in Ireland and I'll cook for you for a week. Otherwise wait til I take my daughter there in a few years.
                FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                  Eggs for Liver health

                  Yeah - I read a book recently - called something like the best 200 foods - or something like - and he actually raved about eggs - apparantly they contain an essential chemical that breaks down bad cholesterol in your body and especially in a fatty liver. He actually said you can not eat enough eggs because they are so good for you!! I reckon why I had a pretty invasive medical recently and my liver was tip-top - despite being a hardened boozer for the last 20 years. Has anyone also heard about how coffee also prevents alcoholic cirrossis (not sure I spelt that correctly - but you know what i mean!). Bring on the eggs and coffee!!!!! XX


                    Eggs for Liver health

                    Thanks for starting this thread, MOW....really interesting information. I recently started eating a lot of eggs (within the last several weeks). Just had some blood work done and to my surprise have found out I have high cholesterol. It's a suprise because I eat very well (largely plant-based, with fish, eggs, and low-fat or nonfat dairy), get plenty of exercise (running, free weights....but not to excess), and am slim (125 lbs at 5'7). Triglycerides and HDL are excellent, but bad LDL is high -- pushing my overall cholesterol to 275. Anyone have any ideas...?


                      Eggs for Liver health

                      Thanks MWO,

                      I have been following you thread here about the liver. I love eggs and have been fearful that I actually eat too many. I love hard boiled egg sandwiches. I'll just start adding spinach. Do you just squeeze a lemon for the fresh lemon juice in a cup of warm water?
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                        Eggs for Liver health

                        There is a thread here about liver health and weight loss that gets into the benefits of lecithin for cholesterol and removing fat from the liver. There is alot of lecithin in egg yolks. ( Lecithin actually means egg yolk in Greek) I like my egg white omelets, but it looks like you need the yolk for the benefits. So, I bought a container of lecithing granules to put into smoothies. I'll let you know how I think it's working.


                          Eggs for Liver health

                          I can't get free range eggs in Singers but I can get eggs with Lecithin, so will try. I had eggs this morning with roast cherry tomatoes. Very nice! B.
                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            Eggs for Liver health

                            Kirova - I don't know much about cholesterol, but do remember learning that genetics can play as big a part as any other factor. Have you researched?
                            Limea - yes, simply squeeze a lemon.
                            Searching for Peace - I'm using granules in my smoothies too! I used to do that years ago after hearing that lecithin granules will help improve brain function - I hope so!
                            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                              Eggs for Liver health

                              yep, that's correct...eggs are packed with dietary lecithin....good stuff.

                              Kirova, do you eat simple sugars/carbohydrates? try cutting those out and look into the following supplements:

                              Pantethine 600-1200mg
                              Inositol Hexanicotinate 500-1,500mg
                              Chromium 300 mcg (not mg)
                              Omega fatty acids 5grams
                              Lecithin granules 2 to 3 tablespoons

                              there, that ought to do something for you

                              source for these recommendation is Robert Atkins "vita nutrient solution" and their efficacy is well documented.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

