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    I use to drink myself to a place where I would pass out but I want that to be in the past. I don't drink during the work week and the thing I notice happening to me is that I can fall asleep well but not stay asleep. The insomnia angle of sobriety is killing me!! So, I started to take melatonin this week and am very happy with the results. Though, I am wondering if anyone else has any experience with this supplement and if so, did you have to change the dosage you were taking as time went on? I don't want to get addicted to something new, and if I fear this is happening, I will start to decrease my intake. I was just wondering if anyone else has any experience and wanted to hear about it and if you have any advice.

    Thanks for your time.


    i take it .. but for me i have to take 25mg to really put and make me to sleep all night for getting addicting thats like anything .. take as needed
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



      i dont know if you get addicted to supplements???
      Gabby :flower:



        Hi flyinhigh, I take 3 mgs of melatonin under the tongue and it seems to work well, with 2 calms forte, keeps me sleeping through the night. If I were not drinking I probably would not need this after a couple of days. Don't worry about addiction, because it is much better to use holistic stuff than alcohol.
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.



          I don't take it every night but since becoming sober, I have a problem with insomnia occasionally .....

          When I do take it; I take 2, 3mg tablets. It works very well for me.

          My mother use to take it as well. She said that with prolonged use you will have to use more as the body will get use to it; just as anything else.

          Melatonin is actually good for you..... so you shouldn't worry about taking it.



            i take it occassionally, it works well...i don't feel like i need it or it's addictive.
            my husband doesn't think it's addictive (he's a family practice doc).



              Has anyone found that you get crazy dreams from it?
              AF July 6 2014



                I take 3mg melatonin and 2 calms forte every night and I sleep well. When I first quit drinking I did have some very vivid dreams, but that has stopped.




                  Melatonin is one supplement I really believe in. It always works for me.

                  I would avoid using it too much peronsally because I am sure it can become psychologically addictive.
                  I am also concerned by this post above that you might start to have to take it as your body becomes used to it. that is worrying. Is this true? Might be good to check into that.

                  AA advises just waiting out the sleep problems until your body gets used to normal rhythmns.

                  So my advice is take it occasionally but not every night. Also, watch all the other things that interfere with sleep. Maybe cut way back on caffeine?You can google good sleep hygiene.




                    i've heard quite a few folks say their dreams are really vivid or weird on melatonin...i haven't had that (darn it).



                      I've been taking Melatonin for quite some time now and feel no addiction from it whatsoever. I have had vivid dreams from it but I think it also has something to do with things which are going on in my life. I think they're related somehow but can't figure out how!

                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



                        I also have very vivid dreams from melatonin!!



                          I've been studying sleep a lot. I've been battling an apnea problem,related not to being overweight, but to having a deviated septum and small throat. I had two surgeries last year, but it's still an issue for my body to breath when laying down.

                          Melatonin is great stuff to put you to sleep. Your body is supposed to produce it naturally. But it's made of serotonin, so if you are short of serotonin you can't make melatonin. Going AF can make you short of serotonin, hence the need for sleep remedies. One caution I've found - only take Melatonin at bed time. I you take it at 2am you risk warping your circadian rhythm.

                          I've also found sleep by re-making my evening rituals. I now shower at 7pm. A long hot shower, and then sit in my robe to watch TV (only tame shows) or read until bedtime. Also, you need to exercise every day in order to sleep right. You know the 30 min aerobics stuff. If you don't exercise, your muscles won't need sleep very much and you'll be restless.

                          So overall I've found a mind/body change was needed to overcome the process of getting to sleep AF. I used to spend 5 minutes preparing for sleep (i.e. Finish the drink, then sleep). Now I exercise in the day, and spend two hours each evening getting prepared. I like it and feel more relaxed, and less stressed during the day when I sleep well.



                            i suggest to decrease the dosage very slowly until you can sleep without it.
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                              In "Seven Weeks to Sobriety," 3-6mg are prescribed per night. It is recommended that you take it nightly for the rest of your life.

                              Apparently Melatonin doesn't just do great things for your biorythms. Your body produces less and less with age, and the melatonin serves other healthful functions. That's what she said, anyway.

                              I don't think it is addictive (physically). I took it religiously for 3 years and then ran out and couldn't take it for a few weeks. I didn't notice any difference. But then again, maybe that's just me. My husband says it works like a sleeping pill for him -- knocks him right out.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

