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Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

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    Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

    ok, lets be honest. humans like to feel high sometimes. really the feeling of getting 'high' is a change of consciousness, whether for better or worse, and we just happened to find a handy legal liquid drug to do it just worked out to be a dead end road.
    so... the quest for healthy changes of consciousness.....

    it's easy to get caught in the mental trap "oh, without drinking I have nothing left" what poppycock! there is so much!

    my fortune cookie tonight read: "while you add years to your life, also add life to your years". damn fine advice.

    maybe you all can help me expand upon this toolbox of general ideas.

    painting/art expression
    rocking out to music (even without the dancing)

    ok, what can we add here?
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness


    Oh...and don't sweat the small stuff.
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

      awsome AKgirl laughter is indeed a powerful tool.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

        I have a teen...its laughter or tears!!! LOL
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

          Achieving a goal, big or small.

          Spending time with friends.

          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

            "If exercise could be packaged into a pill, it would be the single most prescribed and beneficial medicine in the world"
            - Robert N Butler
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

              This is a great thread Det. Am interested in everyone's ideas - the list so far is great.

              Dee Bee I love the quote you posted and have to say that at this point, exercise tops the list for "natural highs" for me so far. (sorry it's not sex on top.....of the list that is)

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

                Doggygirl;575757 wrote: Dee Bee I love the quote you posted and have to say that at this point, exercise tops the list for "natural highs" for me so far. (sorry it's not sex on top.....of the list that is)

                LOL DG!!!

                I have only recently started exercing and I am totally hooked -- I now GET what everyone has been trying to tell me all these years.
                * It makes me feel better/calmer
                * Helps me sleep peacefully
                * My lung capacity has increased (also thanks to not smoking anymore)
                * Curbs my appetite -- but only on the days that I exercise
                * I have more energy
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

                  holding your breath???



                    Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

                    Det...what happend to GARLIC as a fav??? Or food and cooking for that matter. All the things ( I thought were fun) that I have given up in life, food aint and never will be one of them.

                    Great thread!!

                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                      Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

                      Det........Theirs a tool for that !?! Ha! IAD
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

                        Giving back, a hand up, a simple act of kindness..... You know, generosity; it can be one of the most gratifying gifts you can give yourself.
                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                          Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

                          I am HOOKED on Yoga. When you learn to do it and really learn to let go of all the mental chatter and just do the poses, it's like meditation and it really does feel like a kind-of high. Except, no hangover crap to deal with in the middle of the night and next day! And let me tell you, I'm getting muscles that won't quit (feminine ones though). :H


                            Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

                            When I have more than I can deal with, I take Kava Kava.


                              Tools for the healthful alteration of our consciousness

                              Gardening does it for me: it requires good exercise, produces a beautiful and/or tasty healthy product.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

