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occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

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    occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

    I think I've researched myself out, and wondered if there's anyone who started in this program who wasn't drinking to excess very often, but would have the occasional (but very bad) binge, and ended up here? I've read the books, ordered the cds, and want to avoid the drugs if I can - I already take a couple for hyperthyroid condition so don't want to add to the cocktail.

    So now I'm trying to decide which of the supplements to start taking - I want to keep it to what I need for craving while drinking. Could just kudzu and l-glut be enough, or should I add the All-One, B-50, Milk thistle, magnesium, evening primrose and calms forte too?? I don't want to shock my body, and also don't want to mess with my mood too much (although I may start needing the anxiety/depression supps if I keep obsessing about all of the choices I'm finding here!!!).

    Also, is it best to take the supps in those high amounts daily for the first so many weeks, and then is it ok to cut back just to days that you'll be in social/drinking settings? Or do you just have to keep taking them?

    I was disappointed that a lot of the articles under the Holistic category under the Research link on this site were old and didn't work. I hoped maybe there was someone out there who was in my shoes once too, and could share their story?

    :thanks::thanks::thanks: Lights out.

    occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

    I think you should take the lot to start with and then fiddle around with what suits and what doesnt as you go along by trial and error. You will figure it out. I started off with everything for the first 6 weeks or so then dropped the kudzu (didnt agree with me) and then dropped the all one (good stuff but yuk), then milk thistle and then the magnesium. I think when you start off the whole lot does really help to replenish the stuff alcohol kills in our bodies and keeps us balanced even if you are not a daily drinker. I was binge drinker and find the l-glut is spot on for help with binge cravings - I double up the dose if any drinking triggers are coming. You will figure out what is right for you pretty quickly.


      occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

      I agree with Boozy...I got the 'starter pack' and it was really valuable in getting me started. The All One powder is magic stuff...really good.


        occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

        I believe that I may have been a bit like you, went on a binge for weekend - Friday or Sat or sometimes both, a bottle of wine, no problem when I was out socialising rarely drank. I decided to have a go without any meds ( not a big med person) and I am doing just fine. The main thing for me was the CD and support here. I think if you are going to go with them you need to check with your doc becuse of your hyperthyroid probs, the least thing could cause difficulties for you Good Luck


          occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

          Thanks everyone! I just got back from the vitamin store, found everything on the starter pack list there, except the kudzu rescue and just ordered that online, and added in the L-Glut. Took a first batch of everything, so we'll wait and see!

          It just feels better to be doing something. It was one week ago today that my life took a dive, and my moods are all over the place, especially with respect to losing my boyfriend over this... one minute I think I'll be better off, that we had plenty of issues that I dealt with by drinking, and one minute I'm desperately sad.

          Time will tell... I've spent a stupid amount of time on this site this week, mostly lurking. It really has helped so thank you all!!


            occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

            I hope the sups will help you...they made a big difference for me. i also added SAMe from the health food store and it helped me sleep and helped my moods ALOT !!!
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

              Hi lights out,

              I know how you feel it's such a big step isn't it. I do and I know you will find this site so valuable. When I feel like drinking and I am (6 day AF) although I am mailny a binge drinker too, I just hook into this site and read up on all the threads and I find this helps me.

              Good luck.


                occasional binger starting on the program - what supps?

                I think the supplements, more than anything else, help you in your quest to rid yourself of your need/desire for alcohol.

                Although most people seem to think alcohol abusers do it just for mental/emotional reasons, it is proven that there are physical factors involved, that may be much stronger than the emotional factors. (I'm not talking genetic factors here-- that is also relevant, but a whole other area).

                So, when your body gets more in balance (which the supplements help you with), then the cravings become less. Many people turn to alcohol because of nutritional imbalances. Of course, eating well is also very important. But at least in the beginning, I think the supps will prove to be very helpful for you, not just on the health side, but also on the mood side. I'm saying this from experience. Whenever I stop my supps, I end up drinking.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

