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Uplift Bars

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    Uplift Bars

    Low-Carb Omega-3 Uplift Bars

    These bars were suggested in my class. I am going to order if Whole Foods does not carry them.

    Be well!

    Uplift Bars

    What class are you in Lucky? The bars sound good. I love your new avatar! Have a great day! Krigs
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


      Uplift Bars

      I was wondering how the class was going Lucky ??? anything else interesting that you have learned ??
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Uplift Bars

        It is called Depression Recovery Program by Dr. Neil Nedley. It cost $129 through the 7th Day Adventists church but you can also order his 9 part series online. I have learned to eat tofu every day because it is richest in tryptopan, have flaxseed oil daily for highest omega 3 punch, have blackeyed peas for biggest folate bang, avoid all custards, pancake mixes and parmasean cheese, eat sweet bell pepper or sunflower seeds for high B6 input. Avoid calcium supplements because they are a toxic hit. Walk for 15 min in the a.m prior without sunglasses for the best sun exposure going through the pupil. Set the timer on tv so it is not on all night disturbing circadean rythems. Of course avoid meat but the cheese is the hard one for me. It has an amonia byproduct in it though. I can go on and on. I love this class! And the developer of the program, Neil Nedley MD, is moving right up the road from me. I am going to see if he would be considered In Network with my insurance. Health is a good thing not to be taken forgranted or ruined with the poison of alcohol.


          Uplift Bars

          WOW !!! Great INFO....calcium sups are toxic hits ???
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Uplift Bars

            luCKy what do they say about flaxseed for men? I heard it can cause or exacerbate prostate problems. I was adding it to our smoothies and did not mention it to husband (not for any reason but just didn't think I needed to) and he showed me research he found that said no flaxseed for men so I'm wondering what they say in your class?
            vegan zombies want your grains


              Uplift Bars

              Not sure. The book does not make any distinction between flaxseed for men and women. ???

