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hypno cds - subliminal skeptic!

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    hypno cds - subliminal skeptic!

    Ok, I got the four pack of the cds - did clearing yesterday and hypno today, and I played the sleep last night and subliminal today. So, how do you know when you're actually in a state of hypnosis and that it's getting through to the subconscious?! I'm able to get myself totally relaxed, my body feels completely heavy - almost numb - but my mind does wander a bit, and I feel that the whole time, my mind is really in control. Do you get better with practice, and finally one day you realize that you were in a different state than consciousness, and you did it?!

    Also, is there really a message in the subliminal and sleeping tapes?! I don't understand how there can be a message transmitted when it's not audible AT ALL! Is it like Ozzy Osbourne, a secret message you can only hear if you play it backwards? How in the world does that work - anyone have a clue!?

    And lastly, who taught this dude to say 'esquelatore'?!

    hypno cds - subliminal skeptic!

    Fear is the mind killer.

    If you know the source of the quote, then you recognize that the Clearing and Hypnotic CDs are mantras and a process. As the CDs state, don't try to analyze the process, but go along with it. Your body should feel relaxed and heavy, sinking into the bed, couch or recliner. I find myself dozing at times. You always are in control.

    Yes, the narrator is a dweeb. He is not slick. The recording level changes at different times. The bottom line is, does it work?

    I like the Subliminal and Sleep Learning CDs. I alternate The Clearing and Hypnotic to go to sleep, then alternate the Subliminal and the Sleep Learning CDs to go back to sleep after I wake up later to pee. To me these are very relaxing.

    To get back to the above question, does it work? I am 4 weeks into the complete My Way Out Program. Topiramate, Supplements, Hypno CDs, Community Support, Diet/Exercise.

    I am 8 days Alcohol Free.

    Welcome to the Community and success in your quest.
    :new: ceprise


      hypno cds - subliminal skeptic!

      Well, I'm about as new to the CD's as you are, and have wondered also if they are doing much good since my mind wanders at times also....but I agree with Ceprise, they do seem to be a process so I think it's probably important to stick with them for at least the 30 days as RJ's book recommends. Heck, we paid for them we might as well, right?

      I am starting my 2nd week tomorrow of the full program, supplements, Topamax, CD's....and have had 6 days AF so something in all that is working so I ain't gonna try to fix much!

      I love your spelling, but I would have put it as ESKEWLATOR.

      One which I would NOT mind descending.

      HA HA HA! You gotta love this dude!


        hypno cds - subliminal skeptic!

        I laughed so hard when I read these posts. I don't know if I can go back and listen to the CDs now without LOL at those parts. Glad I'm not the only one:-)
        343633 27
        25 28
        1 year of Nal November 24. Started Topa/Nal October 5


          hypno cds - subliminal skeptic!

          It took me a while to get used to the guy's voice and it's not the best CD production in the world, but now I've got over the irritating voice and settles into it, I love it.
          I listen maybe 3/4 times a week before bed andthough I was initially skeptical. there are times during the day when I know that a thought I had is the direct result of the hypnosis.
          It works for me even if I don't know what a 'hummuck' is


            hypno cds - subliminal skeptic!



            I cant comment for the specific program CDs for MWO as I have not used them (although they sound pretty amusing!). I have however had a fair bit to do with hynosis over a number of years and I would say that it does work. The results seem to vary in degree from person to person perhaps depending on suseptibiliy. But you do need to run with it and have an open mind as said above. Do not worry if your conscious mind appears to be in control some of the time or if you fall asleep. These are not barriers to progress.
            Keep listening and good luck...some good results coming from the program it seems

            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              hypno cds - subliminal skeptic!

              Do the CDs Work? Post your favorite CD pronunciations here!

              I am being discharged today from the hospital after a two week stay for an intestinal blockage and abdominal surgery. The origin of these problems were previous conditions and not alcohol or MWO related. The only part of the program I could follow in the hospital has been the Hypnotic CDs. I have not been allowed topiramate or the supplements. The Cds and MWO Community Posts have been my link to he program.

              I was 14 days AF when I entered the hospital the first time for 6 days; got a 3 day pass to go home for the weekend, then back for corrective surgery in a 7 day stay. I feel my continued progress has been helped by the CDs.

              Today I will be back in the world to learn to co-exist with alcohol. I will rely on the CDs as part of the MWO Program.

              I don't know about "Hummucks", do you have any "suggessions"?

              Post your favorite CD pronunciations here!

              MWO Program Week 7/ AF 30 Days
              :new: ceprise

