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My Acupuncture Adventure:)

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    My Acupuncture Adventure:)

    I had my first visit with a medical board certified Acupuncturist (who has over 31 yrs experience!) yesterday. I almost had a panic attack filling out my paperwork, but he helped calm me down and explained why I crave alcohol (beer mostly). I can't really remember everything he said, but it's called 'Candida' (sp?)..and it's the unbalanced production of yeast in the causes the craving for the yeast in beer...anyway, he did the acupuncture treatment and sent me home with herbal supplements called Ardisia, and MANNNNN does it work! I went to the store last night and had absolutely NO desire to grab my usual 6 pack. I noticed a difference especially after having a huge blowup over the phone with a family member last night normal reaction is to grab a few beers to calm myself down...but I didn't want it then either!! Then I went to work, and totally forgot to bring my supps. with me (I'm supposed to take 3 pills 3times a day). I went in again for another treatment at lunch...I have to go 3 days in a row this week, then down to 2 times next week...anyway, by the time I got home I started feeling the craving, but I popped my supps right away and then again after dinner, and it totally SQUASHED the cravings again. So I really feel like this is working for me so far. He says this weekend will be the toughest, but that it will get easier each day...and after 3 weeks I should feel different and the cravings should be minimal if any Oh, and the acupuncture is for 'detoxing' and getting me through withdrawls and the supps. are to curb cravings. That's how they work together. I highly recommend this to everyone. It's not cheap, but it's been amazing for me so far Ok, now I'm going to bed..SOBER

    My Acupuncture Adventure

    Awesome!! Thanks for posting about it. Keep us up-to-date, okay?

    AF April 9, 2016


      My Acupuncture Adventure

      awwww crap! I just researched Ardisia online and it actually says it can be harmful to the kidneys! Now I'm skeptical and feel like I may not want to continue this kind of treament sorry guys!


        My Acupuncture Adventure

        I thank that is fantastic! Ask him about the ardisia. Sometimes they have to mention possibilities but it is in the event of high dosages and long term. Goldenseal is very common and beneficial but can be damaging to the liver with long term use.

        I'm really excited for you. Is he getting rid of the candida condition (common in alcohol users) and educating you on prevention?
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          My Acupuncture Adventure

          I'm going to call the Dr. in town right now. I've used him for pain....but I think this could be very helpful.
          Thanks obsidian and Youtoo greeneyes. You have such good advice.
          Rollin on the river......not gonna just float anymore....stick my oar in the water and influence my trip.


            My Acupuncture Adventure

            Well, I didn't do my acupuncture today (couldn't afford it) but I've been just taking a pill or 2 when I feel cranky/start craving a drink. It is REALLY helping. He gave me enough for 7 days if I were taking all 9 each day, but since I'm only taking 3-5 a day (which seems to get me through an entire day AF) I should be able to get through the toughest part. He did tell me the first week is the hardest, so I'm hoping I'll make it at least that far...and then hopefully my body and mind will be nicer to me


              My Acupuncture Adventure

              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss

