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Reclaiming Your Power

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    Reclaiming Your Power

    This really resonated with me today

    Reclaiming Your Power


    There is an innate awkwardness to being human. With each decision we make, there is the potential for self-doubt and it is this-self doubt that forms the root of insecurity?a complex emotion that is a mix of equal parts inadequacy, isolation, fear, and hopelessness. Yet these feelings of insecurity that prevent us from fulfilling our potential by inducing us to abide by arbitrary self-limitations are nothing more than erroneous perceptions. We feel unconfident and unsure of ourselves because we judge ourselves to be so. Banishing insecurity is often simply a matter of challenging ourselves in order to prove that we are indeed intelligent and able.

    When we feel insecure, we not only perceive ourselves as incapable of meeting life?s challenges but also fraudulent and unworthy of true happiness. We move through life plagued by a sense that others have judged us and found that we are lacking. As a result, we are robbed of our personal power and rendered unable to feel positive about the choices we make. Everyone feels insecure from time to time because each of us is born into the world with unique strengths. If you should find yourself with feelings of insecurity, however, endeavor to understand its source. Perhaps you were repeatedly berated as a child or seldom receive positive reinforcement in the present. A tendency to withdraw from risk or uncomfortable situations can amplify feelings of insecurity. When you have pinpointed the origin of your insecurity, focus on your abilities. The more you utilize your personal power?by taking risks, boldly facing challenges, and acting decisively?the stronger it will grow.

    Remember that insecurity is not objective. Rather, it is an emotional interpretation of your value unconsciously based on doubt, shame, and fear. As you overcome those underlying emotions through courageous action and copious self-love, you?ll discover that you are capable of achieving more than you ever thought possible.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

    Reclaiming Your Power

    Insecurity based on doubt, Shame and Fear. Alcohol has kept me on a merry-go-round of those emotions.

    Great post DeeBee.....hey did you get glasses?

    Everything I need is within me!


      Reclaiming Your Power

      I love what you titled this post - reclaiming your power. Thanks for sharing it.


        Reclaiming Your Power

        Thanks Dee Bee. This was me when i was drinking. All of it! For me, banishing those insecurities was simply a matter of................Stopping drinking. I don't drink anymore, and the fact that i no longer feel ANY doubt, shame, anxiety, or fear, is totally, yes, totally, directly related.
        There are NO negatives in being sober.

        Best wishes on your journey's everyone, and go for it!...........

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Reclaiming Your Power

          good post deebs,i beleive you hit the nail rt in the middle,as you see in my posts i usually never refer to people here as alcoholics,heavy drinkers,i also believe we are at a disadvantage from the day we were born,your parent mt never have drank or drugged,but someone b4 them mt of,the gene of insecurity,when i was born deebs i was born with jaundice really bad,the docs said leave him here he wont make it thro the week,they said they would fix the situation,i was talking with my wife the other nt,i could go on and on,with this drinking thing,i was dealt these cards,i had no say in the matter,but i have a choice,as you said we tend to let others emotions rule us,only cause were giving people,ready to help,with the drop of pin,we are care givers in so many ways,your one you wouldnt come here if you weren't,rite thnx have a great weekend gyco


            Reclaiming Your Power

            Your post has got me thinking, as usual Gyco. Thanks.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Reclaiming Your Power

              Guitarista;679239 wrote: Your post has got me thinking, as usual Gyco. Thanks.
              Ditto Mr G!!

              Banishing insecurity is often simply a matter of challenging ourselves in order to prove that we are indeed intelligent and able.
              Often I will choose the "easier" route in life which is where I find myself failing -- I also read somewhere once that our paths are already mapped out for us, once we stop resisting and accept that then life begins to make more sense.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Reclaiming Your Power

                P.S. I only wear my glasses at home when no-one is around LOL
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

