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My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

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    My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a new poster here. Just wanted to share my experience with L-glut and kudzu.

    I started taking L-glut about a month ago, hoping it would help with my alcohol cravings. It didn't help with that, but after about a week I noticed a marked improvement in my mood, even though I was still drinking just as much. I have been taking anti-depressants for 12 years....drinking all the I was happily surprised to get that result.

    As for kudzu, I ordered it from this site. I had tried it before with no results, but had bought it at the grocery store. It arrived Thursday, so I started then. Last of the hardest nights for me.....instead of going straight to the bar, I went shopping.

    Usually, I would have resolved not to drink in the morning, and then by 3:30 would have changed my mind and started planning to drink and gone on auto-pilot.

    I felt different last night. I didn't have that insistent, urgent need to get to the bar. I ultimately did go, but I was able to do something else first. It seems that the kudzu is helping.

    Small steps, but in the right direction

    All the best,


    My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

    Hi Mare!

    Welcome, and thanks for the post. I'm glad you're seeing a difference. I'm curious about how (when and how much) are you taking the kudzu and l-glute?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

      I am a big proponent of Kudzu, from this site! I also tried other brands and they did nothing and smelled horrible!!!

      Interesting observations with the antidepressant effects of the L-Glut! I am finally off antidepressants and only take SAM-e, which rocks!
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

        Hi Greeneyes,

        I take 1000 mg of L-glut 3 times per day. First dose upon waking, 2nd at 10:30 am and
        3rd at 3:30 pm.

        I take 300 mg of kudzu, 3 times per day on the same schedule.



          My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

          Hi mare! Well, that sounds like a good dose and schedule to me. You can put some extra l-glute under your tongue for and extra kick when your feet want to head to the bar.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

            I think I will order these supps, but first need to ask...are they big pills? I can't swallow big pills.
            ^ My Baby Ruby ^


              My Experience with Anti-craving Supps


              The L-Glut that I have is a large pill however I have read that you can buy it in a powder form. The Kudzu is a gelatin medium sized pill

              Everything I need is within me!


                My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

                Changed, the kudzu (from here) is just a "normal" size capsule and the l-glute I used (Thompson) is small. You can get L-Glute in powder form in stores (like Wal-Mart, I think you can even buy children there now with a valid driver's license) where you would look for body builder's stuff.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

                  Brightlite and Greeneyes, thanks much. Medium sized, hmmm. That might still be too big. I have to buy small vitamins or I cannot take them at all. It's a gelatin though, right? So this should make it easier to swallow?

                  LOL, Greeneyes about walmart!!!
                  ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                    My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

                    Changed, the kudzu I got from MWO is a powder in a capsule. So you could open it and ingest the powder without the capsule. (yum!) It seems from posts that the MWO kudzu is superior; I never tried a different brand.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

                      I have heard the Kudzu from MWO is superior, too.

                      Besides, the cost is about the same and I believe in supporting MWO and RJ whenever I can.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

                        greeneyes;677069 wrote: Changed, the kudzu I got from MWO is a powder in a capsule. So you could open it and ingest the powder without the capsule. (yum!) It seems from posts that the MWO kudzu is superior; I never tried a different brand.
                        Thanks a lot! I will order it then. Anything to fight for the cause...
                        ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                          My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

                          OK, you know I was kidding about the yum part, right? :H I don't know how it tastes but I hear kudzu isn't real great.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

                            the l-glut I have is in a powder. I mix it with ginger ale or something like that to take it.


                              My Experience with Anti-craving Supps

                              l-glut powder mixed with water has almost no taste and gets into your system faster than pills. I think it is also more economical, although it is also good to have pills for traveling.

                              You can take huge amounts of l-glut. The "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" protocol calls for 5grams 3xday (yes that's GRAMS) on an empty stomach.

                              I have followed this protocol and notice NO difference whatsoever in cravings, but I understand it is very good for you and helps recovering alcoholics in the healing process, so I take it every day, usually just 5grams in the morning before breakfast.

                              As for the kudzu, there is absolutely no doubt the MWO stuff is superior to any (or at least most) other brands. RJ and her team put a lot of effort into researching it and developing a highly concentrated product.

                              For me, kudzu helps a little with cravings -- but not a huge amount. It also gives me headaches and I feel like I have a hangover even if I don't drink.

                              For cravings, check out the Baclofen threads on the meds forum. People are going absolutely crazy about this med. Many are calling it miraculous, and many people are reaching a stage in which they lose all interest in alcohol.

                              I haven't read a single post that is negative to Baclofen, and most people don't suffer much in terms of side effects, although a few have had nausea.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

