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30 Sugar Free Day's

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    30 Sugar Free Day's

    Hummas 101

    1 cup cooked or canned garbanzo beans
    1 Tbsp tahini (sesame seed butter)
    2 TBsp lemon juice
    2 cloves garlic finally chopped
    1/3 cup bean liquid (from the can) or water
    1 tsp horseradish (optional but so yummy)

    Blend all ingredients in a blender until creamy smooth. Makes an awesome spread or a dip for raw or steamed veggies. I also play around a bit with consistancy. You may need more or less liquid and I like mine kinda spicey so I add some tabassco as well.

    If you don't know these measurements, all I can say is that 1 cup is about 1/2 a can of beans. A Tbsp is about the size of a big soup spoon, and a tsp is the size of a regular spoon. Hope that helps!

    Does anyone have any good salad dressing recipes? I had to use my regular dressing tonight and felt like I was cheating.


      30 Sugar Free Day's

      Thanks Mauigirl -- these measurements are perfect for me:-)

      The only thing I use as a salad dressing is a really good quality low sodium soy sauce with just a drizzel of olive oil -- does the trick for me.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        30 Sugar Free Day's

        Aloha Deebee:

        Will have to give your salad dressing a try! Sounds pretty good actually!

        We are having a tsumani watch today because of the 8.2 quake in American Samoa! So...I'm here in my perch high above the blue pacfic ocean, waiting and watching..........The parasailers and jet skiers don't seem to have a care in the world.

        Day 4 and I feel good on all fronts!


          30 Sugar Free Day's

          Congrats on Day 4 Mauigirl -- you are notching up those days quickly now:-)
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            30 Sugar Free Day's

            Hiya Deeb!
            Just wondering. I like sweet, i.e. sugar in my coffee, the odd mudcake. If i were to use Stevia as a sweetner, i would be avoiding the evil's of sugar?

            Great going on 4 day's Maui...More, more!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              30 Sugar Free Day's

              Guitarista - I've used Stevia for years now and it's fine in your coffee. If you go to the 30 day No Sugar Website and search it, you will find that the fine DOC say's it's ok to have.

              Day 5 AF & SF but I went to bed last night with a sore throat and had a really hard time sleeping. Also am being treated for an eye infection and wonder if it just moved down to my throat. Perhaps these too are withdrawal systems? Anyone else had this problem?

              Also really tired and draggy! Normal? Wish the fog would lift from my head so I could see clearly!

              Have a beautiful day!


                30 Sugar Free Day's


                DeeBee and Company

                Thanks for this very informative thread. Sugar seems to be the last puzzle piece in my battle with alcohol. It's been a few days now alcohol free (again) and extremely limited sugar, and I feel great! I just found Powerade Zero and really like it as a post-workout and post-yardwork drink (instead of beer). contains Splenda / sucralose. "Zero carbs, zero sugar". Besides being artificial, how does it fit into the whole sugar addiction equation? Is it a useful substitute or just as bad as sugar and alcohol?

                Thanks again for the info.



                  30 Sugar Free Day's

                  Hi everyone!

                  Tom, there are a wide range of opinions out there on Splenda. One opinion that is very relevant at least here in the US is that it's not as toxic as aspartame, which many think is evil reincarnated. (I have personally eliminated all products containing aspartame from my house and my life)

                  From the information I have come across, the main concern with Splenda is that the way it is chemically modified, it's like ingesting more chlorine. Some experts think we (in the US anyway) already ingest way too much of that in our drinking water, etc. So if that is a concern then Splenda might be seen as "piling on." Personally, I WILL use it in very small quantities which for me is once or twice a month in a special treat. On some level I would almost rather have actual sugar on occassion than chemically altered or chemically manufactured substitutes. (although I have trouble moderating with sugar as some of my recent sweetcapades demonstrate!)

                  I'm really trying to move away from all food ingredients that I cannot pronounce and/or are not actually food. So I might be seen as having a pretty extreme stance on this stuff - just so you have an idea where I'm coming from. I have become a huge fan of Stevia and NuNaturals is a brand that I personally like the best of the several I have tried. For baking I like to use a combination of Stevia and Erythritol (a sugar alcohol without the nasty side effects of Malitol). "E" can be tricky to work with and I don't have all the answers.

                  I get most recipes for any "legal sweet treats" I make from this site: Healthy Indulgences She is very into organic, gluten free, natural stuff so not a lot of oddball ingredients once you have the basics on hand. I just always have to remember that these are treats for occassions, and as Sunbeam would say every day is NOT an occassion! Thought some of you participating in this thread might have interest in Lauren's site.

                  Sorry for such a long answer!

                  Mauigirl, the fog WILL lift. Hang in there. The fog might eventually be replaced by what people call the "pink cloud of sobriety" where AFness is like fairyland. That eventually gets replaced with "life." :H Still way way way better to learn how to deal with "life" sober.

                  Today is Day 5 SF and clean eating according to my plan. Mr. Evil Scale rewards this good behavior. I feel good too. Geez - those sugar binges are nutty. I actually feel hungover from those. That's gotta stop.

                  How is everyone else doing in their SF missions?

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    30 Sugar Free Day's

                    Excessive AL use is the reason we are here. Stop using that and you are 1/2 way there. Abusing AL is not good for your internal organs. Duh!

                    There are a LOT of B.S. guru's with websites that are going to cure your ills and sell you
                    overpriced products....and I have bought some. Like Three Lac. Google it. They want you to believe that you need to stay on this in perpetuity. Google Candida and your head will spin from the smoke and mirrors. Here is one:

                    Resources ? The History of Candida Products!

                    They are GHTdistributors , the importer of Three Lac. Three Lac is a probiotic from Japan that is coated to allow it to get into the intestines w/o being damaged by stomach acid. I tried it to get rid of that weird foggy feeling. I don't think there is anything 'wrong' with Three Lac but virgin coconut oil really started the ball rolling. One of you brave souls belly up to the bar and try of virgin coconut oil. Use it however you see fit...its tasty and will cost less than $10. You can even get it on Amazon. Try it and post your results. *I* have no more sugar cravings, feel a lot better and I am not quite through a pint of oil. The fog is gone. I still have coffee in the morning and have no guilt or regrets etc.

                    Diet? How about a little common sense? Processed food is garbage. Look at the Healthy Choice dinner ingredients. Reads like a science project. Lot of stuff you cannot pronounce. The picture on the box looks a helluva lot better than the contents. Eat good fresh food and avoid what does not agree with you. Stay off AL. Drink a lot of water. You can get on a freakish regimented diet..yada yada...and if you get hit by a runaway garbage're still screwed. Look both ways when crossing the street and be happy.


                      30 Sugar Free Day's

                      Florida Boy, the dizzying array of BS out there WRT Candida is exactly why I like the Whole Approach web site. (have you actually visited that site????) Much like MWO, the "store" and "solution" aspects of the site are backed up by what I found at the time to be a very informative discussion forum where real people discussed their problems, experiences and ideas very much like we do here. Well, it's a little more structured (aka moderated to stay totally on topic) than MWO but that's one of the things that I liked about it.

                      Also, the initial protocol that took care of my problem is actually quite similar in content to what Dr. Atkins recommended for years as he discovered people with Candida problems and hence that barrier to weight loss.

                      A strict diet change and the addition of something like coconut oil or oil of oregano or one of those options takes care of the problem for many people. For other people, that is not enough to eliminate the symptoms. For me, the strict diet plus the products in "Phase I" took care of my symptoms. I didn't end up having to continue on to other phases.

                      I believe Candida to be a progressive thing, and the level of intensity of solution needed is proportional to the problem. It's misleading to suggest that coconut oil and diet will solve everyone's problem, because it won't. (it didn't for me - but I am completely symptom free now)

                      The reason I suggested that site is precisely to avoid the snake oil out there.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        30 Sugar Free Day's

                        I am so thankful for finding this great post. This is just what I need right now...a complete body cleansing. I have always been very sensitive to the effects sugar (including alcohol) and think that putting down the sugar will help me to stop abusing alcohol. I stayed off sugar today and yesterday and am ready to go the distance...30 days for starters at least!

                        Glad I found you all here. I will be around!


                          30 Sugar Free Day's

                          Anyone still sugar free?

                          I have been following a modified version of this program and really like the feeling of being off sugar. I've been eating wheat-free whole grains b/c I feel that I need the good carbs. But I feel that the compulsion to drink is even stronger now that I've cut sugary sweets from my diet. But will keep trying - hopefully the urge will lessen in time once my body adjusts...

                          Would love to hear from other who are working to stay sugar free and how you are doing!


                            30 Sugar Free Day's

                            :bump:,for mario
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              30 Sugar Free Day's

                              Bump for greenie and DG and marshy, and lavande and lvt25..... and ..... takers? Mario (I thought you were sugar free already - vacation do you in?)
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                30 Sugar Free Day's

                                Thank you Greenie. I really did well staying sugar free for my first year or so of sobriety then for the last several months it's been the long slow slide into Willy Wonka land. Amazing how it's so similar to how AL works (or should I say DOESN'T work) for me.

                                Anyway...Day 1.

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

