If you are unsure as to WHY you should go SF, keep reading.
There are various ways in which sugar can be harmful to health, including:
Disturbance of blood sugar levels
- A rapid rise, which the pancreas reacts to by secreting more insulin, followed by a ?reactive hypoglycaemia? (low blood sugar)
Depletion of vitamins and minerals
- The metabolism of sugar uses up various vitamins and minerals
- Sugar increases loss of minerals (e.g. magnesium, calcium) in the urine
- Sugar therefore acts as an ?anti-nutrient?
Impairment of normal immune function
Increase in blood fat (triglyceride) levels
Increase in uric acid levels
Consumption of excessive calories
Encouraging the growth of yeasts, such as Candida albicans
Many health problems are linked to excessive consumption of refined sugar, including:
Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart attack stroke
Hyperactivity, anxiety, depression
?Candida?, thrush
Some cancers
Premature Ageing
Recurrent infections
Whilst researching just how I was going to approach this SF beast I came across an interesting website 30 Sugar Free Days | OlsonND.com
I've signed up and recieved the link with all the info I need to plan my meals.
Go on, I DARE YOU to join me