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Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
I am 52 years old and have not had a menstrual period in 2 years. I have just started with a little spotting. I have been supplementing with Kudzu for a month. I read that Kudzu contains phytoestrogens that can exhibit weak effects similar to estrogen. I was wondering if the Kudzu was causing my spotting. Has anyone else experienced this?Tags: None
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
Hi mommabird,
I can't say I have had the same experience as you but I found what you asked interesting, I am the same age as you, so I went investigating.
Apparently because of the phytoestrogens, Kudzu is used to relieve menopausal symptoms, it also has a blood thinning effect and I read something that advised caution if taking warfarin as an example.
So, I suppose it makes sense that if you are some way into the menopause then it could have the effect of 'reversing' some of its effects, and perhaps the blood thinning aspect has something to do with it too.
Interestingly, which was why I was drawn to your post, I have no symptoms whatsoever of menopause but since stopping drinking which I have done with the assistance of Kudzu, I have been experiencing sudden waves of heat coming over me, I haven't had this before.
So with my experience and yours perhaps it is possible that the phytoestrogens in Kudzu do have an effect.
It will be interesting to see if anyone else responds.I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
Hi Moma and Bird, this interests me alot. I have been taking Kudzu for about a week now and have had no side effects apart from hot flushes which could just be the menopause. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in April and had major surgery to rectify the problem. Thankfully the caner was encapsulated in one area and I didn't have to have chemo or radio therapy. I did however go head long into the menopause and my docotor said that because of the type of cancer I had, that she wouldn't prescribe hrt for me. I think I need to ask her if it's ok for me to take kudzu. Anyway, I am glad to be alive and very glad to be sober, for me having ovarian cancer was a timely wakeup call ! Joesgal
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
Hey Joesgal! Congratulations on being sober and cancer free! Believe me, I know how it takes a tragedy or near-tragedy to truly get our attention. I have been sober since July 9, 2009. I have been taking all of the supplements recommended in the MWO book, as well as baclofen. It has truly taken my desire to drink away. I think it would be a good idea for you to ask your doctor about taking the Kudzu. You wouldn't want to take anything that could stimulate the cancer. I also read this morning that Milk Thistle can also have estrogenic effects. Are you also taking that? I would be interested to know what your doctor's response is. Take care and I wish you the best.
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
Hi Mommabird, I will certainly let you know what my doctor says about the kudzo and good for you on being sober from the 8th July! That's great! Before I had my surgery I had been sober for quite a while and I didn't drink again until July 12th..........that was a big mistake....I was very very sick, both physically and mentally, but you know, in ways it was a real lesson for me. It confirmed that I couldn't even have one drink and I decided in the days that followed that I wasn't going to drink again and put myself hrough the agony. So I havent had a drink since the 12th July and it's easier for me to stay sober rather than get is too precious to waste it being drunk and with each day I feel better and stronger and for that I am very grateful. MWO has been a great help to me, so many kind people like yourself who have taken the time to talk to me. I feel really blessed. I wish you well on this journey that we are all on........Joesgalps I dont take milk thistle, just L Glutamine for sugar cravings!! Where's the chocolate???
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
Gold;693623 wrote: Hi mommabird,
I can't say I have had the same experience as you but I found what you asked interesting, I am the same age as you, so I went investigating.
Apparently because of the phytoestrogens, Kudzu is used to relieve menopausal symptoms, it also has a blood thinning effect and I read something that advised caution if taking warfarin as an example.
So, I suppose it makes sense that if you are some way into the menopause then it could have the effect of 'reversing' some of its effects, and perhaps the blood thinning aspect has something to do with it too.
Interestingly, which was why I was drawn to your post, I have no symptoms whatsoever of menopause but since stopping drinking which I have done with the assistance of Kudzu, I have been experiencing sudden waves of heat coming over me, I haven't had this before.
So with my experience and yours perhaps it is possible that the phytoestrogens in Kudzu do have an effect.
It will be interesting to see if anyone else responds.
I am 54 years old, no menopausal symptoms EXCEPT when I stop drinking (or strangely enough, if I start again after abstaining for a week or so). This is with or without kudzu, so I'm not sure that's totally it. I get major hot flashes if I start or stop alcohol. I do remember reading that the reason excessive alcohol consumption raised breast cancer risk was something to do with it stimulating estrogen. I also wonder if this is why I haven't
gotten anywhere near real menopause, while one of my non-drinking friends whose a decade younger is way further along (though I guess there could be other factors).
This is an interesting topic- I'd like to see it keep going.
Anyway, congrats on staying sober all, and joesgal, glad you are healthy!:h:h:hEmancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song
AUGUST 9, 2009
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
dancelot;695801 wrote: I get major hot flashes if I start or stop alcohol. I do remember reading that the reason excessive alcohol consumption raised breast cancer risk was something to do with it stimulating estrogen. I also wonder if this is why I haven't
gotten anywhere near real menopause, while one of my non-drinking friends whose a decade younger is way further along (though I guess there could be other factors).
This is an interesting topic- I'd like to see it keep going.
I have the same experience as you in that I have had no symptoms of menopause whatsoever, whilst others who drink less have. There's an article here (quite old) that suggests it can delay it A drink a day keeps the menopause away - News - The Independent, there are others too that come up on google.I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
Hi, Gold- thanks for the article.
Well, honestly, I never stopped for real long- a few days, maybe a week, actually 6 consecutive days, twice, a couple months ago and before that, in recent years anyway, I honestly don't remember- now how did that happen? (HAHA).
Let's all see if we can stay sober and then we can start a MWO menopause support group. Oh, joy!
If we can laugh at ourselves, we'll be OK, right ladies?
Thanks again for the info!Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song
AUGUST 9, 2009
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
most of what i've read says that kudzu balances "female hormones", much like soy isoflavones. in other words they block estrogen, i think!?
a decent site:
Herbal Supplements Guide
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
hey other midlife ladies!
I'm 22 days AF and now I get hot flashes several times a day! AAARGH! But they are SOBER hot flashes! HAHA!!! Better go get my fizzy water on ice!!!
Love, DanceEmancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song
AUGUST 9, 2009
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
After reading "The Sexy Years" by Suzanne Somers right around the time of my last drink in 2008, I went and got my hormones tested. I'm 51 and was having hot flashes and some of that crap. Yes, I thought it was CRAP!!Anyway, bioidentical compounded hormones made ALL that CRAP go away. Really. No more hot flashes and I sleep like a baby. Life is so good. I also had low thyroid which has been fixed. Life is REALLY good.
I'm no expert on this stuff but I think there are a LOT of estrogen mimics in our environment that mess us up one way or another. But that's another topic I think. (Toxins and detoxing)
My hormone creams might go to my grave with me.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
I go to see my 'bio-identical doc tomorrow for the results of a blood panel looking at hormones, insulin levels and thyroid function, which are all interconnected. I'm really excited and hoping he has some 'answers' for me.
I hope you all get some balance!
BetsProud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:
Estrogenic Effect of Kudzu?
SB I will be interested in hearing what your doc has to say for you if you care to share. Natural thyroid meds are in very short supply in the US right now which is throwing a monkey wrench into my program for sure!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.