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Liver Cleanse question

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    Liver Cleanse question


    I have been on and off this website (which I love!) the last 10 months, pledging back in January to curb my drinking problem if not obstain alltogether. A work in progress takes me to this next step, cleaning out my system.

    I want to cleanse my liver, and am looking for the best advice. So...I turn to those who have done it here (rather than the internet which tries to sell me something) taking into account a history of weekend binge drinking on my part the better part of the last 10 to 15 years.

    What should I do first?

    Thanks in advance,

    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"

    Liver Cleanse question

    well, this is what I did...i don't know how scientific it is...

    first thing i the am i drink a glass of warm water with the juice of 1 lemon, take milk thistle everyday, and drink dandelion tea. i also eat alot of veg that is good for the liver ie; cabbage, sauerkraut, brussel sprouts, broccolli sprouts, spinach, berries etc.
    i am a vegan so i eat alot of fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds and grains that are full of antioxidants that help to "cleanse" the body. i don't think of my diet as a cleanse so much as putting myself into balanceand keeping myself there.
    i know veganism is sort of extreme, but i feel great and have the energy i've been lacking for so long!

    my 2 cents


      Liver Cleanse question

      Adianspapa, the #1 way to be good to your liver is to completely abstain from alcohol and Acetaminophen (found in tylenol and many other OTC meds).

      when you drink al your liver packs up with fatty deposits (fatty liver). you can also accelerate the breakdown of those deposits by taking supplements of phosphatidylcholine. This is found naturally in eggs, and meat products but for therapeutic use I'd take the supplements until such time as the fatty liver condition has abated.

      also the relationship between choline deficiency and anxiety/depression and other mental disorders has been observed.

      I have read lately in various places about this 'cleanse' using lemon juice in water but have yet to find any scientific material showing that it does anything besides change the way the water tastes....? anyone have any data?
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Liver Cleanse question

        Thank you both!
        My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


          Liver Cleanse question

          Hi Determinator, I am trying to buy phosphatidylcholine supplement, but can only find Double-Strength SAMe 400 which contains 400 mg Active S-Adenosyl Methionine per Tablet. Is this the same?

          Many thanks,
          MWO is a blessing, thank you.


            Liver Cleanse question

            Hi aidens,

            I've just Googled : Liver/detox.

            It popped up with loads of advice including a coffee enema.I'd rather not springs to mind.

            Abstaining from alcohol is a good start and taking milk thistle.

            Best of luck.

            Love Jackie xxx

            AF since 7/7/2009
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Liver Cleanse question

              Milk Thistle and water and one day of fasting per week.
              I use this regularly and I can feel the benefits immediately.
              And of course staying away from booze.


                Liver Cleanse question

                I was reading this morning that L-Glutamine is also beneficial in helping the liver repair itself.
                Apparently it can enhance the health of the liver by stimulating regeneration and protect the liver from AL toxicity.
                Vitamin B3, 5 & 6 are all effective in helping protecting the liver from toxins like AL and B3 in particular can inhibit he ability of AL to damage the liver.
                Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps the liver recover from drinking and smoking.
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Liver Cleanse question

                  Jackie, please don't do the coffee enema! it can cause severe dehydration and has been documented in several deaths. no kidding.

                  SAM-e is a fantastic product but it's extremely expensive and is being made by many bogus outfits that are catching onto the bandwagon of popularity, so be very cautious. it's not the same product as choline. here's the simple/inexpensive way to get choline: just buy the lecithing granules at the health food shop and take rounded teaspoon a couple times per day. or sprinkle on salads. I keep mine in the fridge to keep it from going rancid.

                  yes Deebee, LGlutamine (my favorite and most used supplement lately) is also helpful for not only the liver but the intestinal walls too.

                  however none of these products can work to any significant degree if we continue to use alcohol.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Liver Cleanse question

                    Hi Determinination,

                    I have no intention of ever having a coffee enema, or any other enema that is supposed to be 'cleansing'.

                    Really I should have put how bizarre the very idea was.

                    Love Jackie xxx
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Liver Cleanse question

                      I've done the fast followed by the olive oil and lemon chaser. I most certainly got rid of gallstones but it can be dangerous. For expample what if one is large and gets stuck in the duct during the flush. But I survived. Have done coffee enemas too. Det, studies can prove anything you want them to if your work the statistical data the way you want. I'm not discounting your point. Dr Andrew Weil does not recommend the liver cleanse. You can also take schizandra extract, but not while you are drinking.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Liver Cleanse question

                        globe artichoke is good for liver support.stimulates bile flow from gall bladder.supports liver detox.
                        good old St Mary's thistle is the best (milk thistle).
                        Drinking heaps water.
                        I've just started glutamine & have read good things about it from many diff sources.


                          Liver Cleanse question

                          Liv.52 - Herbal Liver Support

                          Check it out. I have been using it and I think it has merit. I get it from e*ay

                          Determinator, I have been getting SAM-e here Buy Discount Vitamins, Supplements, Low Carb and More at good prices and fast
                          shipping. L-glute in bulk too. Both by NSI. No schill, just a customer.

                          The 'Lemon diet' is also known as the Master Cleanse. I don't think I could do it but many feel it is quite good. Lemonade with Maple syrup for a month.

                          Virgin coconut oil will kill AL/sugar cravings. It is a natural antifungal. Google it. I use Garden of Life brand sourced from the same place. I suppose other brands are just as good but some are just stupid expensive. Very tasty, it is a liquid over 76 degrees. From the fridge it spreads like butter.


                            Liver Cleanse question

                            aidanspappa;716812 wrote: Hello,

                            I have been on and off this website (which I love!) the last 10 months, pledging back in January to curb my drinking problem if not obstain alltogether. A work in progress takes me to this next step, cleaning out my system.

                            I want to cleanse my liver, and am looking for the best advice. So...I turn to those who have done it here (rather than the internet which tries to sell me something) taking into account a history of weekend binge drinking on my part the better part of the last 10 to 15 years.

                            What should I do first?

                            Thanks in advance,

                            Don't drink AL or the cleanse will be a waste of time and effort. I was a weekend binge drinker too. :upset: You can do it and you will wonder why you ever drank. But if you are still drinking check out the liv 52.

