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Autumn, and essential oils

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    Autumn, and essential oils

    Here's a link to that site I talk about from time to time. This is about autumn and I love her knowledge of the chinese 5 elements.

    Autumn - Lung & Large Intestine : Aromatherapy and essential oils articles : Suzanne Bovenizer

    a carrier oil can be evoo (extra virgin olive oil), almond oil, etc. Not mineral oil or oils containing mineral oil.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    Autumn, and essential oils

    thank you for this post, Green. something i'm definitely going to try this autumn.
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


      Autumn, and essential oils

      It is spring my side of the world which means I must cleanse and support the Liver (yin) and Gall Bladder (yang) since it is these organs and meridians that are highlighted during this time.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Autumn, and essential oils


        V.Interesting link GreenEyes I love holistic medecine and I'm a bit of herbal healer freak as well as prescribing the Bach Flower Remedies to my mates!

        I went to an accupressurist a few years ago and she was very knowledgeable about Chinese medicine.

        She told me that various organs in the body have 'times' during the day which are significant to them. Between 3am - 4am is 'Liver Time', which could explain the similarities the folks on here have with regards to waking up at 3am and not being able to go back to sleep (me being one of them!)

        Trix XXX


          Autumn, and essential oils

          Wow! that makes so much sense! 3 AM is the universal wake time on this site!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Autumn, and essential oils

            greeneyes;726975 wrote: Wow! that makes so much sense! 3 AM is the universal wake time on this site!
            I know! I immediately thought when I was reading all the posts ... IT'S LIVER TIME FOLKS


              Autumn, and essential oils

              OK then - What do I cleanse when we have no seasons???? Nice link. I'm burning lots of 'calming' essential oils whilst MIL is here.......
              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                Autumn, and essential oils

                Hi Betty!

                I think extra large amounts of lavender are the order of the day whilst MIL is there! Who knows, it might just send her to sleep!

                If you have no seasons then match the oil to your own moods. This is a basic guide to mood therapy:

                Emotional Effects of Essential Oils used in Aromatherapy for healing mind and spirit.

                It's probably best if you try and avoid having a large number of mood swings or it could work out to be quite expensive!

                If your house feels 'oppressive' or it just needs cleaning of bad vibes etc (yes I'm a bit of a witchy type .. have you guessed!) then I burn dried sage. Waft it round the rooms and into every dark little corners where bad vibes gather and fester (I've got plenty of those in my house I can tell you!)

                It's best to dry your own branch of sage & leaves as it's easier to light. And remember to turn off your smoke alarms!


                Congratulations on your officially healthy liver I'm not going near any liver tests or doctors for that one! My mind still plays a few AL tricks on me i.e. if I have an officially healthy liver then I'd be tempted to start drinking again (no harm done so off we go again) and if I've got an officially knackered liver then I'd probably think sod it, the damage is done so here we go again. Stoooopid brain!!!!

                How come you have no seasons? Where do you live?

                Trix XXXXX


                  Autumn, and essential oils

                  You know that's a real good point. I forget to get outside my world and this person is in Virginia. But even if you don't have seasons, the world still turns and tilts on it's axis and the equinox still exists and the lunar phases are still in motion so I guess there is still rhythm whether you see it or not. Don't you think? I'm just mulling here.

                  There is a cleansing thing I love that uses a little charcoal disk and when it's all hot and ready, you sprinkle cobal on it and a bit of lavender. It is devine!!!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Autumn, and essential oils

                    Funnily enough, I'm using copious amounts of Lavender! I also do 'witchy cleansing' type things, and will be indulging when MIL has left the building bless her.

                    Trix -I'm in Singapore, permanently hot and sweaty.

                    Greenie - I find rhythm in all the different celebrations/events we have here, we've just had Hungry Ghost festival, Hari Raya, today is the Mid Autumn festival, then we have Diwali, then Christmas, then in Feb its Chinese New Year - makes for lots of public holidays and sparkly lights, which I love. So there is rhythm there - just a different kind!

                    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                      Autumn, and essential oils


                      Hi green. It is generally agreed that the kudzu from this site is superior. I never tried any other brand. RJ told me that it is good to keep in your system at a constant level and when you have witching hour take an extra if you need to. Same thing with the l-glute. Did you read the book about the rec. dosage and timing?
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                        Autumn, and essential oils

                        Well, looky here! A bit of spam makes this thread pop up and I notice it for the first time. Serendipity or what?

                        I've been feeling stressed and grouchy. Know nothing about essential oils, but my health food shop has a sale on and I was drawn towards some lavender essential oil.

                        I've read your link Greenie, and it says lavender is good for stress! Excellent.

                        The stuff I've bought says to use a few drops in the bath or dab it onto the skin (put it on cotton wool first, and dab it on with that). Should it go on pulse points, like perfume?

                        Gonna try it in the bath later.
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          Autumn, and essential oils

                          Marshy;745078 wrote: Gonna try it in the bath later.
                          This was something I did a few times my first days AF, and it was wonderful, made me feel really good, not like I was missing out on anything, but giving myself a real treat.

                          By the way, I love your new avatar, Marshy!
                          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                          AUGUST 9, 2009


                            Autumn, and essential oils

                            dancelot;745153 wrote:
                            By the way, I love your new avatar, Marshy!
                            Thank you Dancelot!

                            I tried the lavender oil in the bath. Maybe I am feeling a bit more relaxed. Difficult to tell. Smells nice though!
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              Autumn, and essential oils

                              how do the seasons effect what we should be cleansing, or is it the other way ' is what we are cleansing affected by the season we are in?

                     I have really confused myself. Basically, for a total novice, what is a good first step, and where to look for more education on this??

                              Thanks in advance greenie,


                              PS. I am following the link now, and may answer my own question, but it may create more to take its place. Thanks for this post. I find it very interesting.
                              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

